Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 863: Emperor? !! [3]

But she couldn't feel it anymore.

She closed her eyes slightly, is she going to die?

Ha... Once she thought that she was strong enough to travel across the Huanzhou Continent, even if she was here at the pinnacle, she could not expect to die here so silently.


There was a loud noise.

The sharp long sword light dashed across the sky, and arrived!

The dazzling and unparalleled light illuminates the entire sky, and it overshadows the sun in the sky in an instant!

The dual realm was instantly shattered by this sudden sword, and the suppression locked on Mu Ruke instantly disappeared. She lifted her pale face, and a slender and beautiful lavender figure was instantly rushed into her beautiful eyes.

It's like coming under the colorful rays of sunlight, dazzling!

Mu Qianyue quickly approached with the Exterminating Sword and fell in front of Mu Ruke and Qiao Zixian. She raised her head and looked at the opposite Mu Linggang coldly, "Who are you? Why do you want to kill people here?"

The old man in grey clothes turned out to be an emperor!

But isn't the highest strength of the ancient seventh floor only the peak of the ninth-level martial artist?

The emperor warriors are all on the ancient nine floors!

Where did this emperor come from?

"Who are you?" Mu Linggang's eyes narrowed slightly, and doubts and inquisition surged in the yin-bird's eyes.

This seemingly very old girl has broken his dual realm! But she was obviously only a Tier 4 sage warrior! How could he break his field? Is it just that she happened to break open? !

Mu Qianyue! She is coming! When Mu Ruke saw the woman in front of him, the despair and sadness in his eyes gradually dissipated, and there was an afterthought of joy in his heart for no reason, and a sense of security to see relatives or close friends. The strange feeling even she herself couldn't understand.

"Are you Mu Qianyue?" Mu Linggang asked coldly.

"He is the grand elder of my Mu family, as well as Mu Yongli's father, and the grandfather of Mu Changsi and Mu Changnan!" After Mu Ruke was stunned for a short period of time, he immediately returned to his senses and said quickly.

"Are you Mu Linggang?" Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's face turned cold, her dark pupils were filled with a chilly breath, gradually turning red, and her whole body became cold and angry.

"You actually know my name? It seems that you have inquired about me." Mu Linggang's expression changed slightly, so she knew about the ancient artifacts and those things ten years ago! If this is the case, it will keep her even more so!

"Yes. The hatred seventeen years ago, today~ I will tell you clearly!" Mu Qianyue's anger rolled like magma.

I still remember that that year when she was still in her infancy. In order not to bring disaster to her and her elder brother and grandfather, her mother and father left them in a hurry, and even had too much time to say farewell. Seven years ago.

During the period, the fate cards of the mother and father flickered and flickered, and there were cracks, but after a long time, the fate cards returned to their original appearance.

In those years, she and her eldest brother carefully worshipped the fate cards day and night to determine the life and death of their father and mother.

With such a big hatred, now that she sees the enemy right in front of her, how can she control the anger in her heart?

"Mu Qianyue, originally I wanted to find you, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself." Mu Ling Gangyin's eyes filled with greed, "An ancient artifact, falling into your hands, is just violent. A heavenly thing, only by giving it to me can it truly exert its power! Hand over the ancient artifact! I can make you die faster!"

"Mu Linggang, you really did these things!" Mu Ruke's face changed suddenly and said angrily.

"So what? Now that you are dying, you still have time to take care of other people's affairs?" Mu Linggang sneered with disdain, and did not put Mu Ruke in his eyes. Mu Ruke and him are like a little sheep to be slaughtered, without any threat!

"Do you want to pay?"

After faintly glanced at Mu Ruke, Mu Linggang retracted his gaze, raised his head to look at the opposite Mu Qianyue, and asked in a cold voice.

"Don't think about it!"

Mu Qianyue snorted angrily, and her dress was hunting and flying, and the light on the Extinguishing Sword in her hand was shining, as if she felt the anger in her heart, she made a buzzing sound of the sword, murderous.

"Since you don't cooperate, then I can only come and take it personally!" When the words fell, a terrible pressure was instantly applied to Mu Qianyue.

As if being crushed by a hundred thousand mountains in an instant!

Mu Qianyue was shocked, the Nine Changes of Tai Chi and the Azure Dragon bloodline were all opened at this moment, and there was no more concealment. At this moment, her strength instantly soared to the peak of the 9th-order Divine Martial Artist! But the momentum of the whole body is comparable to that of a junior emperor!

This scene changed Mu Linggang's expression drastically. He made a calm face and said angrily, "No wonder Li'er, Chang Si, and Chang Nan were all planted in your hands. I didn't expect your cross-tier combat power to be so great!"

I think most of this is due to the Tongtian Pagoda!

Otherwise, Yimu Qianyue's personal strength, even if she has a perfect bloodline, can't span so much!

Tongtian Tower, he must win the Tongtian Tower!

After seventeen years of planning and seventeen years of searching, the Tongtian Tower is on Mu Qianyue's body!

I knew that this girl should be taken away instead of keeping her alive! The result was to let the tiger go back to the mountain and let her grow to such a terrible point! Otherwise, it won't be mistaken for the ancient artifact Tongtian Tower for seventeen years!

If these seventeen years are given to him, maybe he has reached the realm of the **** king!

God king!

The realm that so many people dream of!


Mu Linggang’s palm power fell on Mu Qianyue’s body, and she also knocked Mu Qianyue away with just one move, vomiting blood, but she did not lose combat effectiveness, and her injuries were relatively comparable to Mu Ru It is much lighter.

"Bing Yan, Xuan'er, you two will take the three of them to leave first." Mu Qianyue landed and stood firmly, and said to Bing Yan and Xiao Xuan'er who came from behind.

"Master, you are going to leave, you take the three of them away, and the two of us will block." Bing Yan moved and blocked Mu Qianyue's body.

"Yes! Master, we can't let you stand in front every time. This time I'm going to carry Bing Yan and Bing Yan!" Xiao Xuan'er's beautiful face is as cold as frost. Although she likes to quarrel with Bing Yan when nothing is wrong, Against the enemy, they are always the same.

"Two human-shaped pet beasts?" Mu Linggang's eyes fell on Bing Yan and Xiao Xuan'er with interest. These two pet beasts are the strength of the martial artist! Although it is a little weaker than himself, there are not many human-shaped pet beasts. You can grab one and give it to Lin'er.

Just grab this female ~ pet beast and give it to Lin'er, I believe he will like it very much!

As for this male ~ pet beast, keep it for yourself!

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