Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 900: Situ Mingrui【1】

"Your Excellency, what happened just now was a misunderstanding. I am willing to apologize for her and pay compensation. Can you just forget it?" Situ Mingrui asked.

Mo Shang Feng Chime snorted softly. To be honest, this young man looks good, but the woman named Qingshuang is really annoying!

"Little girl, what do you think?" She looked at Mu Qianyue and asked.

"Forget it then." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

"Since the lady says it's over, then forget it." Nalanjing snorted with disdain.

Seeing that his cousin and Elder Ming were not helping herself, Shen Qingshuang's eyes were filled with angry fire, but she knew that she was not as strong as the other, so she held her breath, snorted, and hid away.

Mu Qianyue, Nalanjing, Moshang Fengling, and Mu Rutian moved back to the tree and continued to close their eyes to rest.

"Thank you for the four, then I will leave." Situ Mingrui said, hurriedly taking Elder Ming and Shen Qingshuang to leave here.

Along the way, Shen Qingshuang cried out with dissatisfaction, expressing his dissatisfaction and anger towards Elder Ming, saying that he was a coward and that he would be driven out of the family by grandpa after returning home.

"Shen Qingshuang, Elder Ming is the elder of our Situ family. He has been conscientious and has made great contributions to our Situ family. If you talk nonsense like this, you can blame me for being polite!" Situ Mingrui said unhappy.

Shen Qingshuang's face changed when she heard this, and she pouted aggrievedly, "Cousin, I didn't mean to treat Elder Ming like this, but he didn't help me, but he helped outsiders. You didn't help me. I was so sad, that's why It will be a moment of frustration."

"Qingshuang, the three of us sat there for a long time, but we didn't notice anyone on the tree at all. It is conceivable that the strength of those four is not weaker than ours. If we really fight with them, maybe we will die. We!" Situ Mingrui sighed helplessly and said slowly.

Shen Qingshuang's face changed, and then she didn't speak any more.

Elder Ming didn't even bother to pay attention to her. He really didn't have any brains at all. Those four people didn't seem to be simple, so he wanted to kill them?

If you meet someone who has a hot temper and likes to kill, maybe this will all lie down.

These days, it was because Shen Qingshuang caused a lot of things, and made it very embarrassing several times. For example, in this dream language contest, it was simply because she and the people of the Poison Dance Sect had forged an enemy. If it weren't for her being the granddaughter of the head of the house, I really wanted to throw her away.


The pale golden morning light slowly drilled out of the clouds and shone on this land, which meant that a new day had begun.

Mu Qianyue and her party also woke up. After a night of rest, all of them are now full of energy.

"Okay, we rush in to the top of Huanshan, and we must arrive before dark." Moshang Feng Chime is ready, his eyes are calm and his tone is serious.

When Mu Rutian heard the words, there was a smile in his eyes, and he was quite disapproving, "Although Huanshan looks very high, it probably doesn't take noon to arrive at our speed. Wind chimes, are you too scared of Huanshan? ?"

"Hmph, I'll know when you go in." Mo Shang Fengling gave him a white look.

"Lady, let's go." Nalanjing stretched out her hand towards Mu Qianyue, and the corners of her pretty lips slightly curled up.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, put her hand in his palm, clasped her fingers, and walked towards the Huanshan together.

If Yimo is on the wind chimes, although the strength is not limited on Huanshan, it is best not to fly, otherwise the consequences will be very troublesome, so Mu Qianyue and the group can only walk. Although they couldn't fly, their strength was still there, one by one, they walked like flying with wind under their feet, and they walked a long way in the blink of an eye.

Time passed bit by bit, and soon it was noon.

The scorching sun hung above the head, extremely venomous.

Mu Qianyue and the others looked a little tired, not as full of energy as they did in the morning.

Mu Rutian's face was slightly pale, his face was full of sweat, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. He raised his head and looked at the high ~ towering into the clouds, his eyes full of confusion.

"This fantasy mountain doesn't look so high! Why did we get halfway up the mountain after a long time? It feels like we've been walking in place."

Mu Qianyue was also out of breath, and now she finally understood why Mo Shang Feng Chime urged them to hurry up early in the morning and try to get to the top of the mountain before dark. Looking at this posture, even if it is dark, it may not be there. Come on!

"Wait!" Nalanjing said suddenly.

Mu Qianyue stopped and looked at him, frowning slightly, "What's the matter?"

"Don't you feel that we have been on the same spot?" Nalanjing's purple eyes showed a dignified look.

Hearing this, there was a sense of surprise in Mu Qianyue's eyes. She looked up and looked around, and said in confusion, "No! We haven't walked this road before."

That proves that they should not be standing still.

Moshang Fengling also frowned, with a puzzled expression, Mu Rutian also cast a suspicious look at Nalanjing.

"You can see the mountain on the opposite side." Nalan Jing said.

Mu Qianyue looked at the opposite mountain, frowned slightly, and after a moment, her eyes widened incredibly, "Yes, we've been standing still!"

"Master, what is going on?" Mu Rutian asked quickly.

"Rutian, Fengling, did you two see the red maple tree on the opposite side?" Mu Qianyue pointed to the opposite side. Mu Rutian and Moshang Fengling followed her sight and saw that there was one on the opposite side. Towering red maple trees.

The red maple leaves are enthusiastic and eye-catching, like a bit of rouge in the green.

"An hour ago, when we walked here, I saw the red maple tree on the opposite side, but after an hour, we can still see the red maple tree at a glance, regardless of the angle or height. A slight change! Therefore, it proves that we are all in place at this hour." Mu Qianyue's eyes were more solemn.

"But the road we take is all different, and it doesn't seem to be where we are. What's going on?" Mu Rutian asked in surprise.

This fantasy mountain is really weird!

"We should have encountered an illusion!" Mo Shang Fengling said suddenly.

"You follow me." Nalanjing's purple eyes changed slightly, and she squeezed Mu Qianyue's hand, and said to Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian.

I saw him lift up and walk forward, but the steps under his feet were very strange. It was obvious that each step was small, but when he stepped out, he walked three meters away.

He stopped and looked at Moshang Fengling and Mu Rutian behind him, "Come on, don't get lost."

Mo Shang Fengling and Mu Rutian hurriedly followed his footsteps. They only took a small step, but walked a distance of three meters. This felt quite a feeling of shrinking.

"Look at the other side again."

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