Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 937: The master is back! 【2】

"Green Scorpion sacrificed because of Jingyue Pavilion. He is my subordinate and my friend." Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, her cold voice brought a touch of majesty, "Lead the way."

"Okay!" Hei Xie's eyes were red again when he heard this, and he was moved almost to tears.

The members of Jingyue Pavilion were red eyes when they heard that, and their hearts were full of touch. Especially some new people who joined Jingyue Pavilion after Mu Qianyue went to the wild ancient world, saw Mu Qianyue like this. The appearance of emphasizing affection and righteousness, one by one, there is a lot of ripples in the heart.

There are really not many sect masters who value love and righteousness!

It's really as rumored!

Soon Mu Qianyue followed the black scorpion to the nearby mass grave, as for Tian Shuo, they stayed in the valley and continued to mine the mysterious iron ore in the cave.

There was a foul smell coming from the dense and dense woods. Before I got close, I had seen flies flying and making a nasty hum.

Looking up, I saw that the grass in front of me was full of fragments, bones, and some corpses. Some seemed to have just died, and some died for several days, exuding foul smells, and even maggots, insects and ants. Crawling on the body.

"Third brother!" Hei Xie let out an exclamation, rushed forward hurriedly, and pulled out the corpse that had been thrown on top.

The green scorpion was pale and bloodless, his eyes closed, his breath was absent, and his body was stiff and cold. Perhaps it was because the green scorpion died only a day or two, so his body did not rot, just crawled with some insects.

It is winter, and the decay of the body is slow.

The black scorpion cried bitterly while holding him.

Mu Qianyue's eyes fell on the corpse of the green scorpion, squinted, stepped forward, and searched for the corpse. The Jingyue Pavilion members behind him suddenly showed a suspicious look. The corpse of Elder Green was already did you find it? What is she still looking for?

"Sect Master, what are you looking for? Do we need to look for it together?" one person asked.

"Green Scorpion's arm." Mu Qianyue said lightly without raising her head.

The girl's lavender dress was swept into the dust and dirt on the ground. She bent down slightly, her bright black eyes staring at the ground, looking around.

Even though she was in a filthy mass grave, she was still breathtakingly beautiful, clean and dusty, like a lotus blooming in mud.

Out of the silt but not stained, clear and demon.

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that the sect master was looking for Green Scorpion's broken left hand.

There was a touch of emotion in his heart, and everyone followed and searched. After going through the mass grave, they did not find the green scorpion arm.

Mu Qianyue squinted her eyes, her eyes fell in the grass beside her, she saw a dark red blood stain left on the leaves, lifted her footsteps gently, and followed the blood stain, and finally found a broken piece not far away. arm.

The green sleeves on the broken arm are the same as the clothes on the green scorpion, and this is his hand.

There are also a lot of fighting marks on this side, so Mu Qianyue determined that this was definitely Green Scorpion's hand.

"Found it." Bend down and picked up the broken arm of the green scorpion, Mu Qianyue walked back to the black scorpion.

"The third brother, it's the eldest brother who didn't protect you!" Hei Xie's eyes were full of self-blame and pain. He raised his head to look at Mu Qianyue, and then reached out to touch Green Scorpion's pale and cold face, "The master found it for you. Arm, anyhow, if you go on Huangquan Road, you won't miss an arm."

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue's mouth was straight, her cold beautiful eyes couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Who said he would go to Huangquan Road?"

Black Scorpion was taken aback, looked up at her, her eyes were filled with puzzlement, wiped her nose and tears, and asked in confusion, "Where can people go if they die without going to Huangquan?"

"He won't die." Mu Qianyue said lightly, "first look up his body and clean it, and then I will save him."

"What? Sect master, what did you just say?!" Hei Xie widened his eyes in disbelief when he heard this, with a look of surprise on his face. The sect master said he wanted to save his third brother, did he hear it wrong?

The third brother has been dead for at least two days, how to save? Can this be saved?

Other people opened their mouths in amazement when they heard this, looking at Mu Qianyue in shock, their eyes full of doubt and curiosity.

The master said it can be saved, should it be saved?

After a long pause, the black scorpion reacted, bursting into a smile, "Well, I will take my third brother back."

Saying that he picked up the corpse of the green scorpion and ran, walking fast like flying.

Mu Qianyue shook her head amused, and then returned to Ziyan City with everyone.

Pan San took some people to stay and continue mining profound iron, and Mu Rutian and Bing Yan were also left behind to avoid accidents.

As for Tian Shuo and Meng Ximo, they hurried to Ziyan City with the rest.

In Ziyan City, there are still the remaining power of these three families, and naturally they will be exhausted.

If it were not for the sudden return of the sect master today, I am afraid that the members of Jingyue Pavilion stationed here today would be wiped out.

So treat the remaining power of these three families, not one.

It was because their trap succeeded, and now it was Jingyue Pavilion who was driven to extinction.

Survival of the fittest is a rule of the game in the mainland since ancient times.

There is no need for sympathy and pity here.

There are five people, Tianshuo, Moshang Fengling, Xiao Xuan'er, Nalan Xueling, and Meng Ximo, and a part of the members will be encircled and suppressed. It is enough.

As for Mu Qianyue, she stayed and prepared to give injections to save people.

In the room, the corpse of Green Scorpion has been cleaned and tidied, put on clean clothes, and his messy hair has also been cleaned.

Although Green Scorpion's face was still pale, but her appearance was much better.

Mu Qianyue cleans the broken arm of the green scorpion with a special liquid medicine, and then sutures it with silk ling grass.

Silk Lingcao's tendons are extremely thin, as thin as silk, and they are full of toughness. They also have the effect of promoting wound healing. It is really great to use it to stitch wounds.

After doing all this, Mu Qianyue took out a Jinlian Rejuvenation Pill from the space, melted it with the essence of transformation, then pried open his mouth, and slowly fed it into his mouth with a spoon.

Coupled with the Yin-Yang acupuncture method, ninety-nine-eighty-one needles were stuck on the various points of the green scorpion's body. After a while, a faint golden light was emitted from the green scorpion's body.

After about a cup of tea, the green scorpion's eyes trembled and then opened.

The gray pupil was at a loss, puzzled, and puzzled. He sat up, scratched his head, and looked around blankly.

"Ah! He is awake!"

"Gosh! He really woke up!"

"Wow! What kind of medical technique is this! It is so powerful that it can be brought back to life!!"

"Oh my God! This is incredible, if you don't see it with your own eyes, you would think it's a dream!"

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