Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 938: The master is back! 【3】

"Yeah! It's amazing! Elder Green has been dead for two days, so he was saved by the Sect Master! The Sect Master is really amazing!"

"The master is mighty! The master is mighty!"

There was a cry of exclamation all around, and everyone's faces showed shocked expressions, each of them staring wider than copper bells.

Hearing everyone's exclamation and laughter, Mu Qianyue curled her lips, and when she showed her medical skills, she did not hide it from everyone.

Since they were all curious and wanted to watch, I made them look good. She never minded.

It's just that this yin and yang needle is not something anyone can learn.

However, Mu Qianyue still intends to teach them some simple acupuncture methods and some knowledge of human acupoints.

This can also improve everyone's combat capabilities. When facing the enemy, it is easy to find out where the enemy's weakness lies.

"Third brother! Third brother! You are really resurrected! You are really resurrected! Great!" The happiest person was Black Scorpion, his face was full of excitement, and he rushed forward. Hold the green scorpion.

"Big brother, what's going on? Why are everyone here? Why are you looking at me with such eyes?" Green Scorpion was puzzled.

"Third brother, don't you remember?" Hei Xie asked.

Hearing this, Green Scorpion's face showed a thoughtful color, and after thinking about it carefully, he remembered the last scene, he was killed by Tu Weiming! Also broke a hand!

Thinking of this, he quickly lowered his head to look at Xiang's already broken arm, but saw that it was completely connected to the body, with no scars at all, making him almost think he was just having a dream.

"Big brother, what's going on? I, I, I am not..."

"Yes, you are dead, but you are alive again. The sect master came back, and the sect master rescued you, or you would have died a long time ago, maybe the corpse was dragged and eaten by wild beasts." Hei Scorpion's face was proud and excited.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't even dare to think of all this!


"I remember! Tu Weiming that bastard, he dare to yin at me! What about others? I must go and kill him!" Green Scorpion said angrily.

"He has been killed by the master."

Green Scorpion was stunned when he heard the words. He looked up and saw a slender lavender figure standing at the door. The golden sunlight shone on her body, with a slight blur and gentleness in the cold.

"The master!" Green Scorpion shouted, jumped out of bed, walked quickly to Mu Qianyue, knelt down on one knee, arched his hands, his face was serious and moved.

"Thank you for your help! My green scorpion has nothing to do with it. I will definitely work harder for Jingyue Pavilion in this life! Jingyue Pavilion is here, and I will be here! If anyone dares to play Jingyue Pavilion, I will definitely Fight with him!"

"And me!" Hei Xie also walked over, and also knelt on one knee to Mu Qianyue with both hands, "Sect Master, thank you for saving my third brother. I will definitely live and die with Jingyue Pavilion in the future!"

Mu Qianyue's sleeves flicked, and the true vitality gushed out, holding up the two of their brothers, with a small smile on her beautiful face, "What do you two do so strangely? You are the Jingyue Pavilion. Elder, run around for the development of Jingyue Pavilion. You are the people of Jingyue Pavilion and I am the one who admires Qianyue. If I don't save you, wouldn't it be ruthless and righteous?"

"I am really proud to have such a sect master! The best and most correct choice I made in my life is to join Jingyue Pavilion!" Green Scorpion said.

"me too!"

"Me too! It's so happy to have such a sect master!"

Everyone said one after another.

The sect master is not only approachable and has no arrogance, he not only possesses refined alchemy, but also has the medical skills to bring back to life. The most important point is that the sect master is very affectionate! Never look at them at the moment, and never yell at them!

Unlike the patriarchs or elders of those big families, all of their nostrils face the sky, and their eyes are all looking towards the sky.

Of course, if you make a mistake, or do something sorry for Jingyue Pavilion, the sect master will never show mercy.

The sect master is such a clear distinction between grievances, love and hatred!

Especially when Green Scorpion heard Black Scorpion say that the sect master himself was looking for his broken arm in the corpses and dirt on the ground in a mass grave, his eyes turned red, and he almost agreed with his body.

"Pooh, sect master, you don't want your body to agree!" Hei Xie scolded with a smile.

"Hey, I'm serious! Even if the sect master dislikes me, I don't mind. I will serve the sect master to serve tea and wash my feet and shoes, I am willing!" Green Scorpion laughed.

"Would you like the sect master or not." Hei Xie gave him a white look, his face also full of smiles.

Everyone around them burst into laughter when they heard the words, the tense and solemn atmosphere was covered up, and everyone's faces were full of laughter.

Before long, Tian Shuo, Meng Ximo and others returned, and all the remaining power of the three families was wiped out.

"Sect Master, that Tu Weiming is from Tujia. Now that he is dead, it is estimated that Tujia will come soon. Should we prepare now?" a member asked.

"What are you afraid of? If their Tujia people dare to come, just kill them. Our Jingyue Pavilion is not so good to bully!" Hei Xie snorted coldly.

Tian Shuo’s blue eyes were surging with an icy chill, "Black Scorpion is right. If they dare to come, they will kill them. Our Jingyue Pavilion is just about to set up a headquarters in Ziyan City, and some people will inevitably come to cause trouble. Then just kill the chicken and the monkey."

Mu Qianyue nodded in agreement.

The changes in Ziyan City soon spread to Tuzhou City, which immediately caused a great uproar, and the matter was being discussed everywhere.

Unexpectedly, Jingyue Pavilion's wrists were so tough, it immediately destroyed the three families and quickly controlled and occupied the entire Ziyan City.

As for the news of Mu Qianyue's return, it has not yet spread.


Ziyan City and Tuzhou City are not far apart, about two hundred miles away.

In the Tujia ancestral hall, a jade plaque suddenly shattered for no reason, and the guards hurried to report.

When the Tujia master and the elders learned that Tu Weiming's life card had broken, their eyes were shocked, followed by a burst of contempt and regret.

"Which **** beast killed my grandson! Ahhhhh! I must kill him! Skinned him alive!" An old man with gray hair angered, his forehead violently bounced with blue veins on his face. His expression was extremely angry and hateful, his body was shaking, shaking, and his face was heartache.

This elder is Tu Weiming's grandfather, Tu Fei.

"Tu Weiming is a Tier 6 Divine Martial Artist anyway, who killed him? Didn't he even have a chance to escape?" The Tujia master asked in doubt.

"Who knows, his strength is indeed not weak, but you must know that there are people outside of the world, there are days outside the world, like him, so selfish and overbearing, doing all bad things, and maybe encountering someone more horizontal than him! Everyone will meet." An elder snorted coldly.

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