Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 939: Find it! 【1】

"Second elder, what do you mean? Are you trying to say that my grandson is more than guilty?" Tu Fei's eyes widened, and the anger of the two races surged in his eyes.

"What do you mean, you know in your heart, I only hope that this time your good grandson will never cause any trouble to the Tujia family." The second elder snorted coldly and could kill Tu Weiming and give him a chance to escape. None, it shows that the strength is very strong!

There are not many powerhouses in the Huanzhou Continent. Basically, they are the six bloodline families and eight physique families, and the Ling family, the Su family and other forces.

So he dare to conclude that this time the people who provoke the Tuwei Ming are definitely not easy.

"Huh! Our Tujia is the top nine physique family in the Huanzhou continent anyway. Who dares to oppose our Tujia? It's just looking for death!" Tu Fei said angrily, clenching his fists under his sleeves, "That dare to kill my grandson People of your son, I will definitely not put our Tujia in their eyes! Patriarch, I strongly request you to find a murderer for Ming'er and avenge him! Otherwise, wouldn't anyone be able to bully our Tujia in the future?"

The Tujia master squinted his eyes and nodded, “That’s right, Tu Weiming is a direct disciple of our Tujia at any rate. The person who killed him clearly doesn’t put us Tujia in his eyes. If we don’t find the murderer, I am afraid that our Tujia’s prestige status will be lowered in the future."

So the Tujia master decided to send two elders and four disciples to investigate the matter.

It's just that no matter how Tu Fei checked it, there was no clue. Tu Weiming's body and traces seemed to have evaporated from the world, as if it had never appeared.

This made Tu Fei very angry, very angry.

Three months have passed, but there is still no clue.

Tu Fei returned to Tujia depressed.

"Tu Fei, are you back? What's the situation, can you find clues?" Tujia asked.

"No, that **** **** was so well hidden, he didn't leave a trace of what he did!" Tu Fei said angrily. He hasn't seen Ming'er's body, let alone a murderer.

"Hey, it seems that the murderer is not only powerful, but also meticulous!" Tujia master sighed, "I'll talk about this later."

"Ah, ah, I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled! Which **** killed Ming'er, if I find you, you must die!" Tu Fei roared to the sky.

His only grandson is dead. He has been dead for three months. He has not been able to find the murderer. Thinking about it makes him feel sullen and angry.

In the hall, a disciple standing behind Tu Fei suddenly said, "I remembered. Three months ago, I seemed to hear Brother Ming said that we were going to Ziyan City. Elder Fei, do we want to go to Ziyan? Take a look at the city?"

"It's the neighboring Ziyan City?" Tu Fei's gloomy face was filled with doubts.


"What is he going to do in Ziyan City?"

"It seems that there is a family in Ziyan City surrendering to Brother Ming..."

"Ziyan City? It seems that a month ago, Ziyan City suddenly reported that all three families in the city were destroyed by Jingyue Pavilion, and Ziyan City was completely controlled by Jingyue Pavilion. Could this have something to do with Jingyue Pavilion?" Doubted.

Tu Fei showed an expression of anger and hatred on his face, "It must be Jingyue Pavilion! It must be Jingyue Pavilion! I will take people to Jingyue Pavilion to find them afterwards!"

After that, he turned around and wanted to leave. He was drunk by the Tujia master. He only saw the Tujia master frowning, and his expression was a bit solemn, "Tu Fei, when you go there, first investigate the matter clearly. Besides, don't be too impulsive. After all, Jing Behind the Yue Pavilion is supported by the Bai family. Moreover, I heard that Mu Qianyue, the master of Jingyue Pavilion, seems to belong to the Mu family..."

"Patriarch, what do you mean, is it possible that they killed my grandchildren and I still have to speak nicely to them? This is absolutely impossible! I don't care if there is a Bai family behind them! No matter who it is, If you kill my grandson, you will have to pay a heavy price!" Tu Fei snorted, took the two elders and four disciples, and quickly turned away.


There is a busy scene in Jingyue Pavilion.

Because the three families in Ziyan City were destroyed, Jingyue Pavilion is now officially taken over, and all the industries under the three families are also owned by Jingyue Pavilion.

Everyone is busy handing over these days. Another point is the expansion of Jingyue Pavilion.

Jingyue Pavilion was originally located in a remote courtyard to the west, but now it has purchased a house in the center of the city and started its expansion.

This will serve as the headquarters of Jingyue Pavilion's development. The location, area, room design, etc., will naturally be planned.

Apart from these, everything else remains the same.

Although all three families disappeared overnight, this did not have much impact on the people and others in Ziyan City. Everyone was surprised for a while, then recovered, and everyone went their separate ways.

Every year these families have to fight each other, they have long been used to it, no matter how you fight, as long as it doesn't affect their lives.

It's the same as the people who never care about who is the emperor, just let them live and work in peace.

The development of Ziyan City is still in full swing, even more prosperous than before, because a pill shop has been opened in Ziyan City, and the price of the items sold in it is much cheaper than other places, and the efficacy of the pill here is also better than other places. much better.

There are also a variety of fashionable and colorful ready-to-wear garments, which attract many passersby.

In addition, Jingyue Pavilion also opened a material purchase shop. All kinds of animal skins, veins, minerals, blood, fangs, crystal nuclei, etc. will be purchased at a fair price.

This can't help but attract many warriors who have experienced in the nearby mountains.

Usually they come out to experience, hunt and kill Beasts, isn't it just to make money? Moreover, there is a purchase station in Ziyan City, and the price is fair, so many people simply choose to sell it here, without having to go to other towns.

As for the purchased materials, blood can be used to refine alchemy and poison.

Fur can be made into exquisite clothes.

Crystal nuclei, fangs, ores can be used to make weapons.

In addition to the material purchasing station, there are also restaurants, inns...In short, Jingyue Pavilion is like a gold sucker now, absorbing a large amount of gold coins, and the financial resources are rolling. The business system is becoming more and more mature.

In addition, Ziyan City was officially renamed Jingyue City, and the font on the city gate has been changed.

In Jingyue City, three big characters, dragons flying and phoenix dancing, the momentum is like a rainbow, if you look closely, you will find that there is a trace of heaven in the font.

The most important point is that Jingyue City now looks neat, clean and bright.

Basically all the houses have been demolished and reconstructed, with a unified style, a unified architectural style, a unified white wall and black tiles, and a unique style.

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