Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 872: Realm of life and death! 【2】

"Yes, it's me." Yan Fengxie walked out of the jungle in front of him with a long sword in his hand. His handsome face was a cold stranger, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent, "Mu Qianyue, although you saved me before, I am very grateful, but I am here to kill you today."

When the words fell, an aura broke out from him, a mighty and terrifying aura ups and downs all over him, and the wind was blowing.

"Are you an emperor martial artist?" Mu Qianyue's face gradually sank when he sensed the change in his aura around him. It seemed that he had been in an emperor martial artist for a long time.

So what was going on on the sixth floor before? Since that time he left with Chu Yuzhen, he has never appeared again.

"Yes! My real strength is a Tier 3 Emperor Martial Artist. I used to hide my strength deliberately on the Ancient Sixth Floor! My mission was to kill you on the Ancient Sixth Floor, but I didn’t expect to be rescued by you, so that my mission Failure. This time I won't be kind anymore!" Yan Fengxie said coldly.

Because he can no longer let Qingya be disappointed with herself, so, Mu Qianyue, I can only kill you!

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue immediately understood a little bit in her heart. When Yan Fengxie faced Bing Yan and Tu Jian's attack, it was not that he was unable to resist, but because he was trying to hide his strength, he did not expose it.

As soon as his words fell, Mu Qianyue had already turned around and flew away, unfolding the stealth footwork under his feet, and then combined with the Phantom footwork, and the speed was extremely fast. She is not the kind of person who likes to stubbornly fight, knowing that she can't beat her, that's a dead brain.

Where there is life, there is hope.

When she becomes stronger in the future, she vowed to come back and find a place.

Yan Fengxie was chasing after him, and his strength was so different that his speed was faster than her, and the distance was getting closer.

A dark glow flashed in Mu Qianyue’s eyes, and she suddenly stopped in the air. She lifted her wrist lightly. Two streams of light, one red and one blue, flew down from her wrist and fell in front of her, turning into two. Taoist slender fan ~ human figure.

"Xuan'er, Bing Yan, can you two hold him for a while?"

"Master, it's okay." Xiao Xuan'er raised her head and stared coldly at Yan Fengxie on the opposite side. She shook her body and directly transformed into a solid body. The red figure spread out between the sky and the earth. The huge figure was ten. Several feet long.

The head of a huge snake has a pair of red translucent arms growing on its back, and its back is covered with barbs.

Bing Yan's body shape shook as well, transforming into the appearance of an ancient ice snake. The huge body shape was large enough to cover the sky and the sun, and the light between the sky and the earth dimmed for a while.


The two giant snakes roared at the same time, their voices trembling.

The movement here attracted the attention of some people on the nearby hills. Many people flew out of the cultivating cave and skimmed the sky. When they saw the scene ahead, they stared at the beads in surprise, "Heaven Ah! Isn't that the ancient magnanimous snake that has disappeared for a long time?"

"Huh? That seems to be an ancient ice snake! It is also an ancient beast!"

"How could Honghuang Teng snake and ancient ice snake appear here at the same time?"

"I don't know! Go and take a look!"

Yan Fengxie's face was slightly solemn. Although the strength of these two snakes was a bit strong, they were a bit worse than him, so he was not afraid at all! After he solves these two snakes, it will not be too late to deal with Mu Qianyue!

He thought Mu Qianyue would run away while he was being held back, but he didn't.

Mu Qianyue's beautiful face was cold, her fingers quickly pinched the tactics, directly activated the power of the Azure Dragon's blood, and summoned the Azure Dragon Netherfire.

Both hands control the flame to form a huge fireball in the hands, and at the same time inject the power of the stars.

The power of the stars in the whole body was mobilized at this moment, desperately pouring into the fire ball in his hand.

Qinglong Minghuo began to become violent because of the power of the stars, and Mu Qianyue was a little uncontrollable with the raging aura.

Bei~biting her teeth, Mu Qianyue slowly compressed the energy of the fireball, from the size of a basin to the size of a fist.

Although the size is twice as small, the energy contained in it is terrifying, enough to destroy the world!

Feeling the terrifying and violent power inside, Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly with a bloodthirsty coldness, raised her head and shouted at Xiao Xuan'er and Bing Yan ahead, "Xuan'er, Bing Yan, you two can do it now Get out of here!"

At the same time the Phantom's footwork unfolded and rushed towards Yan Fengxie desperately.

When Xiao Xuan'er and Bing Yan heard the words, the two of them flashed quickly and flashed to both sides, exposing the flames and wind evil in the middle.

Yan Fengxie felt the violent aura of the energy ball in Mu Qianyue's hand, and her expression suddenly changed. But at this moment, Mu Qianyue's speed was so fast that he had no time to react. Xiao Xuan'er and Xiao Xuan'er and Bing Yan dragged his feet, he had missed the best chance to dodge!

The other reason was that he thought Mu Qianyue had escaped, but he didn't expect that Mu Qianyue would never run away!


With a loud noise, the energy fireball filled with the power of stars slammed into Yan Fengxie's body, and the strong blast sound shook the world and the earth fiercely.

And Yan Fengxie was also unprepared and flew out, slamming against a mountain peak behind him!

The entire mountain peak was suddenly broken, countless dust was flying, and the flowers and trees on the mountain peak were instantly destroyed.

The earth shook violently, like an earthquake.

Those who were watching from a distance retreated quickly for fear of being affected.

"Puff!" When Mu Qianyue blasted out the energy fireball, he was too late to evacuate, and was affected by the amount. Her face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Xiao Xuan'er and Bing Yan quickly stepped forward to catch her and turned around. Fled that area.

Looking at the nearly flattened mountain peak ahead, he had completely lost the trace of Yan Fengxie, and he didn't know whether he was dead or not.

"Master, what kind of skill is this, so amazing! Why haven't I seen you use it before!" Bing Yan said with lingering fear.

"Master, your complexion is not very good." Xiao Xuan'er said worriedly.

"I'm fine, that move was newly realized by me. I didn't expect to be able to exert such great power, but the force required for this move is too much, and it has exhausted the true energy in my body." Mu Qianyue His face was still cold, the power of the stars in his body was scarce, and Qinglong Nether also became dull.

It seems that it takes a good day's rest to fully recover.

In other words, although this trick is strong, it can only be used once a day. After it is used up, the powerful sequelae will cause her to lose any power. At this moment, even an ordinary man can kill her.

The drawbacks of this trick are also very big, she will not use it when she is not a last resort.

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