Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 935: Group poisoning

So his favor and admiration for Mu Qianyue also rose sharply.

Unexpectedly, the sect master is so approachable, and there is no stance of the sect master! It's really the same as the elders said!

Under the lead of that person, Mu Qianyue and his party hurried to Ziyan City.


In the valley, a group of people were forced to be trapped in it, and a group of figures wrapped the three layers inside and the three layers outside.

"Tian Shuo, Pan San, you don't have to do unnecessary struggles! You should surrender quickly!" The headed man showed a cold smile on his face, and his eyes fell coldly in the crowd on the opposite side.

"Haha, this time the profound iron ore can finally be ours!" the other person laughed.

"Yeah, blame them for being too greedy! I told them that the three were equally divided, and they didn't want to, so I can't blame us!" he said again.

These three are the Patriarchs of those three families in Ziyan City, and their eyes are filled with greedy calculations.

"Humph! Although there are many of you, what about it? If you really fight, it doesn't matter who wins and who loses!" Pan San clenched his fists, his rough and handsome face was filled with anger, and he snorted slightly.

These people really make good calculations. They can't help but want to divide the profound iron ore equally?

Dream it!

A cold light flashed in Tian Shuo's faint blue eyes, "You three families together will not be our opponent."

"Haha, isn't it?" The leading man let out a sneer, "Then look at your hands."

Hearing this, Tian Shuo and the others changed their eyes, and they quickly looked down at their hands, only to find that their ten-finger nails had turned black!

Obviously this is a sign of poisoning!

"Bah, you guys are really mean! Poisoned!" Pan San was furious, and the faces of Jingyue Pavilion members were full of anger.

"Huh! So what? As long as you can win, it doesn't matter by any means!" said the owner of the house, a cold flash in his eyes quickly.

"How did you poison you?" Tian Shuo's faintly blue eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes filled with anger.

They are usually very vigilant, and ordinary toxins can't get close to their bodies. They have been nurtured by Mu Qianyue's poison technique, so they can still recognize some simple poisons.

Almost all Jingyue Pavilion members present were poisoned, so there is only one reason!

That is the traitor in Jingyue Pavilion!

Thinking of this, Tian Shuo's body was full of cold.

"Of course it was my poison." Suddenly a sneer sounded behind him.

Tian Shuo and the others looked back, suddenly surprised and angry in their eyes, "Green Scorpion? Why are you betraying us?"

"Third brother?!" Hei Xie saw this, his eyes widened incredibly, his face was angry and shocked, "You bastard! The masters and elders usually treat you well, you betrayed everyone! You traitor, see if I won't kill you!"

With an angry grunt, he rushed towards the green scorpion, but was kicked away by the green scorpion. He was poisoned, and he couldn't even display half of his strength, so naturally he was not the green scorpion's opponent.

Green Scorpion's rough and dark face showed contempt and disdain, "Your good third brother will naturally not betray you. It's a pity that he is dead!"

He sneered while walking to the opposite camp, slowly reaching out his hand to lift the mask on his face, revealing a face that was a little strange and familiar.

"It's you?" Meng Ximo's eyes widened incredibly.

A flirty smile floated on the man’s handsome and feminine face, and his eyes fell on Meng Ximo’s body with a smile, "Beauty, it’s rare that you remember me, but don’t worry. After I deal with these ants, I will take you back. Tujia. I will love you very much!"

"Tu Weiming, you are shameless!" Meng Ximo flushed with anger.

"Mo'er, don't be as knowledgeable as this kind of idiot." Tian Shuo held Meng Ximo's hand, a trace of gentleness surged through the faint blue eyes.

"Tian Shuo, you are no longer scornful, and soon you will not be my opponent. I will definitely trample you under my feet, and then let you see with my own eyes how I ruined your beloved woman , Let you see with your own eyes how she inherited the joy under me... Haha, it must be a wonderful scene." Tu Weiming’s eyes flashed with a lustful~evil light, and when he raised his head to Meng Ximo, two With eyes shining, I can't wait to pounce forward now.

When he saw Meng Ximo for the first time in Ziyan City, he couldn't help but fall in love with her. He liked her fresh and ethereal appearance, which was more beautiful than all the women he knew.

That beautiful face and soft figure are deeply imprinted in his mind, which will not be forgotten for a long time.

So his power wants her!

It is a pity that she dismissed herself, which made Tu Weiming very angry.

And Tian Shuo, in the first match, he actually lost in his hands!

Had it not been for that time when he ran fast, maybe he would have died in Tian Shuo's hands. With such a grudge, wouldn't he give up?

"Tu Weiming, where is my third brother?" Hei Xie said angrily.

"Is that stupid? Fuck? Green hair? Haha, that idiot always wears green, which is really annoying, so I killed him so as not to look anxious." Tu Weiming snorted slightly.

"Young Master Ming, why don't you talk to them and kill them directly!" said a Patriarch.

Tu Weiming nodded, with a fierce look on his face. As long as these people were killed, the profound iron ore was obtained, and the three families of Ziyan City were strongly supported, he could compete for the position of the young master of the Tujia and become the next master. A Patriarch!

At this moment, Tian Shuo stood up suddenly, the robe on his body was windless, and the faint blue hair was stirred by the violent wind, dancing wildly in the air, full of the imposing manner of ruthless domineering and evil dominance.

"Tu Weiming, you think I'm poisoned, so you can't help it?"

As his voice fell, Tian Shuo's body gradually swelled up, and it grew bigger and bigger, like a ball.

Tu Weiming and others were shocked when they saw this, and their eyes showed horror, "No! He wants to explode!"

"How is it possible! He was clearly poisoned by me, how could he still be able to explode!" Tu Weiming's face was pale, and he shouted in panic.

"No, don't, Tian Shuo!"

Meng Ximo's eyes widened in horror, and her beautiful eyes were filled with panic, fear, shock, and astonishment, tears filled her eyes.

They finally met again, a thousand years apart!

A thousand years! !

She thought that a beautiful and happy life would begin, but it was only four years, this time she would be replaced by him and leave?

No, she doesn't want it!

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