Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 894: Let go [1]

To be honest, she really envied the little girl now, there are two men like this who are desperate for her.

Especially Mu Rutian, who knew that Mu Qianyue was married, but still willing to guard her silently.

Yes, she should let go and make herself a little more happy.

As the little girl said, grudges are naturally to be repaid, but happiness must not be less, otherwise life will be boring.

After thinking about it this way, Moshang Fengling felt that he felt very little at ease in his heart suddenly, as if the shackles that he had carried on his body long ago disappeared, and there was no more painful pressure.

The relaxation of the heart gave her a sense of excitement of flying, and gave her the pleasure of yelling loudly. Thinking about this, she did exactly that, standing on the steep and curving path, facing the mountain Loudly vent the pain that has been in my heart for 20 years!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

The crisp and loud voice reverberated in this world, as if responding to wind chimes on Moshang.

"Hahaha...It's really fun to shout like this!" Moshang Fengling couldn't help the corners of his lips lightly raised, revealing a pleasant smile.

"It seems that you really want to drive." Mu Lingheng didn't leave, couldn't help but smile.

"Well, all this is due to the little girl, otherwise I will be stuck in it for the rest of my life and can't extricate myself." Mo Shang Fengling said with lingering fear, without these shackles, without the pain, life is really easy! I feel much better!

She couldn't help but feel a sense of luck, but fortunately she met the little girl.

The little girl not only cured her face, her poison, but also her heart! And all she wants is Qise Hua, and staying with her for three years, the reward is really too light!

It's a pity that she can't stay with her for a long time after all, because she still wants to take revenge!

You can let go, but you can never let go of those bitches!

"Ka Ka..."

At this moment, suddenly there was a muffled sound from the dantian, and an invisible and majestic aura erupted from Moshang Fengling.

Her eyes widened in surprise, her face full of disbelief.

"I... broke here?"

"Congratulations, for breaking through to the realm of a seventh-order emperor warrior! Tsk tsk tsk tsk, suddenly jump two steps, really envy me." Mu Lingheng said with envy.

Mo Shang Fengling gathered her thoughts, and the surprise and shock in her eyes slowly faded. Without the shackles and pain of those fetters, her mind was relaxed as never before, and she successfully broke through!

How many years has it been?

I haven't been promoted for about 20 years!

After she was injured and poisoned that year, her strength has not improved any more, but has been going backwards, and now she has finally risen to two levels!

Twenty years!

Let her see hope again!

If it weren't for Mu Qianyue's remarks, I am afraid she is still stuck in the pain of deep water~heat, unable to extricate herself, let alone improve her strength.

The advancement of strength is also related to the state of mind.

"Girl Mu is really good. Not only is she talented, she is also very lovable. She is also very righteous, decisive in character, and clear of grievances and grievances." Mu Lingheng happily praised, "There are many talents in Huanzhou, but few can To do what she is, which of those geniuses is not relying on their own talents and strength, or family status, to dominate?"

"Yes." Moshang Fengling couldn't help taking a deep breath, and her eyes became distant. How could she before?


After returning to the cave on the top of Luyun Mountain, Moshang Fengling found Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing.

"Little girl, Nalanjing, I'm here to apologize for what I said before."

A flash of surprise flashed in Mu Qianyue's eyes, "Senior Wind Chime, there is something wrong with me, too. My tone of voice was too heavy before."

"No! You are right, it was me who was wrong. If it weren't for your words, I would never wake up. It was you who made me understand a lot. Relaxed my soul and relaxed the pain and hatred. I have Breaking through two levels in a row, now I am a seventh-order emperor martial artist." Mo Shang Fengling said seriously.

Um... Mu Qianyue touched her nose. She didn't expect her words to have such an effect. She just hoped that Moshang Fengling would not be immersed in pain and hatred all the time. Unexpectedly, it had such a big effect. what!

"Senior Wind Chime, that's really congratulations to you." Mu Qianyue smiled lightly.

"Nalanjing, I hope you don’t mind what happened before, and I won’t look at you like that again in the future. Whether you are good or bad, I believe the little girl’s heart is clearer, and I believe her eyes. How could the man be worse?" Mo Shang Fengling turned to look at Nalanjing and said.

A quick surprise flashed through Nalanjing's purple eyes, her white chin was lightly raised, and the corners of her lips were slightly curved. "Senior Wind Chime doesn't need to be so polite. Since we are all friends, we naturally won't care about this, right?"

Nalanjing's generous and tolerant also made Mo Shang Fengling a little ashamed. She said that about him twice before, but he didn't care at all.

Saying that he didn't care, that was because Nalanjing had never taken her seriously before, so naturally he didn't care.

But since Moshang Fengling is here to apologize now, then he will also say that he will treat her as a friend.

Real friends don’t care about those things, after all, who doesn’t get into trouble?

"Haha, everyone will be friends from now on, senior wind chime, I won't call you senior again in the future, so boldly, how about calling you wind chime?" Mu Rutian smiled, and the hearty voice broke the short-lived embarrassment and made the atmosphere. Become more harmonious.

"Just call me wind chimes, I'm only eighteen years older than you." Mo Shang Fengling smiled.

"It's more convenient and easier to call this way." Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly.


It was getting dark, and there was silence between the sky and the earth.

The cloud cave on the top of Luyun Mountain is very large and spacious. The surrounding stone walls are inlaid with illuminated moonstones, and the light and warm light shines on the room stones, reflecting a glazed brilliance, gentle and not dazzling.

Although Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian had been added to Yundong before, Moshang Fengling and Nalanjing were now added, but it was still not crowded at all.

Yundong is near the top of Luyun Mountain, with eight caverns in total.

Now Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing live in one room, and the remaining Mu Rutian, Mu Lingheng and Moshang Fengling are in one room, and a few rooms are vacant.

The bright moon rose in the middle, and the water-like moonlight fell on the dark branches in the distance, as if stained with frost.

Mu Rutian couldn't sleep wearing a cloak and sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the stars in the sky, as long as he thought of that woman in his heart, he felt that the world was beautiful.

Although the day's confession was a bit reckless, he did not regret it. Yes, he did not regret saying it. His liking for her is not possession, nor does it necessarily have to be possessed. It can be guardian, as long as he stays by her side. Looking at her every day, I feel happy.

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