Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 874: Infinite BUFF【1】

Mu Lingheng's voice was full of excitement and sigh.

At first he recognized Mu Qianyue as the master of the young master, and he didn't understand it very much. Although Mu Qianyue saved his life, there was no need to make her the master.

Only now did he know that the young master treats her as the master and will not suffer a loss, and this woman's future achievements must be extraordinary!

"The realm of life?" A quick surprise flashed through Mu Qianyue's eyes. It turned out that she had realized the realm of life.

What does it mean?

Can the realm of life make the dead wood come in spring, and can it also save people?

But she has the yin and yang magic needle, which can also save people. In this way, isn't it useless in this realm of life?

What she wants is an area where she can fight!

Mu Qianyue's face showed a hint of disappointment.

As Mu Qianyue's mood changed, suddenly the entire area was overwhelmed by the wind, and the gorgeous blooming flowers on the top of the mountain suddenly withered and died.

The world is full of ghosts crying and howling wolves, countless ghosts and ghosts spread their teeth and dance claws, as if they have come to the purgatory on earth.

"What's going on? How did it suddenly change?" Mu Lingheng was standing in the field, he felt a strong breath of death, and he rushed toward him, which was frightening and chilling.

Mu Qianyue's brows were also frowned, and the black pupils were full of doubts.

"I see! What you comprehend is the dual realm! Life and death! This is the realm of life and death!" Suddenly Mu Lingheng shouted excitedly, his old face showed a very excited expression, as if that comprehension was born and died. The person in the field is his average.

"The realm of life and death?" Mu Qianyue had a doubt in her eyebrows, and then she understood that there is life and death in this realm, and it is two different realms that she merged together!

Life can revive everything, and death can summon countless ghosts and ghosts, making people in this field feel that they have come to the Jiuyou Hell!

In the same way, such ghosts and ghosts can be used to fight!

After thinking about this, Mu Qianyue's lips slightly raised a smile, and with a thought, she withdrew the domain back.

"Miss Mu, the old man has never admired anyone in this life. Except for the ancestor, you are the first one." Mu Lingheng looked at Mu Qianyue with admiration and admiration, but his voice was still a bit excited, but it was much better than before.

"I can comprehend this, thanks to your guidance from Elder Heng." Mu Qianyue curled her brows and smiled.

Hearing the words, Mu Lingheng waved his hand again and again, "I just said a few words casually. The key to this understanding is your talent and your strength."

Having said that, the appreciation in his gaze towards Mu Qianyue couldn't help but increase.

This girl has a good temperament, not arrogant or impetuous, and she is not complacent or arrogant because of the rare dual life and death realm in the realm. On the contrary, she is very modest and low-key.

This world does not lack genius, it lacks the kind of low-key and humble genius.

No matter how talented a person is, if he is too arrogant, it will eventually lead to stagnation in his cultivation.

Only the modest and low-key people will continue to learn from the experience of the predecessors, step forward, and move on.

This is the difference, and this is also one of the reasons why Mu Lingheng admires Mu Qianyue the most. Few people in Bi Jian who are as old as her, have such achievements, understand humility.

"Elder Heng, what is so happy about?"

Suddenly Mu Rutian's voice sounded behind him.

"Master." Mu Rutian stepped forward, and the breeze whipped up his dark robe, setting off his tall, cold and arrogant figure, and his imposing manner.

Mu Qianyue looked up at him, "Did you break through?"

"Well, master, I am now a seventh-order divine warrior." Mu Rutian said, a smile appeared on his handsome face as he spoke, and the narrow and deep phoenix eyes were filled with bright light.

"Yes, you broke the first order in more than twenty days." Mu Qianyue said.

"It's also thanks to the red fine spar the master gave you, otherwise I wouldn't be so fast." A smile appeared on Mu Rutian's face. Who would have thought that he was a Tier 3 Divine Martial Artist a month ago. Yes, now it has reached the realm of a seventh-order martial artist.

I thought that at my own speed, I would have to wait two or three years.

Who knew that he was promoted to Tier 4 in a month!

This speed can catch up with the meteor!

"Young Master, Girl Mu has just realized the realm space, which can only be realized by the emperor martial artist! No, even some emperor martial artists can't do this!" Mu Lingheng said.

Hearing this, Mu Rutian couldn't help but stare at the boss, and looked at Mu Qianyue with horror. He heard the master mention it before retreating, and thought that the master was just talking and playing, but she did not expect that she did it! After all, before that, he didn't believe it!

How can you comprehend the rules of heaven and earth if you have not reached the level of an emperor martial artist? After all, how difficult it is!

"Moreover, what Girl Mu understands is the dual realm, the realm of life and death!" Mu Lingheng continued, looking at Mu Rutian as if watching a play.

When he saw the deeply shocked look on Mu Rutian's face, the depression in his heart could not help but fade a bit, hehe, it turned out that it was not only himself but the young master who was deeply affected! Hey, if he was the only one to be hit, it would be so annoying!

You know, it took him ten years to realize that the spatial realm is not too slow. This speed can be said to be moderate or not fast.

Unexpectedly, it took Mu Qianyue seven days to realize it, and it was still a double life and death realm!

This gap is really not that big!

Mu Rutian shrank a depressed face, the joy on his face disappeared, replaced by a deep depression, he thought he had spent 20 days to advance to the first level, this speed is already very fast, he did not expect The master is more perverted, and there is a double life and death realm in the direct realm!

It hurts people, is there anything? !

"Everyone has their own destiny, and your recent destiny is not bad." The girl's gentle voice fell on Mu Rutian's ears, causing him to wake up, his face became a little serious.

During this period of time, he was promoted so quickly that he was unstable and almost entered a selfish and narrow state. Once people's desires are not satisfied, they will only sink deeper and deeper, and lose themselves.

Fortunately, what the master said just now made him wake up.

Yes, if you are promoted to Tier 4 within a month, this good fortune can also be called the sky-defying!

Not everyone has such good luck, so why is he not satisfied?

Seeing that his temperament calmed down so quickly, Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a slight smile, "Keep on working hard, I am optimistic about you."

There was a trace of embarrassment on Mu Rutian's face, and he raised his hand and scratched his head, quite embarrassed.

"Mu Qianyue, come out for me!!"

"come out!!!"

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