Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 876: Infinite BUFF【3】

At this moment, Mu Lingheng is like a fighter fighting madman, entangled fiercely ~ pestering Mu Linggang, performing fierce attacks, even if Mu Linggang's strength is two tiers higher than Mu Lingheng, it is impossible to make a single move. Can kill Mu Lingheng.

So under this cycle, Mu Linggang didn't get a benefit, instead he was half tired, and the true energy in his body was quickly consumed by half.

Before, Mu Qianyue was still very dissatisfied with the realm of life, but now he truly feels the benefits of the realm of life. This realm is like an infinite increase in blood and blue for teammates, can it be uncomfortable?

Mu Lingheng became more excited as he fought, hahaha, the original realm of life can be used like this! It's really cool! Infinite healing and recovery of true energy, this recovery speed is much faster than those pills, it is almost a hundred times faster! As long as he does not die, he will never be defeated!

And Mu Linggang was unwilling to be angry, his eyes were filled with endless anger, "Mu Lingheng, you despicable villain, have the ability to fight alone with me, relying on a little girl to support you behind. what?"

Mu Lingheng sneered disdainfully, "Idiot! Want to use agitation method to arouse me? Tell you, it's useless! If you have the ability, you can also find someone with the realm of life to help you! Haha..."

Mu Linggang's face turned pale when he heard this, and it was extremely ugly.

Since ancient times, there have been very few people in the field where the field was born! Did he think he was catching loach? Just grab one at random?

After a while, Mu Linggang felt that the battle was getting more and more strenuous. He knew that it would not be good for him to continue fighting like this. If he wanted to defeat Mu Lingheng, he had to kill Mu Qianyue, otherwise, he would only be consumed. dead!

After thinking about this, his face became cold, his figure moved suddenly, and he suddenly disappeared from where he was. When he reappeared, he had already come behind Mu Qianyue and slapped it fiercely.

His speed was so fast that Mu Qianyue had no time to react, so she was knocked into the air by a palm, and fell out fiercely, her face turned pale, and she opened her mouth to spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Mu Qianyue struggled for a while, and stood up from the ground. Mu Linggang's palm was so heavy that all her internal organs shook, as if they were displaced. She was extremely uncomfortable, but fortunately she didn't suffer much injury. .

With a move of thought, he summoned the field of birth, and in the blink of an eye, the injuries on his body were instantly healed!

This scene made Mu Linggang stared in horror. How could this be possible? You know that the palm just now carries 70% to 80% of his power. Even a Tier 9 Divine Martial Artist can't stand it. He will definitely break his veins and die.

But she just vomited blood and was fine?

What he didn't know was that Mu Qianyue's body was comparable to that of an ordinary martial artist?

The strength of the body is definitely comparable to the emperor warrior!

This is why she can catch Mu Linggang's palm.

"Mu Linggang, even if I can't kill you today, I will definitely ask you to peel off!" The girl's dark pupils were gleaming with cold light, and three thousand ink-like blue silks danced wildly behind her with endless aura. Emanated from her slender and graceful body.

The lavender dress had no wind, and a breath of extreme coldness with a sense of death exuded around her, quickly enclosing Mu Linggang inside.

The bright world dimmed in an instant, as if it was suddenly dark.

The yin wind howled in anger, a hundred ghosts were crying, and the ghosts howled, countless resentful spirits and evil ghosts danced wildly between the heaven and the earth, their teeth and claws were dancing, and they rushed towards Mu Ling!

Mu Linggang was shocked and pale, with a shocked and astonished expression on his face. He didn't seem to react from the deep shock. What's the matter? Was the sky clear just now? Why is it suddenly dark? What's the matter with these ghosts and ghosts? Is this purgatory on earth?

For a moment when he was stunned, a demon pounced on Mu Linggang's arm, and severely tore off a piece of flesh and blood. The pain caused him to grin in canthus. He also reacted in an instant, and kept moving his palm. These surrounding ghosts and spirits rushed away.

Mu Qianyue stood in the field like this, watching Mu Ling just like a lunatic, surrounded by those resentful spirits and evil spirits, constantly waving his hands.

The eyes of Mu Lingheng and Mu Rutian showed a trace of fear and surprise. They did not expect the Realm of Death to be so strong! Even Mu Linggang was trapped!

The realm of death is not like other realms. While it symbolizes death, it also has the effect of illusion, so Mu Ling would have been lost in it just now.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise.

Suddenly Mu Linggang smashed all the evil spirits around him with a palm, sneered, "I know! This is the realm! This is the death realm!!"

After all the wraiths and ghosts dispersed, the slender and elegant lavender figure was revealed.

"Mu Qianyue, I didn't expect that what you realized was the dual life and death realm! I really underestimated you before!" Mu Linggang looked at Mu Qianyue coldly and sneered.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes lightly, and her long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed a faint glow. She didn't expect Mu Linggang to rush out of her death domain so quickly, his strength was stronger than she thought!

"Young Master, you quickly take Girl Mu, I'll stop here." Mu Lingheng moved and blocked the front.

"Master, go quickly, Elder Heng and I are dragging him here..." Mu Rutian shouted towards Mu Qianyue.

There was never a moment that made him feel so useless! I thought that the advancement had become the realm of the seventh-order divine warrior, and he didn't need to fear many people or things, but he didn't expect that in such a battle, he would not even have the opportunity to intervene.

The joy of the seventh-order divine warrior who had just been promoted also disappeared.

"Rutian, Elder Heng, I will not leave you behind and run away alone." A firm light flashed through Mu Qianyue's black pupils.

She can't do such a thing! Can't do it!

"Huh! Don't you three want to run! Don't worry, I will let you die without pain!" Mu Linggang grinned, showing cold and yellowed teeth, with a grinning grin, "Now let you come. Taste my dual realm!"

An invisible aura spread out, revealing behind Mu Qianyue, Mu Lingheng, and Mu Rutian, locking them firmly into it.

Mu Lingheng's face changed, and he quickly reached out to pull the defense behind him, and he opened a mouth with a ‘hiss’, his face was overjoyed, and he didn’t even have the mind to guess why it was so easy.

When he stretched out his hand and grabbed at the opening, he realized that there was still a layer of defense, and tore it apart again, there was still a layer of defense! It's like it can never be finished!

This is Mu Linggang's dual domain!

Unlike Mu Qianyue's life and death realm, his dual realm has two layers of protection, and the chance of trying to pull him out of his realm is very small!

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