Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 877: Kill the emperor warrior! 【1】

"Haha, in my domain, I see how you will escape this time!" Mu Lingang raised his head and laughed, with a very cold expression on his face. He bowed his head, and his bloodthirsty eyes fell on the three of Mu Qianyue. His body is like a fierce and unmatched wolf, seeming to tear people to pieces at any time!

"Master, I'm sorry, I can't protect you..." Mu Rutian turned to look at the woman beside him, his eyes full of guilt and apology.

"Rutian, your talent is already very good. No one among your peers can beat you. It's just that we have met an old monster like Mu Linggang who has lived for hundreds of years. If you give us hundreds of time , We will definitely be better than him." Mu Qianyue counseled.

Mu Rutian was taken aback when she heard the words, staring at her with a bit of astonishment, and she couldn't help feeling moved. At this moment, she was still in the mood to comfort herself...

"Huh! Death is coming, I'm still boasting here!" Mu Linggang said displeased. He had to admit that Mu Qianyue was telling the truth. If Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian were given hundreds of years , They will definitely be better than themselves!

No, it doesn’t even take hundreds of years, maybe only a few years, more than ten years is enough!

But he won't give them so much time! He will not be so stupid to leave the danger behind, he will solve them now to resolve future problems!

Raising his hands, the terrifying true energy gathered in his palm, and he slapped it forward!

"Mu Linggang, I am dead, and I won't let you hurt Young Master and Girl Mu!" Mu Lingheng roared, pinching his fingers, and countless Azure Dragon's blood flowed from his body, and he was burning. Azure Dragon Bloodline!

In Mu Linggang’s dual realm, Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian couldn’t resist at all, but Mu Lingheng was different. At any rate, he was a Tier 2 imperial warrior. Although his strength was mostly restricted, his actions However, it is much better than Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian.

Suddenly, he saw Mu Lingheng's momentum soaring, he let out a roar, grasped his fist, and slammed Mu Linggang's chest fiercely!

"Hmph! Hit the stone with an egg, not at your own discretion!" Mu Linggang sneered, and also activated the Azure Dragon Bloodline talent, clenched a fist, slammed it, and hit the shadow of the fist swayed by Mu Lingheng severely.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise.

Mu Lingheng's body was blasted out suddenly, hit the domain space, bounced back, and was blasted away by Mu Linggang again.

"Elder Heng!" Mu Rutian's eyes were red, and he was extremely angry, but his power was too weak for Mu Linggang. He was hit by Mu Linggang just as he rushed forward, and he was seriously injured in an instant.

Mu Linggang's five fingers clasped Mu Lingheng's throat tightly, and his expression was extremely cold, "Mu Lingheng, you really protect the lord! It's a pity, your loyal patriarch can't see it anymore."

"Ahhh! Asshole! I want to die with you!" Mu Lingheng broke free from his restraint, a touch of determination appeared on his old face, his hands were pinched, and the vitality between heaven and earth quickly rushed towards him.

I saw his body quickly exploded, like a normal ball.

"Want to explode? No way! I will never allow it!" Mu Linggang sneered, his figure moved, and he slapped Mu Lingheng's head fiercely on the Baihui acupoint.

Mu Lingheng's face became stiff, his eyes widened, and a touch of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and the atmosphere on his body instantly leaked, like a deflated ball.

Blew failed.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Mu Lingheng's body fell to the ground and passed out completely.

"Huh, old stuff, go to hell!" Mu Linggang looked ruthless, raised his foot, and stomped on Mu Lingheng's chest on the ground, his true power running under his feet.

If that foot stepped on Mu Lingheng's body, he would definitely die instantly!


Just as Mu Linggang's foot was about to step on Mu Lingheng's chest, suddenly a flame appeared out of thin air and hit his feet.

The red hot breath caused the temperature in the air to rise rapidly.

Mu Ling was shocked, and quickly retracted his feet, except that the shoes under his feet were melted!

What a great flame!

After Mu Qianyue rescued Mu Lingheng, she quickly returned to her place and quickly fed Mu Lingheng a healing pill. In Mu Linggang's realm space, she could not use the realm of life.

Mu Ling just raised his head and looked towards Mu Qianyue, with extremely cold eyes, "A flame condensed from the blood of a green dragon? Mu Qianyue, you are making me more and more curious."

This young girl not only realized the dual life and death realm, but also condensed the blood of the Azure Dragon into a flame!

This talent and creativity even he has to admire!

It's a pity that he is not his own granddaughter. If he has such a gifted granddaughter, would he still be afraid that he won't be able to compete for the position of the master of the family?

Among all his children and grandchildren, only Lin'er has the best talent, but compared with Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian, it is not a little bit worse! It's a big chunk!

"I heard that you have a perfect bloodline. However, I only have a 9th grade bloodline. Let me try the power of the perfect bloodline!" Mu Linggang sneered, and now he is not in a hurry to kill Mu Qianyuehe Mu Rutian.

In his domain, the two of them are just ants, and they can pinch to death by themselves.

Why not play with them first, and then slowly torture them to death!

Suddenly, an idea emerged in his heart. If the perfect bloodline of Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian were drawn and refined into a pill for Lin'er to take, would Lin'er's bloodline also become Perfect?

After this idea burst out, Mu Linggang's eyes suddenly became enthusiastic and crazy, and the deep and secluded eyes flashed with terrible greed and calculation.

Thinking of this, Mu Linggang could not wait to display the talent of the Azure Dragon bloodline, a majesty from the bloodline exuded, unparalleled powerful.

"Bloodline suppression!"

Mu Qianyue's expression became cold, and she displayed the power of blood without hesitation.

If you talk about combat power alone, she is not his opponent, but if you talk about the power of blood, in this regard, she can definitely crush him!

The thin and thin figure of the girl immediately exudes a cold, terrifying, majestic and mighty aura like the stars and universe! Ruthlessly pressed against Mu Linggang like a storm!

After feeling this blood aura, Mu Linggang's face changed drastically. Is this a perfect bloodline? The perfect bloodline is so powerful? It made him feel palpitations and fear!

"Bloodline suppression!"

At the same time, Mu Rutian squeezed the tactics, immediately displayed the power of blood, and madly pressed towards Mu Linggang!

Mu Linggang's face changed suddenly and it was very ugly. A feeling of infinite fear and palpitations filled his heart, which made him feel a sense of fear and gave up the idea of ​​resistance!

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