Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 899: Dream City【4】

"If you go in, you go in alone."

The old man glanced at the young girl. If it wasn't for the young master's face, he wouldn't want to be with her, the young lady has such a big air!

"Cousin, let's go in now and take all those treasures home! Let no one else get them." The girl coldly glanced at the old man, but when she looked at the young man, there was a hint of flattery in her eyes. With a smile, he ran forward and took his arm.

With a trace of disdain in his eyes, the old man glanced at the young girl coldly, found a place under the tree and sat down.

"Hey, I asked you to stand up and go in with me. Why did you sit down?" The girl looked at the old man with dissatisfaction and disgust, her voice sulking.

"Qingshuang, don't make trouble! If you don't obey anymore, don't follow us anymore!" The young man showed a trace of displeasure in his eyes, and pulled out his hand calmly.


"I want to enter you alone!" The young man coldly dropped a word, and sat down beside the old man, obviously not wanting to bother her.

"Okay, it would be better to stay here for one night." The girl had no choice but to curb her temper, walked to the man's side and asked, "Cousin, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry." A helpless expression appeared on Situ Mingrui's face, "Qingshuang, just sit down and rest. Don't toss about it anymore."

Hearing that the girl pouted very dissatisfied, suddenly a leaf fell from the tree, which happened to fall on her hair, she looked up and saw a black shadow on the tree, her expression changed greatly, "Who is on the tree? Come down to me!"

When the words fell, the long sword in his hand was out of its sheath with a'swish'. In the darkness, only a cold light like snow flashed across the dark night, and a sword light slashed upwards fiercely. It was Mu Qianyue who was lying down. local.

It was just that the sword light did not touch Mu Qianyue, so it was swept back by Nalanjing, and instead fell on the girl's body and hit her chest, only to see her face pale, and a mouthful of blood came out.

The body fell backward and was supported by Situ Mingrui.

Both Situ Mingrui and the old man showed shocked and vigilant expressions, "Who is sneaky?!"

The next moment, a lavender figure fell from above.

The girl's exquisite and beautiful face appeared in front of her eyes, and the bright moonlight fell on her face, as if she was coated with a layer of silver frost, which made her look more cold and peerless, as if she was left behind and independent of the lotus.

The dress flies like a butterfly dancing in the dark night.

Situ Mingrui couldn't help but stared blankly, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Pump puff..."

Three figures fell from the tree again.

"Lady, are you okay?" Nalanjing walked towards Mu Qianyue, her purple eyes showing concern.

"I'm fine." Mu Qianyue shook her head.

Lady? Situ Mingrui was stunned when he heard the words and looked at Nalanjing on the side. He couldn't help but be slightly stunned. The man wore a white robe like snow, slender and clean, and his jade-like face was indifferent, delicate and evil, especially Those purple eyes.

It was as clear as colored glaze, but it was filled with the aura of evil charm and temptation. Two different auras were perfectly integrated and displayed on him.

At this moment, there was nothing in the man's eyes, only the purple-clothed girl in front of him, with slender jade-like fingers on her cheeks, combing her wind-blown temples, and the picture was harmonious and beautiful.

There is such a matching lover in the world!

"Who are you? Why did you hide in a tree secretly?" Shen Qingshuang glared at Mu Qianyue angrily, especially when she saw Mu Qianyue's astonishing face, his eyes quickly became jealous. "Just now you hurt me!"

Shen Qingshuang's voice successfully shifted everyone's attention to her.

Mu Rutian's eyes were cold, and he looked at her coldly, Mo Shang Fengling's eyes were also stained with sullen anger.

"Looking for death!" Nalanjing's expression became cold, and a ruthless, bloodthirsty aura radiated from him, and the majestic mountain with a'boom' directly pressed towards Shen Qingshuang.

Situ Mingrui quickly stood in front of Shen Qingshuang and resisted this move. His face was pale, and a trace of blood oozes from the corners of his mouth. Although he didn't like Shen Qingshuang very much, she was his cousin anyway, since he came out with him. , He wanted to protect her thoroughly.

The old man's face became cold, and the next moment he stood in front of Situ Mingrui, looking at Nalanjing and said angrily, "Little brother, you seem to act like this, are you too much!"

"Then you guys hurt my lady, so what?" Nalanjing looked cold.

The old man's face became stiff. Before she could speak, Shen Qingshuang's voice rang behind her, "Before you were hiding in the tree to eavesdrop, but now you blame us for the action? Elder Ming, you still do nonsense with them. What, kill them directly!"

"Obviously we came first. We are just resting in the tree. I haven't blamed you for disturbing our quietness. You still want to kill us?" Mo Shang Fengling narrowed her eyes, and her eyes flashed murderously. Here, she I really don't mind killing a few people.

"You shut up!" Feeling the murderous intent on the other party, Elder Ming was shocked and turned around and shouted at Shen Qingshuang, really = there is an urge to shoot Shen Qingshuang into the soil.

All of these people are calm and restrained, and there are four more. How to kill? Especially the man in white and the woman in dark purple robes are even more powerful, seemingly less than him.

"You dare to murder me?" Shen Qingshuang's eyes widened unbelievably when she heard the words. She stretched out her hand and took Situ Mingrui's hand, with a layer of aggrieved tears in her eyes, "Cousin, Elder Ming, he actually murdered me! I was caught! People are bullied, not only does he not avenge me, he also slays me! Cousin, you must vent my revenge!"

"Qingshuang, we interrupted them to rest, and it was you who did it first. It's okay for that good girl. The sword just now is a lesson for you." Situ Mingrui frowned slightly.

"Girl, I'm embarrassed about what happened just now, but we interrupted." Situ Mingrui apologized, handing over to Mu Qianyue.

Seeing his sincere expression, Mu Qianyue also apologized, thinking about it.

"What?!" Shen Qingshuang yelled in disbelief when he heard the words, "Obviously I was injured, cousin, why are you still apologizing to her? You should kill her and avenge me!"

"Huh! You kill at a young age, since you like killing so much, then I will kill you!" Mo Shang Feng Chime snorted coldly, and a chilly aura radiated from her, and Shen Qingshuang's face changed suddenly with fright. , And quickly hid behind Situ Mingrui.

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