Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 917: Fingers interlocking【1】

"Bring him back so that he won't be embarrassed here." Xiao Lanyan coldly raised her eyes and looked at the Poison Dance Sect elder, with a hint of contempt and ridicule in her voice.

"Miss Xiao, what you said is too much! My young master has paid so much for you, he is seriously injured now, and you are still talking about him!" the Poison Dance Sect elder said angrily.

"Don't say anything for me, don't you want to come to dream of this city, just to come to accompany me? Or that what you get here will be handed over to me?" Xiao Lan's lips curled up with a sarcasm.

"You..." The Poison Dance Sect elder turned blue with anger, snorted, stopped talking, but helped Hao Kailin, who was unconscious, to a safe area nearby. He was not in a hurry to go, but to try the footprints of the day, but after taking fifty steps, he couldn't walk any more and fell back.

Everyone sighed when they saw this, and this elder of the Poison Dance Gate was the one who had taken the most steps among the few people who had walked.

After the Poison Dance Clan elder fell, he did not try again, nor did he rampage. Instead, he stepped aside and guarded Hao Kailin who was unconscious at home.

Seeing this, Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly. It seemed that the Poison Dance Sect elder was quite loyal.

After that, everyone scrambled to try, but all ended in failure. Among them, the most number of steps was 72.

"I'll try it." A gleam of light flashed through Xiao Lanyan's eyes, she glanced at Nalanjing, and walked forward slowly.

She didn't leave in a hurry before, because she knew the footprints were not so easy to walk, and her father had told her before coming.

Those who are in the first place are fools.

After observing for so long, she figured out a little doorway, so she dared to give it a try. On the other hand, she wanted to show it in front of Nalanjing. She was better than his wife. too much!

Namu Qianyue just has a beautiful appearance.

As soon as she moved, she was as light as a swallow, and fell on the first step lightly. Soon Xiao Lanyan walked fifty steps, and walked so far in one breath. Everyone exclaimed and looked at Xiao Lanyan. His eyes changed.

Surprise, curiosity, jealousy, nervousness, fear, etc. eyes fell on her one by one.

Following Xiao Lanyan's figure.

But after a while, her movements gradually slowed down, and finally stopped at eighty-three steps before she fell off.

Her face was pale, her eyes filled with unwillingness.

Turning her head, her eyes like autumn water were surging with mist, and she looked at Nalanjing pitifully, but Nalanjing disdain to look at her, which made her very disappointed and lonely.

Then Yan Fengxie took seventy-eight steps.

Then there was Yan Qingya.

There was an exclamation now, because she had already reached a hundred steps!

"Oh my God! Who is this girl, she has reached a hundred steps! Do you think she will take one hundred and eight steps?"

"I don't know! She seems to be from the mainland of Huanzhou! She is so amazing!"

Those who did not leave talked.

Xiao Lanyan looked at Yan Qingya with a trace of jealousy and resentment, ah, this **** woman actually took more steps than she took! She is just a person from a low-level plane!

One after another, eyes fell on Yan Qingya, it seemed that they both expected her to perform miracles, and did not want her to reach the Palace of Dreams, otherwise all the treasures in the Palace of Dreams belong to her!

You must know that in the Palace of Dreams, from ten thousand years ago to the present, I have never entered, the treasure hidden in it must be against the sky!

One hundred and one……

one hundred and two……

One hundred and three……

Everyone counted silently in their hearts.

Although Yan Qingya's back movements were very slow and slow, she was still stable and did not fall.

Soon she had reached one hundred and six steps!

Everyone exclaimed, "She is going to succeed!"

At this moment, even Mu Qianyue's eyes couldn't help but narrowed slowly. I didn't expect Yan Qingya to be so powerful! Even the way of heaven can be understood!

Just when Yan Qingya took the 108th step, suddenly a thunder robbery slashed down from above, and then she shook her figure and planted directly from the sky, and fell into Yan Fengxie's arms.

"Qingya, how are you, is there anything?"

Yan Qingxie's eyes were gloomy, did not speak, but struggled out of Yan Fengxie's arms, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger, "Just one step away, one step away, I can reach the palace of dreams!"

When the words fell, she moved and rushed towards the row of footprints again, but this time she only took thirty steps and failed.

There was a sigh of sorrow at the scene, as well as a voice of secret relief.

It was a pity that Yan Qingya had not succeeded, and he secretly rejoiced that the treasure in the Palace of Dreams was still there, and the hearts of people were so strange.

"Hehe, the slightest loss is a thousand miles away." A smug smile appeared on Xiao Lanyan's face, and his eyes looked at Yan Qingya sarcastically. At this moment, she felt great in her heart. This woman was only one step away from falling, and she must be sure in her heart. Distressed.

At the same time, her heart was very jealous. After all, she had only taken eighty-three steps, but Yan Qingya had taken one hundred and seven steps, proving that Yan Qingya was better than her.

As the eldest lady of the Xiao family, a woman with a lower level than the Profound Heaven Realm and stronger than herself, how could she bear it?

So now seeing Yan Qingya's failure, she felt very refreshed in her heart and couldn't help but screamed.

With anger and unwillingness surging on Yan Qingya's face, she glanced at Xiao Lanyan coldly. There was a cold breath in that gaze, bloodthirsty and terrifying. When Xiao Lanyan was optimistic about her terrifying gaze , The heart shrank suddenly, and then fell silent.

Yan Qingxie coldly withdrew his gaze, stepping forward again toward the row of footprints, Yan Fengxie stopped her, "Qingya, don't try again, you have been seriously injured, try again. It's useless."

"But I'm not reconciled!" Yan Qingya said coldly.

"Qingya, even you can't make a hundred and eight steps, let alone someone else? That Mu Qianyue is not impossible! So don't worry." Yan Fengxie said with relief.

She didn't realize that Namu Qianyue's strength would be stronger than those present. You must know that most of the people here are intermediate emperor martial artists.

Hearing this, Yan Qingya stepped aside, took a healing pill, and began to heal her injuries.

The next thing is that the demons are also vying to try. Only five demons have successfully arrived in this space. The demon who had previously conflicted with Situ Mingrui and Mu Qianyue was among them. He was cold. Snorted, strode forward, "I'm coming!"

"None of us humans can pass this test, do you think you can be the beasts?" Xiao Lanyan sneered with disdain.

Feeling angry with Yan Qingya, she decided to retrieve it from these demons.

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