Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 873: Realm of life and death! 【3】

When the onlookers saw Mu Qianyue, their eyes were filled with surprise. This girl's face is so strange!

"She really only has the strength of a Tier 4 Divine Martial Artist? It's incredible!"

"Just now I seemed to hear those two pet beasts calling her master!"

"Oh my God! Ancient Honghuang Teng Snake and Ancient Ice Snake are her favorite beasts! This is too exaggerated!"

Everyone talked a lot.

Since ancient times, one of them has been against the sky as a pet beast, which is enviable and hateful. She actually owns two ancient fierce beasts alone!

"Tsk tusk, this girl must have extraordinary achievements in the future! There are two ancient snakes and ancient fierce ice snakes by her side!"

"Could she be the newcomer recently? Mu Qianyue seems to be here!"

Someone in the crowd shouted.

"What? She is Mu Qianyue?"

"Yes, it must be her. In addition to her, there will be someone who is a martial artist, and everyone here is basically the strength of an emperor martial artist."

She is obviously a Tier 4 Divine Martial Artist, and she can beat a Tier 3 Emperor Martial Artist to half death with one move! This is simply horrible! This incident spread quickly in Gu Jiu.

Mu Qianyue did not stay too much, but quickly left with Xuan'er and Bing Yan, leaving behind a group of shocked people.

Not long after Mu Qianyue left, a beautiful slender figure hurried over and landed on the mountain peak that was almost razed to the ground.

She wrinkled her eyebrows slightly. She had clearly felt the smell of scorching wind here just now, why did she disappear? The power of the soul radiated, and it took a long time to finally feel a faint breath in the dust below.

It took Yan Qingya a lot of effort to finally dig out the Yan Fengxie buried under the dust.

At this time, Yan Fengxie is not as handsome and cold as before. He has a pale face, red blood on the corner of his mouth, and his hair and clothes are messy, covered with yellow ~ colored dust, and he looks embarrassed.


Time flickered, unknowingly half a month has passed, half a month has passed since the day when she fought Yanfengxie last time.

Her injuries have long since healed, and her breath has stabilized.

Sitting on the rock on the top of the mountain, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but squinted slightly while looking at the verdant green eyes in front of him.

These days, she has been in the realm of enlightenment day and night, but she has not been able to understand. Sometimes she feels that she has touched the threshold, but she feels nothing, which makes her very distressed.

"The domain is the perception of the heaven and the earth, and you understand the rules of space that belong to you. In this space domain, you are the master and can control the life and death of people at will. This is the rule of the domain. But the domain is intangible, and you need to use your heart. Thinking, others only give you pointers, but can't help."

Mu Lingheng's voice sounded behind him.

Mu Qianyue looked back at him, "Elder Heng, how long did it take you to understand the realm space?"

"Hehe, it took me ten years at the beginning!" Mu Lingheng smiled.

ten years? Mu Qianyue was taken aback when she heard the words, wouldn't it take her for so long?

"However, individuals have their own destiny. Some people only need five years, some only three years, and some only take one year to comprehend the realm of space." Mu Lingheng laughed, his voice said. With a touch of gentleness.

Mu Qianyue nodded as if understanding or not, it was true that everyone's understanding was different, and the time spent was naturally different.

"And not all emperor martial artists can comprehend the realm. The emperor martial artist without the realm can deal with the divine warrior. But in the same level, there are weak ones. Okay, I won't disturb you, you Keep thinking about it slowly, and remember, this kind of thing is not anxious, it takes chance."

When Mu Lingheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Need a chance?" Mu Qianyue whispered. Could it be that her chance hasn't come yet, yes, she is now a Tier 4 Divine Martial Artist, far from the Emperor Martial Artist.

Only the emperor has the opportunity to feel the realm.

But in the physical body, her strength is already comparable to that of the Emperor Martial Artist. If she can comprehend the spatial realm, then she will not be afraid of encountering a junior Emperor Martial Artist.

Mu Qianyue raised her head, gazing faintly at the setting sun on the horizon, watching it gradually fall, unknowingly the moon hung in the sky, exuding a shallow silver glow.

As the sun gradually rose from the east, the moon disappeared.

The golden sunlight illuminates the sky and the earth, setting off the flowing clouds in the sky to be red and magnificent.

Seeing the sun slowly rising from the clouds, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion, a little sad, but also amazed. In short, it was very contradictory.

Regardless of thousands of years, or thousands of years, all living beings die, the vicissitudes of life, the sun and the moon alternate, but the sun and the moon are the only eternal.

One of them represents the sun and the other represents the darkness.

They have seen all life, life and death, all the joys and sorrows of people, all the sorrow and pain...

Unconsciously, Mu Qianyue was immersed in this strange atmosphere, and an invisible field gradually formed around her.

"The sun, the moon and the stars, the vicissitudes of life, and the changing of the years, still cannot erase people's beliefs. What about life and death, but it's just a dream. Only when destiny is in my own hands, is the most real!"

The girl whispered softly, her clear voice drifting with the wind on the top of the mountain, very misty.

Subai lifted her wrist lightly and picked up a dead branch on the ground. In an instant, the dead branch in her hand seemed to come alive in an instant, and the dead tree began to grow, germinate and bloom in spring...

"How is this going?"

A touch of surprise flashed in the dark pupils, and it took a long time to return to his senses.

Not only did the dead branches in her hand come alive, but at the 500-meter range with her body as the center, all the dead branches began to recover, growing, sprouting, and flowering.

All kinds of flowers spread out behind her, gorgeous and splendid, just like a fairyland on earth.

"Congratulations, you realized the rules of domain space so quickly!" Mu Lingheng's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Mu Qianyue was taken aback, and then she turned her head and looked around and saw the flower family suddenly appearing behind her, like a gorgeous picture scroll, beautiful, breeze blowing, butterflies flying, beautiful and intoxicating.

"What's going on? Did I sit here from autumn to spring?" Mu Qianyue frowned lightly and looked confused.

"You just sat here for seven days. In seven days, you have realized the realm. It's amazing!" Mu Lingheng said with envy and admiration, thinking that it took him a full ten years back then! This person is really incomparable!

People are more angry than people!

"I just felt a strong vitality here in the cave, so I came up and looked at it and saw this scene. Presumably the realm you comprehend is life! The realm of life has never been understood by anyone in the past. You are the first one!"

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