Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 854: Grandmaster! 【1】

"What?" Mu Qianyue pretended to be confused.

"Don't pretend! Do you know what it is! Is the ancient artifact Tongtian Pagoda in your hands?" Mu Changsi sneered, and there was a hint of excitement and excitement in his beautiful eyes. You can get Tongtian Tower, get such a divine tool, who will dare to ignore her in the Mu family in the future?

"Yes! The Tongtian Pagoda is indeed in my hands." Mu Qianyue did not hide it, her beautiful face was as cold as frost, and her black phoenix eyes contained strands of murderous intent, becoming more and more cold and ruthless.

Mu Changsi didn't notice this at all. She only heard the Tongtian Tower in her hand, filled with joy and excitement, stretched out her hand towards Mu Qianyue, and said in a commanding tone, "Hurry up and give me the Tongtian Tower!"

No wonder Mu Qianyue's combat power is so terrifying, no wonder her strength has improved so fast, no wonder her bloodline can reach the perfect level, this must be the credit of the Tongtian Tower!

In fact, all this is just Mu Changsi's imagination.

Tongtian Tower is a good ancient artifact, but it is not omnipotent.

Mu Qianyue has the current strength and the bloodline to reach the perfect level. All of this has to do with her efforts, not all the credit of the Tongtian Tower.

The Tongtian Tower only played a supporting role, which made her avoid some detours.

For example, Tongtian Pagoda gave a god-level technique such as Nine Dragon Soul Eater, which made her practice faster and made her combat martial arts stronger than others, nothing more.

Of course, if Mu Qianyue used the trick in the Nine Dragon Soul Devouring Art to devour other people's martial souls to practice, I am afraid she has already reached the realm of an emperor martial artist.

It's just that she is not rare to use this trick. After all, this trick is too insidious. Besides, she would not use this trick to kill some innocent people for cultivation. In this case, what is the difference between her and those evil people?

"If you want Tongtian Tower, you can come and take it by yourself." Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a sneer, and the life-killing sword in her hand flickered, as if she felt the hatred and anger in her master's heart.

Mu Changsi retracted his hand, her pretty face was cold and vicious, "Mu Qianyue, do you want to poison me? It's useless, I already know that you are a master at refining poison, you must have killed me with poison at the beginning My cousin, as well as the people from Tianyin Pavilion? It’s just that you didn’t expect that your poison was so powerful that even Chu Mingzhi was not your opponent, and was killed by you without even knowing it."

In the breeze, her expression became colder and cruel. She saw her palms sway, and a piece of silk paw suddenly appeared in her palms. Then she tied her face gracefully while condensing the armor of the Azure Dragon bloodline.

The fiery red armor perfectly outlines her slender figure, exquisite and elegant. I have to say that this Mu Changsi is indeed a rare beauty.

She raised her eyes and looked at Mu Qianyue coldly, and sneered, "I'm afraid your poison skills are useless this time? Ha ha... You don't have to expect anyone to come to rescue you, oh, it is impossible for Jin Yicheng to come to the rescue. Yours, because he has been held back by the person I arranged. Here is a beautiful place with beautiful scenery and a good burial place. I can let you rest here. It is already a great gift!"

Mu Qianyue raised her head and looked at this self-righteous woman indifferently, with a wimpy smile on the corners of her lips, "My poison technique has indeed reached a superb state, but why use poison to kill you?"

Speaking of the latter, Mu Qianyue's face became cold, and her tone suddenly condensed a little, and the world was filled with a strong sense of murder.

When Mu Qianyue was about to do something, a sword light suddenly blasted from the front, rushing like a stream of light, and the target was Mu Changsi right in front of her!

Feeling the sudden murderous intent behind him, Mu Changsi's expression changed, and he quickly turned around and stabbed the sword light to the side. He looked up, and saw Jin Yicheng rushing over from the jungle behind him.

Jin Yicheng is holding a blood sword, his clothes are a bit messy, and his body is covered with blood stains, especially a long and hideous wound on the front of his chest, with blood gurgling down.

There was also a wound on his handsome and flawless face. The red blood stained his cheeks, but he didn't care to wipe it off. He ran towards Mu Qianyue desperately, his figure moved and fell on Mu Qianyue. In front of him, his eyes fell motionless on her, looking up and down, "Xiao Yue'er, how are you, are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Seeing Jin Yicheng's appearance, Mu Qianyue's cold heart couldn't help but feel soft.

"Jin Yicheng? Why are you here? Didn't you get dragged by my people?" There was a quick flash of surprise in Mu Changsi's eyes.

Jin Yicheng raised his head and looked at Mu Changsi coldly, "I was indeed dragged by your people, and I almost fell in your plan. But, can you stop me with your people? Humph! Mu Changsi Si, you are really sinister!"

"Jin Yicheng, this is my Mu family's private affair, you'd better not be nosy, otherwise you will offend my Mu family, but your Jin family can't afford it!" Mu Changsi threatened with a somewhat ugly face.

Jin Yicheng is a seventh-order martial artist, and it is extremely difficult to deal with. Although he has suffered some injuries now, it does not seem to have much effect. It is best to persuade Jin Yicheng to retreat, so as not to cause some bad things.

"Threat me? You don't have that qualification yet!" Jin Yicheng said with cold eyes.

"Let’s talk about it, how do you want to withdraw from this matter? It’s no good for you to stir in. As long as you don’t care about Mu Qianyue now, I can mate my niece Mu Ru to you, she But the genius of the Mu family's bloodline has also reached the perfect level, and her appearance is not worse than Mu Qianyue at all, how?" Mu Chang thought about it.

Jin Yicheng guarded Mu Qianyue's body in such a disregard of the danger of his life, didn't he just like her face that is full of beauty? I just promised him a beauty, and Kerr's appearance is absolutely top-notch.

She has absolute confidence that Jin Yicheng will definitely agree, so good, it is a fool who does not agree!

Moreover, it is his blessing to be able to marry Ke'er. From now on, he will be the son-in-law of the Mu family. It's just that she didn't want to think, is she qualified to make decisions for Mu Ruke's marriage?

Also, she didn't even know what Jin Yi became to protect Mu Qianyue.

Mu Changsi smiled and raised his head to look at Jin Yicheng. He thought he would be excited, he thought he would be grateful, but he didn't expect to see his face that was colder than before, and the murderous intent in his eyes was a bit more intense. He couldn't help but anger. Jin Yicheng, I have promised you enough benefits, so don’t know what it is!"

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