Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 918: Fingers interlocking【2】

The demon's eyes suddenly became cold and he glared at Xiao Lanyan fiercely. However, Xiao Lanyan was the eldest lady of the Xiao family in the Profound Sky Realm, and he was not afraid of the people in the Devil Realm, so he hummed slightly.

I saw his body swayed and directly transformed into the form of a beast, his huge body immediately covered the sky and the sun, let out a roar, and rushed towards the row of footprints of the heavenly path.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, it turned out to be an ancient giant elephant!

The ancient giant elephant is also a relatively rare beast, with strong strength, strong defense, strong offensive power, it is very difficult to deal with, it is no wonder that he reentered the magic mountain that night, and he did not die!

The ancient giant elephant flew out more than a dozen steps in a single mouth, and fell from the world before it reached 20 steps, turning into a human form, vomiting blood, and seemed to be injured more than humans.

Immediately after the remaining few demon men tried, all of them fell down before twenty steps. This scene surprised Mu Qianyue.

The delicate brows frowned slightly. Could it be that the demon's understanding of the heavens is much more difficult than that of humans?

Nalanjing's words sounded beside him, confirming Mu Qianyue's thoughts.

"Warcraft’s understanding of the way of heaven is much more difficult than that of humans, especially when it becomes a divine beast, the thunder tribulation experienced is more dangerous than that of humans, but its attack power and defense power are two or three times stronger than that of ordinary humans. ."

"Little girl, Nalanjing, Mu Rutian, I'll come first this time." Moshang Fengling looked at Mu Qianyue and said.

There were only four of them left on the scene and they hadn't walked through the footprints that day.

Mu Qianyue nodded, "Be careful."

"En." Mo Shang Fengling nodded, moved her body and swept towards the row of footprints. Her speed was fast and steady. She immediately took sixty or seventy steps. Behind her, her movements became slower and slower. He fell from the top at ninety-six steps.

Except for Yan Qingya, she is the farthest one.

Then Mu Rutian also left, taking eighty-eight steps.

Although he and Moshang Fengling were both injured by this, they healed instantly under Mu Qianyue's realm of life.

"I'll try it too." Mu Qianyue looked at Nalanjing, her lips curled up, seeming to be asking for his opinion.

"Well, lady, you go try it. But be careful, you can't force it, let alone hurt yourself and your children." Nalan's eyes flashed in her purple eyes.

This is a rare opportunity, of course he will not stop Yue'er from trying, otherwise this trip to the City of Dreams will come in vain.

"I'll be careful." Mu Qianyue said, her figure moved, and the row of footprints of heaven was caught.

As soon as she landed on it, Mu Qianyue felt a breath of majesty, majestic and mighty, swarming towards her.

The eyes quietly landed on another footprint one meter away, abandoning all the distracting thoughts, anger, hatred, joy, anger, sadness and other emotions in the heart, and the step under his feet was obviously a small step, but Mu Qianyue came to it. On the footprint one meter away!

Mu Qianyue paused, and did not rush to continue walking, her black eyes narrowed lightly, every step of the footprint contained the aura of heaven!

If you can pass these hundred and eight steps, it is equivalent to mastering the way of heaven and comprehending the way of heaven.

After thinking about all this, Mu Qianyue took a step and continued to walk up. At the beginning, it was very relaxed. She took seventy steps in one breath, but it became more and more difficult afterwards. Every time she took a step, she found that it was extremely difficult. There seemed to be a huge resistance invisibly, blocking her.

When she reached a hundred steps, Mu Qianyue was already pale, and a row of cold sweat oozes from her forehead.

A huge coercion shrouded his head like a violent storm, seeming to be pouring down at any time. Mu Qianyue gritted his teeth and continued to take a step forward. Suddenly his figure trembled fiercely, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. Come down.

There are eight steps!

Taking a deep breath, Mu Qianyue continued to walk forward and took another step. All of a sudden, she felt that the entire air was trembling violently, and an invisible force slammed into her and slammed into her soul.

Suddenly, there were exclamations below, and Mu Qianyue's brows could not help but frowned, and she secretly wondered what happened below!

But in mid-air, she didn't have time to look at all, and she didn't have time to distract, she could only deal with the pressure in the air wholeheartedly. The pain she had expected did not fall on her body, and a familiar breath came from behind her, a faint snow lotus fragrance floating in the air, fresh and good smelling, and all the doubts in Mu Qianyue's heart were wiped away in an instant.

King, he is behind!

It was he who blocked all the coercion and took all the injuries for her!

Looking back, I saw Nalanjing's familiar and beautiful face, exposed in the air, in the dim sky, under the dazzling stars, it seemed even more thrilling and deeply rooted.

"Jing, why are you here!" Her black and bright phoenix eyes were full of surprise.

The exclamations from below were also because of him.

Snowy white clothes are flying in the air hunting hunters, an ink hair is flying in the air like black satin, purple eyes are tightly falling on the woman in front of her, full of infinite love, "Madam, I will always be behind you to protect You, you can just go forward."

Let him carry all the storms alone.

Mu Qianyue's heart warmed, no wonder he had no objection just now, it turned out to be to carry these injuries for her.

"Okay. Then I will move on." The corner of her lips raised a faint smile, and Mu Qianyue didn't treat him politely. They are husband and wife, and no one knows each other better than them.

Fingers interlocked, taking a consistent step, and bearing the invisible pressure of heaven together.

The lavender dress and the crescent-colored white robe entangled and danced, and the huge palace behind them became an eternal picture. At this moment, their figures were stamped into the eyes and hearts of everyone.

The picture is harmonious and beautiful.

"Oh my God! It turns out that you can go like this!" Moshang Fengling couldn't help letting out a surprise, his eyes changed when he looked at Nalanjing, and there was awe in his heart.

When I saw Nalanjing's first glance before, I felt that his beauty turned all sentient beings upside down, and he was even more sweet to Mu Qianyue, making her think that he was just a scumbag who only talked about each other and coaxed women's feelings.

But getting along these days, especially this trip to Dream City, let her see Nalanjing's feelings for the little girl.

This will never change, life and death will not give up.

A person who is willing to use his life to protect his lover, his love will not be false, and will not easily be blinded by the world of flowers.

She really envied the little girl who could meet such a good man. If the person she met was also like this, would she not suffer so much harm?

Unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

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