Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 936: The master is back! 【1】

"Mo'er, I'm sorry, this time I'm going to break my promise..." Tian Shuo turned to look at her, her faint blue pupils slowly enlarged, but the nostalgic gaze was still tightly on the familiar face...

It seemed that she wanted to pierce her face one by one at the bottom of her heart.


There was a muffled sound.

It was like the sound of farting sounded in this world.

Tian Shuo's inflated body quickly dried out, like a deflated balloon, instantly returning to its original shape.

Tian Shuo's eyes were full of shock, what is going on? Why can't he blew himself up?

"Tian Shuo..."

Meng Ximo rushed forward and threw him in his arms, hugged him tightly, looked up at him, her cold beautiful eyes filled with determination, "Even if you want to die, let's be together! You don't want to leave me, I I won't leave you either!"

She should not be separated as she did a thousand years ago. In the dark time of a thousand years, even if she becomes a wandering spirit, she has forgotten her love for him, her obsession with him...

The ruthless years of erosion, the endless waiting, the pain of wandering, she didn't want to taste it again!

"Haha, it seems that even God won't help you!" Tu Weiming saw Tian Shuo's body quickly dry out and returned to its original shape, with a triumphant and cold smile on his face.

"is it?"

At this moment, a cold drink suddenly sounded from behind, the girl’s cold and elegant voice with a hint of bloodthirsty coldness, sounded out of thin air, scared Tu Weiming's face changed, and shouted into the air, "Who? To this young master Come out! What's hiding behind?"

"Don't worry, I'm out now!" The girl's cold snort continued to sound in the air.

Wow, I saw a wave of air fluctuations, a crack in the space was torn open, and six figures jumped out like fish and fell in front of everyone.

The headed girl wore a lavender dress, her beautiful face was icy cold, and there was a terrifying chill in the narrow and dark Danfeng eyes. The breeze blew the three thousand green silks behind her head, dancing with the wind, showing her grace. , Eye-catching.

Beside her is a woman in a red dress like a fire. The bright red dress sets off her white and delicate face. She is passionate, full of body, curvy, and has a fatal attraction.

A man and a woman behind him also have beautiful looks,

"Master!" Tian Shuo's eyes lit up, and her cold face burst into joy.


Pan San and the others stared incredibly, and the sect master is back! !

Their gazes fell on the lavender figure in front of them, and there were expressions of excitement, joy, and excitement in their eyes. The previous humiliation and suffocation disappeared.

The moment they saw the sect master, they seemed to have found the backbone, and there was no trace of fear in their hearts!

"Sect Master! He killed my third brother!" When Hei Xie saw Mu Qianyue, his eyes were red, and he pointed to Tu Weiming on the opposite side.

There were tears in his eyes. At this moment, he was like a child being bullied. Seeing his relatives coming, all the grievances and anger could not help but burst out.

At a glance, Mu Qianyue recognized the black scorpion speaking. His second brother was naturally referring to the white scorpion. Her eyes became cold and she turned her head to look at Tu Weiming and said, "Where did you leave the white scorpion? ?"

Only then did Tu Weiming recover from the shock and glamour, and a panic flashed across his slightly drooping eyes, "I threw his body in a nearby mass grave."

This beautiful woman in front of you is the master of Jingyue Pavilion, Mu Qianyue?

I heard that she is not in the wild ancient world? Why did you come out suddenly?

Tu Weiming was not a fool either. Naturally, at a glance, he could see that Mu Qianyue's strength far surpassed her, and the men and women beside her, all of them were impressive in strength, unfathomable, and more powerful than him. cut!

Thinking of this, Tu Weiming's heart filled with a look of fear and panic, and his legs trembled slightly.

"Tu Weiming, you bastard! I'm going to kill you!" Hei Xie's eyes were red, and he was furious.

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand to stop him, and said to Mo Shang Feng Chime on the side, "Wind Chime, you detoxify them."

After the words fell, he raised his eyes, and looked at Tu Weiming and others on the opposite side coldly, "I will solve these people."

Tu Weiming shook his legs, turned and ran, but suddenly saw the entire sky dimmed in an instant, and countless resentful spirits and evil spirits rushed towards his face. Not only him, but also the Patriarchs, elders, and disciples of the three families who also saw thousands of evil spirits, they couldn't help but turned pale with fright, and their legs trembled, thinking that they had come to Jiuyou Hell in an instant.

Killing them would also float her own hands. Mu Qianyue didn't even move her hands, but directly opened the realm of death.

In this realm space, those with weak strength and concentration are directly torn to pieces by the evil spirits in the space, or eaten alive.

Patriarchs, elders, and others of the three families had no ability to resist at all, and there were horrible and terrifying wailing voices.

Tu Weiming is still somewhat capable, he is a descendant of the Tujia physique, and he is also a Tier 6 martial artist. Although he is not dead, the situation is not optimistic. I saw that his body was covered with scars, **** and shocking. .

"Are you an Emperor Martial Artist? This is a realm space?" Tu Weiming's eyes were full of terror. His Tujia ancestor was an Emperor Martial artist, who possessed a realm space, so he quickly learned about countless resentful spirits and evil ghosts. It is this domain space that has changed.

Even so, he was unable to break through Mu Qianyue's realm of death, and in the end he could not escape the fate of death.

The members of Jingyue were not in the realm of death, so the resentful spirits and evil spirits in the realm were invisible to them. They saw Tu Weiming and the three families fighting each other in it, and soon All are dead, not alive.

This shocking scene made their eyes widened unbelievably, and their eyes were filled with surprise and surprise. Until now, they didn't understand what was going on. How could these people kill each other, or die so easily? Could it be that the sect master secretly poisoned something?

At this time, Moshang Fengling researched out the medicine, and after taking the liquid medicine for everyone to drink one by one, everyone's originally bluish-black nails slowly restored their original healthy color.

"Black Scorpion, where is the mass grave?" Mu Qianyue asked.

"Sect Master, I'm going to get back the body of my third brother." Hei Xie choked.

"I'll go with you." I only hope that Bai Xie's body is still there, otherwise she will have no choice.

"The sect master, the mass graves are smelly and dirty, smelly, and unpleasant. I can bring a few brothers by myself." Black Scorpion said.

The master is so cold and beautiful, how can he go to such a place? He was afraid that the dirty land would stain the doormaster's clothes.

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