Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 893: Don’t forget the heart...【3】

"The reason why Jing didn't refute your words was not because he was afraid of you, but because you were my friend. He didn't want to embarrass me and make it difficult for me to do it. That's why he tried to endure you again and again!"

The girl's crisp and powerful voice slowly sounded in the forest, and she said slowly.

Every word clearly fell in Moshang Fengling's ears, in everyone's ears.

Mo Shang Feng Chime's body shook, his eyes changed constantly, and the expression on his face became uncertain, a little embarrassed and a little green.

A sense of nameless anger hit her heart, making her very annoyed, but she had to admit that what Mu Qianyue said was the truth!

Yes, she really hates men these years, and even hates those handsome men who are all over the country, especially those like Nalanjing, who are peerless in appearance, a young genius, and are so gentle to Mu Qianyue. It reminds her of the past involuntarily...

Once that man was like Nalanjing, affectionate and dedicated, holding her in the palm of his hand for care, but it was an elaborate scam!

When she delivered her sincerity, I gave her many remarks, the ruthless betrayal, the ruthless pain, so that she completely ruined her appearance, even crippled her leg!

When she accidentally fell into the Wild Gujiu, she settled down here, living alone in Yinfeng Mountain, and no men were allowed to approach it!

If anyone dares to get closer, he will kill without mercy!

So the people here gave her a nickname, Yin Crazy Po.

Gradually, she almost thought that she was a crazy woman, and almost forgot her original name.

Mu Qianyue felt sad when she felt Moshang Fengling's mood changes, but she had to say some things.

"Senior Wind Chime, you have been trapped in hatred for too long, so you have lost sight of the world with your normal eyes! Deep hatred and hatred are naturally to be avenged. I am a person who has always been avenged, but at the same time, don’t lose your heart , Don’t let yourself be trapped in endless pain and hatred. Otherwise, even if you take revenge, you will never feel happy in your life. Let go of yourself, let go of your heart, and make it more happy..."

Mu Qianyue sighed and continued.

"Don't forget your heart..."

The expression on Moshang Fengling's face gradually became confused, her eyes narrowed, and she looked at the distant sky, as if she was caught in the long and painful memory, and she seemed to be flying...

"Lady, it turns out that you take me so seriously, and you are so moved for your husband." Nalanjing's purple eyes were filled with affection, touch, joy and so on. He couldn't help reaching out and squeezing Mu Qianyue's hand. .

The girl's pretty and serious face was so fascinating in the sun, it made him feel like he was holding her in his arms, and he did exactly that.

In this life, she is enough.

She understands his heart, his love!

Looking at the men and women embracing each other, watching the happiness on their faces, Mu Rutian only felt that his heart was mixed, sour and depressed, but also slightly joyful. It was really a contradictory feeling.

Suddenly, his gaze fell on Mu Qianyue's face, and a glimmer of light flashed in his mind.

Could it be that he felt that way after he fell in love with Mu Qianyue?

Gradually, he lowered his head to cover the light in his eyes. It turned out that this was the feeling of liking a person. It was really sad!

"Mu Qianyue, I like you!"

Suddenly, Mu Rutian's serious and firm voice sounded beside him.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's face became stiff, she lifted her head from Nalanjing's arms, and looked at him with astonishment.

Nalanjing's handsome face suddenly turned black, and anger was surging in her purple eyes, Huohuo gritted his teeth, is this muddler looking for death? When he was in love with Yue'er, did he come to confess?

Mu Rutian directly ignored Nalanjing's hatred gaze that could almost spit out fire, snorted lightly, turned his head to look at Mu Qianyue and said.

"Mu Qianyue, I like you! I didn't realize that I really like you until now! Even though I treat you as the master, it does not prevent me from liking you!"

Nalanjing finally couldn't help it, feeling that a big green hat was worn on her head, "Mu Rutian, do you want to die?"

"Huh! Nalanjing, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid! Even if you kill me, you can't stop me from liking her!" Mu Rutian met his gaze without fear.

Mu Qianyue suddenly felt a big head, which one is this singing?

Mu Lingheng was already stunned, and his old face was full of consternation.

In other words, he also thinks Mu Qianyue is really good! She is also the inheritor of the Mu family. Regardless of whether Mu Qianyue will return to the Mu family in the future, if the young master can marry her as his wife, this is really a very good thing!

Although they were born in the same generation a thousand years ago, the blood and generations between them have faded a long time ago, so there is no problem with them getting married.

"Mu Rutian, I warn you, Yue'er is my lady, if you dare to hit her idea, I will care if you are the young master of the Mu family or whoever, I will kill you!" Nalan Jing said angrily.

Really mad at him! Finally, without Chu Tiange and Huo Xi by Yue'er, now another Mu Rutian popped out!

Hey, no way, who makes Yue'er so good!

He really wants to hide Yue'er so that no one is coveted!

But he wouldn't do it. In this case, Yue'er would not be happy either. She likes a free and unrestrained life. He loves her and respects everything about her.

All he can do now is to cut off these rotten peach blossoms one by one!

Humph! !

"Nalanjing, to be honest, my status and talent are not much worse than yours, but your luck is like I met Mu Qianyue first!" Mu Rutian said dissatisfied, as he looked at Mu Qianyue "Qianyue, don’t worry, I won’t make you embarrassed! I didn’t say these words to make you choose me! I just want to tell you my heart! I will still abide by the agreement in the future Around!"

"Nalanjing, if you do something that I am sorry for Qian Yue someday, I will definitely **** her over without hesitation!"

After all, Mu Rutian raised his head and looked at Nalanjing provocatively. He raised his eyebrows proudly.

Mu Qianyue shook her head with a headache, no, she needed to find a place where no one was shocked!

Turn around and walk away.

Moshang Fengling had already recovered from the previous confusion, watching Mu Qianyue hurriedly fleeing, there was a slight smile and envy in her eyes.

What the little girl said just now made her very unhappy, but it is also true. She has been immersed in hatred and pain for too long these years.

Let go of yourself, let go of your heart, let it be more happy...

Life is not only for revenge, but also for finding happiness and joy!

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