Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 934: Return [3]

When Mu Qianyue and her party returned to Jingyue Pavilion, they found that there were very few people in the courtyard and martial arts field, and the surrounding area was very quiet. There were very few disciples walking around.

"Who are you? Why break into my Jingyue Pavilion!"

Suddenly a cold drink came from behind.

Mu Qianyue looked back and saw a man holding a long sword looking at them coldly and vigilantly. When the words fell, he drew the long sword in his hand with a'swish', and the cold sword pointed coldly. Against them.

Upon seeing this, Mu Qianyue was not only not angry, but the corners of her lips evoked a faint curve. From this point of view, this person's reaction was still quick and alert.

"Where are the deacons and elders in the door?"

"Who are you, and why did you break into my Jingyue Pavilion? If you don't say anything, I won't blame me for being polite!" The man snorted coldly, his fingers bent, and he blew a whistle. After a while, dozens of disciples came from all around. , Surrounded Mu Qianyue and his party heavily.

"Door, master?" Suddenly, an exclamation came from the crowd.

I saw one member look at Mu Qianyue with shock and astonishment. His face was filled with shock, joy and excitement.

He had been fortunate to have seen the door master several times in the past. Although it was three years later, his stunning face and cold figure were carved into his heart and could not be erased.

When everyone heard this, their faces were full of shock and surprise, especially the man who just started, his eyes filled with surprise and surprise.

At this moment, there was a cold drink from the side, "What happened? It's so noisy!"

A familiar tall figure walked over. As soon as his words fell, he opened his mouth wide in surprise, unable to say a word anymore, his eyes were fixed on the familiar and beautiful face on the opposite side.

The next moment, he couldn't help jumping up happily, "The master! It is the master who is back!"

He hurriedly stepped forward and walked to Mu Qianyue's face, "Sect Master, you are back, so I don't know how, I'll send someone to pick you up."

"Sect Master, don’t you remember me? I’m a white scorpion! That was when I was in Qingfeng Academy, when I was in Qingfeng City, I was sorry for your white scorpion. We are three brothers, and the eldest brother is the black scorpion. , I am the second child Baixie, and the third brother is the green scorpion." Baixie said quickly when he saw the doubt in Mu Qianyue's eyes.

"Oh, it's you." Mu Qianyue was a little embarrassed. When she saw the white scorpion, she felt very familiar. She knew she had seen it before, but she couldn't remember her name for a while.

Hmm... Now that Jingyue Pavilion has more and more members, so many people, it is really difficult for her to remember one by one.

"Hey, sect master, it's good that you remember me." Bai Xie smiled cheerfully.

When everyone heard Bai Xie's words, they opened their mouths in surprise, and the young and beautiful girl in front of them turned out to be the master of Jingyue Pavilion!

Nor can it be blamed that they didn't know Mu Qianyue, because they joined after Mu Qianyue entered the wild ancient world, so naturally they didn't know Mu Qianyue.

All I know is that the master of Jingyue Pavilion is a young girl named Mu Qianyue, founded by one hand, and she is a great pill master, who has researched and refined many pill that shocked the mainland!

But I didn't expect that Mu Qianyue was so young, so dazzling, and magnificent!

"Everyone is okay?" Mu Qianyue looked lightly, nodded to everyone, and asked Bai Xie.

"How do I feel that Jingyue Pavilion is a little weird? Why are there so few people. Little White Scorpion, do you know where everyone has gone? And Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo?" Xiao Xuan'er looked suspiciously. Looking around, Dai Mei frowned.

Bai Xie's expression changed when he heard the words, "Sect Master, Xuan'er, you came back just right. Our Jingyue Pavilion opened at a branch in a neighboring city and encountered trouble. Now Tian Shuo, Meng Ximo, and Pan San are all I rushed there to support."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, "What is going on?"

"Sect Master, this is how things are..." Bai Xie said.

It turned out that Tianshuo, Meng Ximo, Pan San and others felt that Jingyue Pavilion’s development in White Tiger City was greatly restricted. Although the Bai family had always maintained a friendly and cooperative attitude towards Jingyue Pavilion, they did not allow Jingyue Pavilion. The forces of the White House and White Tiger Academy.

In order to fear that Jingyue Pavilion would pass the Bai family and replace the Bai family's position in the White Tiger City, Mu Qianyue could understand this.

Despite the many restrictions of the Bai family here, the Bai family has not suppressed Jingyue Pavilion.

So Tian Shuo and others discussed for a while and decided to re-select a place to be the Jingyue Pavilion sub-point. After the development there was stable and consolidated, they would use it as the headquarters of Jingyue Pavilion, so they set their sights on a name called Jingyue Pavilion. The place of Ziyan City.

Ziyan City is not small, and its location is good. The southern part of Ziyan City is connected to a relatively desolate mountain range, which is usually seldom populated.

There are three small families in Ziyan City, which do not belong to any big power, so Tian Shuo and others bought houses and shops there, as well as a commercial street, and began to build a pedestrian street there.

As for the desolate mountains in the rear, Tian Shuo and others decided to mine them out.

At the beginning, the branch of Jingyue Pavilion was set up there, and it was squeezed out by three small families, but this small problem was quickly resolved.

The problem later was that when Tian Shuo and others were developing the deserted mountain, they accidentally discovered a mysterious iron ore underground, which caused the jealousy of the three small families and wanted to share the soup.

Tian Shuo and the others were unwilling, so the three families joined forces to deal with Jingyue Pavilion, and they also found a helper.

Now the members of Tian Shuo and Jingyue Pavilion in Ziyan City are facing great threats and dangers.

"Tian Shuo and Xi Mo are both sacred warriors, no one can threaten them, right?" Xiao Xuan'er doubted.

"Yes, the three small families have no threats at all, but the helper they found is the Tujia family, one of the eight major physique families." Two groups of anger surged in Bai Xie's eyes, "We are all caught by Elder Tian Shuo. Arranged to stay and watch Jingyue Pavilion, but everyone else was transferred away."

"Okay, I see." An anger flashed through Mu Qianyue's slightly squinted eyes, she raised her head to look at the crowd, and glanced lightly, "Who knows to go to Ziyan City? Someone will lead the way, and the others will stay in Here."

"I know I know!" shouted a man, the one who made the noise at the beginning.

At this moment, he had recovered from the deep shock, and his eyes towards Mu Qianyue were extremely worshipful and enthusiastic.

"Okay, then you lead the way." Mu Qianyue looked at him and nodded.

The man was ecstatic when he heard this. At first he thought that Mu Qianyue would blame him for his rudeness and vigilance. Who knew that Mu Qianyue didn't mean to blame him at all, which surprised him.

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