Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 907: Fish in troubled waters【1】

Situ Mingrui sighed helplessly, looked up at Mu Qianyue, her lips moved, after all, she didn't say a word, but gave her the pill in her hand.

Shen Qingshuang showed ecstasy on her face, grabbed it and swallowed it immediately, and then showed a relaxed expression, regardless of whether it was Situ Mingrui's antidote.

When Mu Rutian on the side saw this, she couldn't help showing a trace of contempt in her eyes when she looked at Shen Qingshuang. Before, I saw her treat Situ Mingrui's long and short cousin, and she loved him to death. Now she is here. This moment is really important for one's own life!

Situ Mingrui didn't have much expression on his face, but frowned tightly, and a handsome and handsome face was slightly twisted, obviously holding back the poison on his body.

At this moment, suddenly a plain white soft ~ soft palm stretched out, on which was lying a round and lightly scented pill.

Situ Mingrui stunned and raised her head. When she saw the woman's cold brows and beautiful face, her pupils suddenly shrank, and there was a silent movement and throbbing in her heart. He stretched out his hand to take it, holding the pill, but in no rush to take it.

The pill in his hand seemed to have a hint of temperature and a hint of fragrance.

He raised his head and looked at Mu Qianyue, with a firm and serious expression surging in his dark eyes, "You have taken care of us too many times along the way. We Situ Mingrui really can't repay these kindnesses. After entering the dreamland, , I am willing to be your pioneer and pave the way for you. We don’t need all the medicinal materials and spirit treasures we get along the way, and they belong to you!"

Mu Rutian snorted, it was almost the same, otherwise the master didn't save them for nothing!

"En, okay." Mu Qianyue nodded, and she was kind to save them from the hands of the two demons at first, but she didn't have that kindness to save them again and again, so naturally she needed them to pay. Some remuneration.

"In addition, I have one more request."

"As long as Situ Mingrui can do what I want, the girl will never postpone it."

"I may go to Xuantian Realm in the future." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

When Situ Mingrui heard the words, there was an inexplicable joy and excitement in his heart. With a flick of his palm, he took out a token engraved with the word'Situ' and handed it forward, "This is the secret order of my Situ family, girl, You take it first. In the future, when you come to the Xuantian Realm, you can take this token to Huazhou City. My Situ family is in Huazhou City."

"Okay." Mu Qianyue took over, with a move of thought, she received it into the Tongtian Tower space.

Mu Rutian looked at Mu Qianyue's eyes and changed. No wonder he thought how the master would save these people over and over again. It turned out that the road was paved for the future! The master wants to go to the Profound Heaven Realm! It seems that he has to step up his cultivation so that he can keep up with the master's pace!

I haven't been to the Profound Heaven Realm yet, so I am really looking forward to it!

It must be full of thrills and excitement!

Opposite Hao Kailin saw Mu Qianyue's unique hatred of the sky easily, and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, "Who are you? Why can I relieve the hatred of my poisonous dance gate?"

"Hate itchy? Heh, is it very powerful?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with disdain.

"Who are you? Why do you want to be nosy? Don't you be afraid to offend our Poison Dance Sect?" A dangerous arc flashed in the eyes of the Poison Dance Sect elder.

Moshang Fengling's expression was slightly cold, and the corners of his mouth were pouting with a hint of sarcasm, "It was you who acted first, and blame us for being nosy? Poison Dance Gate, you are so arrogant! Humph, now let you see my itchy fan !"

With a wave of his hand, a puff of powder was blown away in the wind.

That wind was created by Nalanjing.

When Hao Kailin and the two elders of the Poison Dance Gate saw the powder blow, their expressions changed greatly, and they quickly summoned the armor of the vitality force, holding their breath, and after the powder was blown, the three of them took off their defensive posture. .

"Haha, what kind of itchy powder, no level at all..." Hao Kailin showed a smug expression on his face and couldn't help but raise his head and laugh.

The two elders of the Poison Dance Sect also showed contempt and disdain, "The poison of my Poison Dance Sect is unique in the world, and everyone in the Profound Heaven Realm is terrified, let alone you group of ants from the Illusory State Continent! "

Suddenly, their laughter stopped abruptly, and the smiles on their faces suddenly stopped, showing a look of horror, "What's the matter? Why do you feel itchy..."


The two elders of the Poison Dance Gate also kept scratching their bodies. The more they scratched, the more itchy they were. They scratched their heart and lungs. They were extremely itchy. After a while, Hao Kailin and the three of them were scratched everywhere. In the place, dark black blood flowed out, obviously the poison is much more severe than the itch!

Seeing the miserable appearance of the three of Hao Kailin, Shen Qingshuang's face showed a sense of revenge, but when he thought of the other party Mu Qianyue and his party had taken care of, he felt unwilling again.

"Haha...actually the powder just now is not poisonous at all, it's just ordinary powder." Mo Shang Fengling's mouth lightly conjured up a sneer, with a hint of disdain in his cold and sweet voice.

"How on earth did you poison you?" An elder of the Poison Dance Gate asked angrily while holding on to it.

"Um... just when you are laughing proudly." Mo Shang Fengling smiled. This itchy fan is her previous work, but she didn't expect the effect to be so good now.

Hearing that, Hao Kailin and the two elders of the Poison Dance Gate opened their eyes in disbelief. How could it be possible? They can't notice anything unusual when they speak.

"My itchy powder is colorless and tasteless, just like a thin strand of blue smoke. It will fade when blown by the wind, but the toxin will be mixed in the wind, and ordinary people can't tell it. Oh, forget. I’m telling you, my itchy powder, scratching the poison, the faster it will spread, and it will take a day’s time to wear out intestines and die. Well, if you can’t resist scratching, maybe you can stick to it. Heaven's time." Moshang Fengling grinned, showing a harmless smile.

When everyone heard the words, they all turned pale with fright, and quickly retreated or checked their bodies, just because they were afraid of getting the itchy powder that Moshang Windbell said.

They don't want to suffer innocently!

"Don't worry, I'm a person who always pays attention to grievances and grievances. Others don't provoke me. I never provoke others. If I provoke me, I will pay a painful price!" Mo Shang Fengling looked around slowly for a week, cold Laughed.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. Fortunately, they were not implicated, otherwise it would be better to die than to be infected with this poison!

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