Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 906: Young Master of the Poison Dance Gate [4]

The voice of wind chimes on Moshang slowly passed into Mu Qianyue's ears, anger and sorrow, remorse and pain.

"Father is my only relative in the world. After we got out of the sad shadow, we decided to get married. But he was poisoned in the flower candles, and I didn't even notice it. It turns out that he never loved me, but to get Poison Dance Gate! He walked to me with another woman, and stomped my dignity and love under my feet! It was not until later that I realized that my father was not doing the exercises at all, but He was poisoned secretly!"

If she hadn't saved Hao Tianxing and went back, his father would not have died! She indirectly killed her only relative in this world!

How to avoid anger, guilt, self-blame, regret, and pain?

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but feel sympathy. She didn't expect Moshang Fengling's experience to be so tragic. No wonder she reacted so strongly when she heard the three words "Poison Dance Gate"!

If you guess right, the man in front of him who claims to be the Young Master of the Poison Dance Sect should be Hao Tianxing and that woman's son, right?

Mo Shang Fengling clenched his fists bitterly, she would not let go of these people!

As the little girl said, it's not in a hurry now, anyway, they have entered the City of Dreams, and they have a chance to get revenge! Just by the way, inquire about the current situation of the Poison Dance Gate!

After twenty years, the strength of the Poison Dance Gate will inevitably undergo a great change, as well as those bitches!

They used to be emperor martial artists. Twenty years have passed, and they don't know what level their strength is.

After thinking it through, Moshang Fengling watched the play quietly.

"Except for the Poison Dance Sect, the woman named Yan'er should belong to another force." Mu Rutian thought for a while and said.

"Yes, it is indeed two different forces." At the head of Nalan Scenic Spot, many people in the City of Dreams traveled together and chose to cooperate.

Mo Shang Fengling was secretly surprised, but fortunately, the little girl pulled herself a while ago. If she rushed out just now, it might not have been a benefit! Because of anger and hatred, she almost lost her most basic judgment! She seems to be impulsive!

The opposite elder Ming had a fierce argument with the Young Master of the Poison Dance Gate about this matter.

"Huh! It turns out to be the Poison Dance Sect! I thought it was a big sect, but it was just an inconspicuous third-rate force, who would dare to be rampant in front of the old man?" Elder Ming said angrily.

Hao Kailin felt that his face couldn't be saved, and he couldn't help being furious, with a sullen expression on his face, "Old man, don't you let it? I will regret it!"

After that, he turned around and returned to Xiao Lanyan's side, showing that flattering look again, "Yan'er, wait a minute, you will have a seat in a while."

After a while, I saw Elder Ming scratching his body everywhere, not only him, but also Situ Mingrui and Shen Qingshuang, who kept scratching on their bodies, even scratching them, the more they scratched, the more itchy.

Both Mu Qianyue and Moshang Fengling's complexion changed. They are both masters of poisoning, and naturally understood at a glance that the three of Situ Mingrui were poisoned!

"Don't catch it! We are poisoned!" Situ Mingrui was not stupid, and quickly reacted, her face turned cold, she looked up at the opposite Hao Kailin, with anger on her face, "We gave up the position. You, give us the antidote!"

Obviously Situ Mingrui knew that it was not suitable to do it here, and chose a temporary compromise.

It's just that Hao Kailin showed a sullen and smug smile on his face, taunting, "I just told you to let it, don't let it, now it's too late! Humph! Just wait for every inch of your body to fester and die!"

"You! Looking for death!" Elder Ming was furious, his face was full of anger, and he rushed towards Hao Kailin when he moved.

Hao Kailin quickly hid behind the two elders, who were obviously the elders of the Poison Dance Sect, and sneered, "I want to bully our young master, no way!"

The elder Ming and Situ Ming Rui were poisoned and their actions were restricted. They were not the opponents of the two elders of the Poison Dance Gate at all. They were quickly crushed ~ downwind and dangerous.

Shen Qingshuang was still there, her delicate and tender face already scratched. She wanted to stop but couldn't stop. With tears in her eyes, she cried out, "Cousin, save me... Ooo, itchy, okay. Itchy!!!"


Two muffled noises.

Situ Mingrui and Elder Ming just fell to Mu Qianyue's feet impartially.

"I'm sorry..." Situ Mingrui just got up, looked at Mu Qianyue, said apologetically in his eyes, suddenly a fierce palm wind came from behind, like a giant mountain rushing toward his face!

This palm hit not only Situ Mingrui, but also brought Mu Qianyue, Moshang Fengling and Nalanjing nearby!

Obviously, the elder of the Poison Dance Sect hadn't put Mu Qianyue and others in his eyes at all. These people looked at the face, and they were so young, and they were obviously from the mainland of Fantasy.

The Magic State Continent is thin, so where can their strength go?

It's a pity that this time, he guessed wrong!

Because Mu Qianyue is not easy to provoke!

Mo Shang Feng Chime looked cold, raised his hand and slammed it up, and the two palm shadows collided together, bursting out fierce energy.

Moshang Fengling and the Poison Dance Gate elder took three steps back at the same time.

A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the elder of Poison Dance Gate. He didn't seem to expect Mo Shang Feng Chime to look so young and possess the same strength as him!

Nalanjing also stood up, her purple eyes filled with anger.

"This medicine should be able to detoxify your body, take it." Mu Qianyue flicked her palm, took out two pills and handed them to Situ Mingrui and Elder Ming.

The two of them were taken aback, and it seemed that they didn't expect that Mu Qianyue would have an antidote in her hands, let alone that she would help them!

Situ Mingrui took it without thinking, "Thanks!"

He didn't have the slightest doubt about what she said, because she didn't need to poison herself at all, otherwise there would be no need to rescue her again and again.

"Girl, your kindness, I really don't want to repay it!" There was a strange light in Elder Ming's eyes. He tremblingly took the pill that Mu Qianyue handed him, and took it without hesitation. I only felt that the extremely itchy state on my body disappeared without a trace in an instant!

Even those scratched scars are slowly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

When Shen Qingshuang on the side saw this, her eyes widened, she threw herself in front of Mu Qianyue, grabbing and crying.

"Your Excellency, I was wrong, can you give me an antidote? Uuu...please...uuu..."

Seeing Mu Qianyue indifferent, she couldn't help showing disappointment on her face. When she saw Situ Mingrui on the side, her eyes lit up, "Cousin, please help me beg her! I don't want to fester and die! Woo..."

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