Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 855: Grandmaster! 【2】

Jin Yicheng's face was gloomy and he almost gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you insult my affection for Xiao Yueer! She is my niece! Mu Changsi, you are a vicious and perverted woman, I killed today. you!"

With a movement, Chao Mu Changsi rushed over without hesitation.

Mu Changsi was shocked, what? Is Mu Qianyue his niece? !

How can this be? Why haven't I heard of it before? Jin Yicheng is by her side, isn't it just for Mu Qianyue's appearance? But it was too late to think, Mu Changsi quickly flashed to the side, avoiding the sword light that Jin Yicheng attacked.

Under Jin Yicheng's frenzied and fierce attack, Mu Changsi was immediately at a disadvantage, parrying in an embarrassing situation, surrounded by danger, which made Mu Changsi very angry.

After avoiding Jin Yicheng's attack, Mu Changsi quickly withdrew a few meters back. Holding a long sword, she looked at Jin Yicheng coldly, and said angrily, "Jin Yicheng, you are toasting and not eating fine wine! That's it, then. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With his fingers pinched, Mu Changsi immediately activated the Azure Dragon Bloodline talent, her strength instantly rose from the seventh-order martial artist's peak ~ peak, and her aura was immediately much higher than Jin Yicheng.

The inheritors of the Azure Dragon bloodline all have the ability to fight across tiers, which is why the bloodline inherited family is stronger than other families.

Seeing that she had displayed the Azure Dragon bloodline, Jin Yicheng immediately activated the power of the five elements, the physical power of the Jin family.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

The attacks of the two slammed together again, and there was a deafening noise.

Jin Yicheng had suffered a lot of injuries in order to get out of the siege before, and most of his true energy was lost. Just now, he fought against Mu Changsi again, so under this move, Jin Yicheng failed.

I saw that his body was like a flat boat, falling down fiercely, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, floating in the air, like a rain of blood.

Mu Qianyue's body moved, catching his fallen body, and quickly fed a liao injury medicine into his mouth, and said in a tone that cannot be denied, "Don't move, sit down and adjust your breath."

Jin Yicheng shook his head, "No! I must protect you! Seventeen years ago, I was too weak to protect Xin'er. Today I can't repeat the same mistakes! Even if I fight my life, I will I can't let you suffer any harm!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up swayingly, but he was injured too badly. Just standing up, a mouthful of blood poured from his throat, and he closed his mouth tightly~ he wanted to swallow it back.

No, he must not fall, he must stand up, he must protect Xiao Yueer!

"I told you to stay still, and still move! I don't want the uncle who I just recognized to die like this." The girl's cold voice rang in his ears, and Jin Yicheng shook all over, raised his head to look at her, his face full of disbelief Rejoicing, is Xiaoyue'er willing to admit herself? Did he hear it right? I could hear Xiao Yue'er shouting uncle, even if he died, it was worth it!

He struggled to stand up again, a smear of blood on his mouth, and a bright smile on his grin, "Since you called my uncle, I should protect you! Otherwise, how can I be worthy of my sister!"

"You are so annoying and disobedient." Mu Qianyue glared at him speechlessly, and simply tapped a few quick fingers on his chest and pressed him back to the ground.

Jin Yicheng was shocked to find that he could not move anymore!

"Little niece, what did you do to me? You let me go quickly, you are not Mu Changsi's opponent, let me come, I can still fight!"

"You just sit down, I'll take care of it." Mu Qianyue didn't look at him either, but looked up at Mu Changsi who was opposite.

Mu Changsi suppressed the constantly churning qi and blood in the body, raised his head, and snorted coldly, "Mu Qianyue, this time even the gold can't protect you. You'd better take the initiative to hand over the things and give your blood. , I will be very kind to save your life. Otherwise, when I take the shot, it will not be so easy to talk."

Unexpectedly, Jin Yicheng was so difficult to deal with and almost injured her seriously. Fortunately, Jin Yicheng's injury was heavier than himself, otherwise he might still be planted here today.

"Really? Then see if I need human protection!" Mu Qianyue's eyes were cold, and her figure suddenly disappeared from the same place, just like this, disappeared without a trace, it was a trace. Can't find it.

Mu Changsi was shocked, his complexion changed suddenly, and his mental power was radiating everywhere, but he could not lock Mu Qianyue's figure! How is this going? Her strength is obviously higher than Mu Qianyue, how could she be unable to lock her?


The sound of the long sword piercing into the chest is so clear and crisp!

Mu Changsi only felt his chest hurt. He looked down at the long sword penetrating his chest from behind. His beautiful big eyes were full of shock and incredible! She roared, countless true energy surging violently, and she broke away from the long sword in front of her chest in an instant.

Turning back, the blood was dripping, she turned her head, looked up at Mu Qianyue, shocked and angry, "How could you hurt me?"

"Nothing is impossible." Mu Qianyue's gaze was light and cold, and the light on the Extinction Sword in her hand was bright, red blood dripped from the tip of the sword, and the rest was swallowed by the Extinction Sword and released. A burst of red light seemed to be excited because of the blood.

Sitting on the ground, Jin Yicheng's eyes were also full of surprise. The sword just now was really too fast. Soon after he could not see how Xiao Yue'er shot it, he pierced Mu Changsi's chest with a sword.

And Xiaoyue'er's body style is really weird, coming and going like wind! Looks like you are really worried! Xiao Yueer could kill Chu Mingzhi without knowing it, how could he be afraid of Mu Changsi? He has forgotten that sometimes when people are nervous, they are easily confused and naturally can't remember these.

Undoubtedly, he is in such a situation now.

"You are obviously a Tier 4 divine warrior, why are you so powerful?" A flash of fear flashed through Mu Changsi's eyes. The feeling of palpitations was like the feeling that Yu Huanfeng gave her. You must know that Yu Huanfeng is The ninth-order martial artist!

"This must be the credit of the Tongtian Pagoda! It must be the Tongtian Pagoda!" Suddenly, Mu Changsi's expression became savage and crazy, and his eyes flashed with excited and greedy eyes, "Mu Qianyue, I must kill you, only Kill you, I can get the Tower of the Sky! I can get the Tower of the Sky which even Grandpa can't get, and I will be the future Patriarch of the Mu family! Haha..."

grandfather? Mu Qianyue's face turned cold, she is also one of Mu Linggang's grandchildren?

Between the black pupils, the light gradually cooled, cold and sharp.

Mu Changsi hadn't noticed this at all, and was full of thoughts about how to get the Tongtian Tower, how to become the head of the Mu family and dominate the Huanzhou Continent.

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