Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 862: Emperor? !! [2]

"The young master likes to do whatever he wants without any explanation." Mu Rutian snorted coldly.

"Really?" The gray-clothed old man's expression gradually turned savage, and he smiled without anger, the cold smile on his face was very strange, "I will clean up this woman first, and I will look for you later! I will see if you will pay back then! Can be as hard as it is now!"

Raising his hand, a palm blasted out, and it was blocked by Mu Rutian again.

The grey-clothed old man couldn't help getting angry anymore, "Mu Rutian, are you trying to fight me?"

"You can't kill her." Mu Rutian said.

"Why not?" the old man in gray asked angrily.

"The second elder, if you rushed into the seventh floor of the ancient world like this, you are already violating the rules of the wild and ancient world. Now you are going to kill people. If the law enforcement elder knows about it, you will not be let go! , You go quickly!" Mu Ruke raised his head and stood in front of Qiao Zixian.

"What kind of **** law enforcement elder I haven't paid attention to!" The gray-clothed old man glared at Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian, his bloodthirsty eyes filled with anger from the two races, "You two give I let go! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you together!"

Killing the two of them together is not bad. At that time, it will be said that Mu Qianyue did it. Anyway, no one sees it here. It happens to be able to remove two strong enemies for Lin'er, and Lin'er will have the opportunity to inherit the position of Patriarch. !

After this idea flashed in my mind, it lingered.

The gray-clothed old man's eyes on Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian were no longer the same as before, but with a bloodthirsty murderous intent.

After sensing the murderous intent in the eyes of the grey-clothed old man, Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian's expressions suddenly changed. They looked at each other and saw vigilance in each other's eyes. The palms under the sleeves were gently bent, and the true energy surged. , Has already done a defensive posture secretly.

"Dual realm!"

The gray-clothed old man sneered, and an unparalleled aura suddenly radiated from him, rushing out, and instantly wrapped Mu Ruke, Mu Rutian, and Qiao Zixian in it, under his domain. They obviously felt an unprecedented depression, as if their chest was crushed by a huge boulder!

Realm, only those who have the strength of an emperor can comprehend it. In this realm, he is the master and the king!

The ninth-level peak~the **** martial artist will never beat the emperor martial artist, because of the domain!

At this moment, Mu Rutian's face suddenly turned blue and it was very ugly, but he did not shrink back, but put Mu Ruke behind him, "Keer, when I hold him, you hurriedly tear it apart. The field escapes."

"Big brother, do you think I am the kind of person who will leave you behind?" Mu Ruke's face was dark, and there was coldness and firmness in her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, Qiao Zixian realized that Mu Ruke and Mu Rutian were not here to catch themselves! But to save her! I just didn't expect to get both of them tired!

"You really are brothers and sisters! Don't worry, I won't let you alone!" The gray-clothed old man showed a cold smile on his face, raised his hand and blasted over.

"Boom...", the fierce palm strength fell on Mu Rutian's chest, and his body flew out without any suspense, and fell fiercely on the mask on the domain, spitting out a mouthful of blood. , Fell to Qiao Zixian's side and was seriously injured instantly.

Mu Ruke tried to tear this realm apart, but her strength was too weak in front of the gray-clothed old man, she couldn't tear his realm at all!

"You want to tear up my domain even with your strength? Oh, even people of the same rank as me can't do it!" The gray-clothed old man looked cold and terrifying.

"Mu Linggang, if you killed us, aren't you afraid that the ancestor will blame it?" Mu Ruke said coldly, is she going to die here with her elder brother today?

"Will the old ancestor know?" Mu Linggang sneered with disdain, and suddenly his expression became sinister, "I didn't want to do it to you. You forced me, so I was against me! He also helped Mu Qianyue. Damn you!"

Raising his hand, another palm fell on Mu Ruke's chest.

Instant blood spattered, extremely tragic.

"No, you guys should have died long ago! Now I will send you to die together!" Mu Lingang sneered, raising his hand to shoot another palm, and the terrible palm power blasted towards Mu Ruke again.

She of the third-order martial artist, she has no power to parry in front of the emperor martial artist! It's like meat on a sticky board, it can only be slaughtered!

"Keer!" Mu Rutian was shocked, struggling to get up from the ground, rushed forward, hugged Mu Ruke, slammed her into his arms, and replaced him with his generous back Block all the storms!

"No, no, big brother..." Mu Ruke cried in despair, but her strength was too small to push him away, she could only watch the terrifying palm power instantly fall on him.


The sound of broken bones was very clear, resounding in her ears, like thunder.

For a moment, her mind went blank.

Brother is dead? The eldest brother who protected her like life died?

She even forgot to cry, only knowing that holding him tightly would he not disappear.

"My eldest lady, it's your turn now!" Mu Lingang's cold gaze fell on Mu Ruke's body, grinning with a cruel smile, "Don't worry, I will send you on the road soon. Go with him, he will not feel lonely!"

"Mu Linggang! I'm fighting with you!" Mu Ruke's eyes turned red, and suddenly she put down Mu Rutian's body, stood up, pinched the tactics with both hands, and the true energy of the whole body was mobilized and turned on at the same time. Azure Dragon Bloodline talent.

In an instant, the momentum of her body was great, and the vitality in the air rushed towards her frantically, only to see her originally slender body swelling continuously...

"Do you want to explode? In front of me, you are still a bit tender!" Mu Linggang sneered disdainfully, raised his hand and waved it, directly suppressing her gathered true energy.

A look of despair appeared on Mu Ruke's face, wouldn't God even give her the chance to blew herself up?

"Mu Linggang, if you don't know it, you can't do anything else! What you did will be discovered by my father and grandfather one day, and they will avenge my eldest brother and me! You will be avenged. of!"

"Haha...retribution? If you have strength, you have everything, how can you get retribution? If there is retribution, I am going to repay others! Haha..." Mu Ling just raised his head and laughed, his expression of disdain and contempt was clear. For one thing, only the weak will be rewarded with excuses.

He raised his hand and patted Mu Ruke's head mercilessly. The violent wind blew on his face like a knife, which was very painful.

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