Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 933: Return【2】

I saw an unparalleled aura erupting from her tiny body, and the few vitality in the air rushed into her body like crazy, and the aura in her body was rising steadily at this moment.

The Soul Eaters around were shattered by her fierce and terrifying aura!

"Well, finally Tier 1 Divine Martial Artist!"

Little cutie murmured, and a smile was raised on her immature and green face, and then she slowly put away the dagger in his hand, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his hand up, a little light flashed in the red pupils.

"My mother has been in the wild ancient world for three years. I don't know how my mother is now, and whether she has left the wild ancient world. I heard that father said that after three years, he can continue to stay there to practice. Most people chose to stay..."

Speaking of the back, a flash of loneliness flashed quickly in the cute eyes.

After a while, she looked up again with a firm expression on her face, "No matter how long, mother, I will wait for you to come back with Daddy!"

After all, she walked out quickly.

The hard, cold stone gate slowly opened with a ‘squeak’.

What enters the eye is not the dazzling sunlight, the gorgeous scenery, or the dark night, but the familiar and warm figure carved in the deepest part of my heart.


The little cutie trembled fiercely, shock, joy, and excitement in her eyes, and a layer of mist slowly appeared.

With a movement, she ran directly towards the figure in front and rushed into her arms fiercely.


Mu Qianyue picked her up, only to realize that she had become heavier and taller. The place where she had only seen her waist before had grown to the position of her shoulders. If you calculate the age by height, Xiao Ling is probably ten years old now.

But when Xiao Ling died in her previous life, she was only about two years old, and the time when her body was buried in the ground for ten thousand years, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she is now more than ten thousand years old.

But if you count from the moment she was born again from Nirvana, she is now four years old.

For a four-year-old child, who grew up to the position of her shoulder, Xiao Ling was definitely the first.

"Mother, I thought it would take a long time for you to come back." Nalan Xueling put her arms around Mu Qianyue's neck and gave her a kiss on her face, her eyes full of joy and joy.

"I missed my little spirit, so I came back immediately." Mu Qianyue smiled and put her on the ground.

Nalan Xueling raised her eyes, and landed on Mu Qianyue’s slightly raised belly. There was a surprised expression in her big purple-black eyes, "My mother, how come your belly is getting bigger, do you have a baby? ?"

"Yes, your mother is pregnant with a baby, so you will have an extra younger brother or younger sister in the future." Xiao Xuan'er couldn't help stepping forward and squeezing Nalan Xueling's cute little face, reaching out and holding it up. She said, "Xiao Lingling, haven't seen me for so long, do you miss me?"

"Of course I want Sister Xuan'er! Hee hee, Sister Xuan'er, you've become beautiful again." Nalan Xueling giggled.

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips raised a small smile.

"Huh? Xiao Lingling, if I haven't seen you for a while, how do you feel that your eyes have changed color?" Xiao Xuan'er stared at her in surprise.

Well, her eyes were originally black as ink, but now they have a touch of blood red in the black.

"I don't know either." Nalan Xueling said in a puzzled way. There was nothing before, but it only appeared recently.

"Ah! Why did I see the figure of Suzaku in your eyes!" Suddenly, Xiao Xuan'er noticed a scream, and the eyes of Nalan Xueling were filled with shock and surprise.

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, stretched out again after a while, and smiled, "Nirvana is reborn, that is the shadow of the Vermillion Bird."

Then Mu Qianyue explained the matter, and Xiao Xuan'er and others suddenly realized it.

"Master, have you restored the memory of your previous life?"

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Master, why didn't you say anything before." Xiao Xuan'er said.

"Sorry, I was a little busy, so I forgot." Mu Qianyue scratched her head guiltily. After returning to the wild ancient world, the scene suddenly disappeared. She was sad for several days before she came out of the sadness and loss. I was so busy doing alchemy and cultivating that I forgot all this.

When Moshang Fengling learned about the relationship between Mu Qianyue and Nalanjing, she was so surprised that she couldn't speak for a long time. It turned out that they were a pair of lovers in the previous life. Even in reincarnation, they can't erase their love even after thousands of years.

"Hey, mother, why didn't you see Daddy?" Nalan Xueling looked at the crowd, a strange expression appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly, and there was a glimmer of light in her beautiful eyes, "He has something to do. I'll take you to find him later, OK?"

"Okay!" Nalan Xueling nodded, her scribbled eyes flickering, "Mother, Xiao Ling is now a martial artist. I will go wherever Mother goes. Xiao Ling can join the battle. You can be a pioneer for your mother."

"Xiao Lingling, have you become a martial artist so soon?" Xiao Xuan'er's face was shocked upon hearing this.

Moshang Fengling, Mu Rutian and Bing Yan also looked shocked and stunned, looking at Nalan Xueling like a monster.

My God, she looked like a few years old, but she actually reached the realm of a martial artist?

This is also an exaggeration, so exciting!

It seems that when they are this age, they are still in the physical training stage, or are they still lying in the arms of their parents and acting like a baby...

Thinking of the gap, several people in Moshang Fengling pulled their mouths sharply.

"Little girl, the talents of you and Nalanjing are abnormal enough. I didn't expect your children to be even more abnormal!" Mo Shang Fengling said silently, following her gaze on Mu Qianyue. On his lower abdomen, this guy will be born in a few months, so maybe he will be a pervert at that time!

There was a slight smile in Mu Qianyue's eyes, she hadn't told the **** matter.

If they knew that the blood spirit had absorbed the wraiths and evil spirits in the illusion, they had independent spiritual consciousness, and they could sometimes talk in their hearts, and they also knew the mysterious and strange places such as the nether hell, they would be shocked. Fall out!

In order to reduce the blow to everyone, she decided to leave it alone.

"Mother, are you pregnant with a younger brother or a younger sister?" Nalan Xueling asked her cute little Ai with her black eyes staring at her belly unblinkingly.

"I don't know either." Mu Qianyue showed a happy smile on her face, and she reached out and touched Nalan Xueling's hair with a gentle expression.

After leaving the Temple of Ruthlessness, Mu Qianyue took Nalan Xueling, Mu Rutian and the others, and hurried directly to the direction of White Tiger City.

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