Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 895: Let go of oneself【2】

It’s just that the man doesn’t look pleasing to the eye.

That man naturally refers to Nalanjing.

"Well, when Nalanjing leaves, life will become better." Mu Rutian laughed to himself.

"Being beautiful? Unfortunately, it can't be as you wished."

As soon as his voice fell, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the silent air.

Mu Rutian was taken aback, turned his head and looked around, and saw that Nalanjing didn't know when he had come behind him. There was a wicked sneer on his handsome face, and the strange and cold light glowed in his purple eyes, and his hands were shaking. , Huohuo molar.

"What do you want to do?" Mu Rutian frowned, staring at the man approaching with caution.

Nalanjing grinned, showing a wicked smile, "What do you think I want to do?"

"Huh! Do you want to kill someone? It's too late! Qianyue already knows what I want!" Mu Rutian said coldly.

"Don't worry, I won't kill people, I just keep you from talking for a long time." Nalanjing's figure moved, and instantly came to Mu Tianru's eyes, slender fingers twisting a silver needle. Suddenly pierced Mu Rutian's dumb point.

"What the **** did you do to me?" Mu Rutian was shocked and said, opening his mouth. The strange thing is that he couldn't make a sound!

"Well, it's finally much quieter like this." Na Lanjing showed a satisfied smile on her face, reached out her hand and pulled out her ears, wiped her fingers on Mu Rutian's clothes again, and smiled, "It's because of Yue'er's face. , Don’t cut your tongue~head, otherwise you think your tongue~head can be kept?"

After that, he punched Mu Rutian's face without mercy. With a ‘bang’, Mu Rutian’s eyes became panda eyes. After a while, the other eye also became panda eyes.

"Well, that's the match!" Nalanjing muttered to herself.

Poor Mu Rutian couldn't yell, but could only let out an angry whine.

He turned around to run, but was taken back by Nalan Jing. It was too easy to deal with Mu Rutian in his domain space, "I haven't beaten him yet, you want to run? The courage that I confessed to my lady today Where did you go?"

Hearing this, Mu Rutian's face changed, his expression turned into death, his eyes staring at Nalanjing with cold disdain, there is a kind of you killed me!

"I said I won't kill you, the world will be better if you live!" Nalanjing smiled.

"Boom boom..."

After a while, Mu Rutian's entire handsome face turned into a pig's head, and finally knocked him out.


Early the next morning, after Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling, Mu Lingheng and others got up, they found Mu Rutian with a huge pig-headed face, and they were shocked.

Especially Mu Lingheng, a heart trembling~trembling~trembling, "Young Master, what's wrong with you? Why is your face beaten like this? Who did it?"

Moshang Fengling also cast a confused and surprised look at him.

Only Mu Qianyue frowned and looked up at Nalanjing. Is it related to you?

Nalanjing looked at her in surprise, lady, how did you know that I did it?

When are you jealous when you don't punch someone in the face? Mu Qianyue rolled her eyes speechlessly, remembering that Nalanye and Jun Lintian were also beaten into pigs by him...

Nalanjing chuckled, reached out his hand and touched his chin, with a thoughtful look on his face, as if yes, it seems that he has to change his strategy in the future! Otherwise, Yue'er could tell at a glance that she did it herself.

"Rutian, where did you go last night? Did you fight with others?" Mo Shang Fengling asked.

"Woo..." Mu Rutian found that he was still unable to speak, and was very depressed. He raised his head to look at Nalanjing who was aside, staring at him fiercely.

Mu Lingheng and Mo Shang Fengling cast doubtful glances at Nalanjing, with surprise in their eyes. What did he do?

"It's like this. Last night Mu Rutian said he couldn't sleep, so he had to ask me to learn from him, and asked me to give him tips. With a spirit of being helpful, I resisted the urge to go to bed and practiced with him. "Na Lanjing said as he walked to Mu Rutian's side, stretched out his hand to hook his shoulders, and made him look like a good brother.

"Hey, Mu Rutian is over-cultivating...I know you really want to improve your strength quickly, but this is not anxious, you need to take it step by step slowly." As he said, he reached out and patted Mu Ru. There was a solemn expression on Tian's shoulder, his handsome face.

"Oh, that's the case. Young Master, Young Master Nalan is right. You can't rush about cultivation. Be careful to act too hastily and become crazy." Mu Lingheng looked worried.

"Haste is not fast, come slowly." Mo Shang Fengling nodded in agreement.

Pooh! What he said is all nonsense! What caused it for cultivation, this is obviously his public revenge! Mu Rutian wailed in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't say a word.

He didn't know what Nalanjing had done to him, it was just that a silver needle pierced his body somewhere and he couldn't speak.

Mu Qianyue naturally knew that Nalanjing was opening her eyes and talking nonsense, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes speechlessly. This guy still couldn't fix his jealous problem!

With a movement of his mind, he summoned the field of birth and healed all the injuries on Mu Rutian's face.

The bruises on his face receded, and he suddenly returned to his original handsome and cold appearance.

Raising the palm of his hand, he lightly patted Mu Rutian's body, and immediately solved the dumb acupoints on Mu Rutian's body.

As a pill doctor, she naturally saw the reason why Mu Rutian could not speak at a glance.

"Huh..." Finally he was able to speak, Mu Rutian took a heavy breath, but he didn't immediately trouble Nalanjing. He knew that he couldn't beat him, but he still went on. Isn't he asking for hardship?

Besides, Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Lingheng were both present. If they say it now, wouldn't it let everyone know that he was beaten because of his confession.

In that case, his face will be lost...

Humph! It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, Nalanjing, you wait for me!

Mu Rutian raised his eyes and gave Na Lanjing a vicious look.

There was a wicked smile in Nalanjing's purple eyes. He had already seen this clearly before thinking about it, so he was more confident.

Mu Qianyue shook her head helplessly, but her gaze at Nalanjing was still full of tenderness and affection.

Three days later, it was time for the city of dreams to open.

The place where the city of dreams opened is still on the platform of the competition.

In addition to Mu Lingheng, Mu Qianyue and his party, Nalanjing, Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian all came to Tongtiantai, and the others arrived one after another, a total of twenty people.

Among the crowd, Mu Qianyue suddenly found Yan Qingya's figure, her eyes narrowed involuntarily.

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