Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 864: The law enforcement elders appeared [1]

Seeing his unkind eyes fall on her, Xiao Xuan'er frowned in dissatisfaction. This old immortal, what is he doing!

Seeing his wretched and trivial look makes him feel sick!

Bing Yan also frowned in dissatisfaction, and said angrily, "I'm not dead, I advise you not to hit the deity's idea, just like you, the deity still doesn't look down on you!"

Mu Linggang was not angry, and kept looking up and down Bing Yan, "You will have no good results following that woman. Why don't you follow the old man! I am an emperor, as long as you submit to me, I promise you will be strong. Improved quickly! As for that woman, she is going to die soon! I will kill you!"

"Stupid~ Force! You can't even compare to a toe of my master, so why let me follow you? You were kicked by a donkey in the forehead, right?" Bing Yan snorted angrily.

"Xiao Bingbing, that's right, your cursing skills are good." Xuan'er admired.

"Huh! Toast and not eat fine wine! If that's the case, then you two will die with her!" Mu Linggang grunted, raised his hand and slapped two palms, and hit Xuan'er and Bing Yan severely. On the body, the two of them flew out in an instant, and they didn't even have time to defend. The shots were quick and fierce.

He knew that Beasts were very arrogant, and would generally not easily serve the two masters, so he could kill them all. Even if he did not pet the beast, he would not fear others.

He was just on a whim and wanted to raise a pet beast for fun.

"Are you two okay?" Mu Qianyue stepped forward, supporting Xuan'er and Bing Yan.

"Master, I'm fine, the strength of that old immortal is too strong, master, run quickly, Bing Yan and I can only hold you back for a while!" Xiao Xuan'er wiped the blood from his mouth and said firmly. .

"Master, you don't care about us! It is our volition to protect you, and it is our responsibility!" Bing Yan's eyes were cold as ice, cold and stubborn, looking at the opposite Mu Linggang, and reached out to wipe the blood from his mouth. The deputy didn't care about it.

"It's not my style to leave friends and run away!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, her body floated in the air, her fingers pinched, and the endless flames of the blue dragon gushing out of her body, and the power of the grandmaster-level bloodline was like a king over the earth , Like a violent storm, blasted Mu Linggang on the opposite side!

"Many arm as a car, I can't help it!" Mu Linggang sneered, his body suddenly moved, his palm bent, and he slapped Mu Qianyue fiercely.

Two majestic and terrifying forces collided together, making a sound like destroying the world. ,

The space was torn apart, revealing a huge space-time crack, and the endless black hole was like a huge open beast mouth, devouring everything in the world.

Under this vigour, Mu Qianyue was directly lifted out and fell into the endless black hole...

The fierce aura hit Mu Qianyue's chest, making her qi and blood turbulent, and her consciousness gradually blurred. The last thought before coma was, this time she should stay in the void for another year, right?

The faces of Qiao Zixian, Xiao Xuan'er and others were shocked, but they were unable to stop them. They could only watch Mu Qianyue gradually be swallowed...


A stream of light rushed from the horizon, grabbed Mu Qianyue's hand, and pulled her back. The dark blue sleeves lightly flicked, and the black hole healed instantly.

The visitor was dressed in a dark blue robe, he had a childlike look, and his eyes were clear and handsome. When he lifted his palm, he delivered Mu Qianyue to Xiao Xuan'er's hands. Only then did he raise his head and look at the opposite Mu Linggang coldly.

"Mu Linggang, as a guardian on the ninth floor, you ran to the seventh floor to kill people in vain of the law. Isn't this going too far?"

Fortunately, she came in time and saved Mu Qianyue, otherwise Kid Jing wouldn't bother her?

Mu Linggang's face changed, a little ugly, but facing the law enforcement elders, she could only endure her anger, "Mu Qianyue killed several people in my Mu family. This hatred is not shared! How can I keep her?!"

The elder law enforcement squinted his eyes, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes, "Oh? Really? Mu Qianyue is just a Tier 4 martial artist, how can he kill your Mu family? Do you have evidence? If there is no evidence, just Don't talk nonsense."

"I have no evidence, but she killed the person!" Mu Linggang's eyes were red, and his tone became dissatisfied. Had this damned law enforcement elder suddenly appeared, he would have killed Mu Qianyue!

"If you can show evidence, even if you don't do it, I won't let her go." The law enforcement elder said lightly, but his tone was light but full of irresistible majesty.

Mu Linggang's chest was violently ups and downs, the elder law enforcement seemed to be helping him with these words, but in fact he was helping Mu Qianyue. Knowing that he could not produce evidence, he asked him to take evidence. Isn't it a bullying? ?

"Since you can't produce evidence, and you are killing people here and disrupting the order of the wild ancient world, I can't protect you anymore, so let's go to the purgatory of the ancient eighth floor and accept one month's punishment! One month later you Go back to Gu Jiu, otherwise I can't explain to everyone." The law enforcement elder said lightly.

No matter how strong Mu Linggang was, he had to obey the words of the law enforcement elder. He grunted and gave Mu Qianyue, Qiao Zixian, and Mu Ruke a vicious look before turning to leave.


Mu Qianyue woke up quietly and found that she was lying in the house. The antique and elegant furnishings, tables and chairs were not her own room?

Why is she back? Do you remember that you were fighting against Mu Linggang in Yougu Mountain?

Oh, right!

She almost fell into a black hole!

How is this going? Did you have a dream?

While Mu Qianyue was suspicious, the door was pushed open with a ‘squeak’.

I saw Xiao Xuan'er walk in with a gloomy face, looked up, and saw Mu Qianyue wake up with joy on her face, and she ran forward with excitement, "Master, are you awake?! Is there anything uncomfortable? I'll find a doctor for you!"

Mu Qianyue grabbed her hand and smiled, "No need, have you forgotten? I am a doctor myself, and I can still heal myself for this minor injury."

When she woke up just now, she checked her body. There was no major problem, just a slight injury. Under the repair of the power of the stars, she was almost better.

"Where is Mu Linggang?" Mu Qianyue asked with a cold expression.

"He was punished by the law enforcement elder to go to the ancient eighth floor of purgatory, one month." Xiao Xuan'er pursed dissatisfiedly, "The law enforcement elder should have killed him directly."

Mu Qianyue couldn't help but smile, "Do you think the law enforcement elder is your father, and kill for you? It would be good if he is willing to come out and save us."

Through Xiao Xuan'er, Mu Qianyue learned that it was the law enforcement elder who suddenly appeared and rescued herself and Mu Ruke and others. In the entire wild ancient world, it is estimated that only law enforcement elders have the ability to rescue people from Linggang's men. Up.

In short, she owed a favor to the law enforcement elder.

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