Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 853: Silent Guardian【3】

"Mutual each other." Mu Qianyue smiled, her leisurely and indifferent appearance almost didn't make Chu Mingzhi vomit blood. Before she could react, the girl's cold and devilish voice sounded above her head, "Game time End."

A blue-purple flame ignited between her fingers, and it fell on Chu Mingzhi's body, but after a while, she was burned to ashes like the three people before, without a trace.

They are lying in ambush here, obviously making arrangements early in the morning, wanting to put themselves and Qiao Zixian to death, so why should she be merciful?

"Hey, I don't have a chance to make a move." Qiao Zixian sighed depressed, Qian Yue is too strong, and with her, it seems that she has no chance to make a move, and the enemy is dead.

However, she is not suitable for shots on such occasions.

What I emphasize here is to kill the enemy with one blow, otherwise it will be very troublesome once the enemy is allowed to escape, and she is not Chu Mingzhi's opponent.

It seems that we still have to work hard to improve our strength! Otherwise, it has been protected by the light moon, and there is no room for display! She clearly said that she wanted to protect Qianyue, but she was guarded everywhere by Qianyue.

I have to say that this feeling of being guarded by a good friend is very good! very happy!

"You will have a chance to make a move in the future, let's go back." Mu Qianyue raised her lips and smiled and walked forward. The two of them quickly disappeared into the forest path one after another, leaving only one. Piles of ashes fluttered in the wind, telling death.

However, the commander’s courtyard in the East District’s accommodation area exploded because the guards discovered that four more life cards were broken in the evening, and they were all from the Tianyin Pavilion. They lost four martial artists. A lot of worries, could it be that what powerful monsters appeared on the seventh floor of the ancient world?

I heard that Chu Mingzhi's life card was also broken, you must know that she is a sixth-order martial artist!

The gap between each level is huge, and it is not so easy to cross. Although the sixth-level martial artist is not the top existence of the seventh level of the ancient world, he is also a rare master!

Is it not shocking to die suddenly like this?

Especially Mu Yongli and Mu Changsi.

In the room, Mu Yongli and Mu Changsi both had sullen faces.

"This matter is weird, Chu Mingzhi is also a Tier 6 Divine Martial Artist anyway, how could it be so easy to die? I remember it was fine when I met her this afternoon." Mu Yongli muttered to himself, the surprise in his eyes Can't cover up.

"Daddy, is it possible that Mu Qianyue did this? After all, today is the first day Mu Qianyue came out to guard Yougu Mountain." Mu Changsi said suddenly, her beautiful eyes filled with calculations and doubts.

Mu Yongli's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his eyes flashed with deep brilliance, "Yes! Today is indeed Mu Qianyue's first day to guard Yougu Mountain. I heard Chu Mingzhi say that he is going to find Mu. Qianyue’s troubles. I didn’t expect that she was killed by Mu Qianyue so soon. At any rate, she was also a Tier 6 Divine Martial Artist, so she was so vulnerable in front of Mu Qianyue? Na Mu Qianyue was only a Tier 1 Divine Martial Artist. Strength! From this point of view, this Mu Qianyue is really terrifying. He actually killed the four martial artists of Tianyin Pavilion without a little movement without knowing it!"

"Father, what we are looking for must be on her! If not, how could she, a Tier 1 Divine Warrior, have such a terrifying strength?" Mu Changsi's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Si'er, we can't wait any longer. The two brothers and sisters of Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian are on the seventh floor. If they are allowed to approach Mu Qianyue first and learn the secret of the artifact, everything will be in vain!" There was a fierce light in Wynn's eyes.

"Daddy, don't worry, I will carefully look for opportunities." Mu Changsi's lips raised a cold and evil sneer.


What surprised Mu Qianyue was that since Chu Mingzhi died, the Eastern District has become strangely quiet, and Mu Yongli has not come to trouble herself.

However, she knew it was the tranquility before the storm!

The more tranquil, it proves that the storm will become more intense in the future!

Then use the static brake, the soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover!

Another half month passed in a blink of an eye.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shone on this land, and a group of figures have already got up one after another and set off to the area they want to guard.

Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian were no exception, and went to guard on Yougu Mountain as usual, killing the beasts that rushed out of the space crack.

Because the valley mountain range is relatively large and the number of people is relatively small, usually one person has to look at the top of the mountain. Therefore, during the day, Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian are separated and only meet when they leave in the morning and come back at night.

The violent sun hung high, harsh and dazzling.

Mu Qianyue just beheaded a flame rat that rushed out of the space crack. The true vitality was spent most of it, and he suffered some injuries. The strength of this flaming rat is on the sixth-order sacred beast, it is very formidable, and it has almost taken her a lot of effort.

The seventh floor in ancient times is obviously more tiring and dangerous than the fifth and sixth floors. The loss of personnel is the most serious here.

After taking a few healing pills and Huiyuan pills, Mu Qianyue sat cross-legged, meditating and healing.


Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a sharp sword light slammed behind him, and the terrifying wind was extremely fierce, rubbing the air and making a harsh sound.

The expression on Mu Qianyue's face changed, she opened her eyes, got up quickly, and flashed to the side, which could not be avoided.


There was a loud noise.

A fierce sword light bombarded a big tree behind him, and the big tree surrounded by one person was suddenly cut off!

Mu Qianyue turned and looked around, only to see Mu Changsi slowly walking out of the forest.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it turns out that you are a Tier 4 martial artist, and you hide so deeply that I almost deceived us." Mu Changsi patted his hands, stepped forward, and raised his chin slightly like a proud peacock. Looking at Mu Qianyue with arrogance and contempt.

Mu Qianyue raised her eyes, her gaze fell on Mu Changsi's body, her eyes narrowed slightly. Although Mu Changsi and Chu Mingzhi were in the same realm as Tier 6 sage martial artists, they were stronger than Chu Mingzhi. More, this may be because of the Qinglong bloodline.

"Squatting for so long, just to attack me?" The corner of his lips slightly raised a touch of mockery.

I felt a different breath before, because I was fighting with Flame Rat and couldn't be distracted. I didn't care. I didn't expect Mu Changsi to hide in the dark.

"Hmph, so what, as long as it can defeat you, it doesn't matter by any means." Mu Changsi snorted lightly, and glanced up at the corpse of the flame rat not far from Mu Qianyue's feet, and sneered, "Now you are really inside. Yuan Li is exhausted and there is no power to fight back. Now I want to kill you easily! But I can spare your life! Mu Qianyue, are you obediently handing over the things or letting me dig them out?"

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