Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 944: Tujia’s decision [2]

A group of silhouettes walked out behind the black scorpion and green scorpion.

Mu Qianyue and Mu Rutian also went out.

When I walked to the door, I saw a group of figures in front of the gate of the mansion constantly busy, some lifting bricks, some lifting cement, and some directly laying walls, their movements were quick and capable, vigorous and mighty.

A sixty-year-old old man directed with a smile.

When Black Scorpion, Green Scorpion and others saw this scene, their eyes widened in surprise, and they looked at each other and were speechless. They copied the guy and thought they could do a big job, but they didn't expect that they were here to build the wall, not to fight at all.

Suddenly they rolled their eyes silently one by one, no fights, it was really boring.

"Presumably you are the pavilion master of Jingyue Pavilion, Mu Qianyue, right?" Seeing someone coming out, the second elder of the Tujia family showed a friendly smile on his face, his eyes swept across the crowd, and fell on Mu Qianyue.

In order to find out who Mu Qianyue is, he didn't do less work, and deliberately got a portrait of Mu Qianyue so as not to recognize the wrong person.

"Yes, I am Mu Qianyue, who are you? Why come to my Jingyue Pavilion?" Mu Qianyue frowned slightly and asked with a cold face.

Moshang Wind Chime on the side smoked speechlessly when he heard the words, the little girl is very good at acting! Obviously knowing they are from the Tujia family, and pretending not to know them, haha...

"Haha...I'm the second elder of the Tujia family. I have already figured out what happened before. It is my Tujia family's fault. Although Tu Weiming is a direct disciple of my Tujia family, he is usually domineering and accustomed to trouble. We have been disciplining him, but he didn't listen to persuasion, and now he deserves it." The second elder Tu smoked his mouth and smiled.

"Huh? Didn't you come here to seek revenge? Seeing you bring so many people here, you thought you would be an enemy of Jingyue Pavilion." A soft voice sounded from the crowd.

It was Nalan Xueling who was talking.

The Second Elder Tussed his mouth again when he heard the words, raised his head, and looked forward. When he saw Nalan Xueling, his eyes showed a look of horror, and then he stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes vigorously, for fear that he would be stunned. Similar.

what? First-order martial artist? This little girl who looked only about ten years old before turned out to be a martial artist? !

Oh my god! I have no dizziness, am I?

"Tu Er, what are you looking at? Is there a flower on my face?" Nalan Xueling walked forward with a smile, stretched out his hand and yanked a handful of goatee on the chin of Tu Er elder, it hurt his canthus. He grinned, and quickly came back to his senses.

"No, no." The second elder of Tu hurriedly replied, but there was a shocking wave in his heart.

This Jingyue Pavilion is incredible, ten-year-old Tier 1 martial artists have all come out!

All of them are perverted! !

Such strength and such talent are terrible! I can't imagine how far this little girl will grow in ten years!

Seeing Nalan Xueling teasing the second elder of Tu, Mu Qianyue shook her head speechlessly, but there was pampering and tenderness in her eyes.

Then she looked up at the person on the opposite side and said, "Second Elder Tu, it turns out that you are here for Tu Weiming's business. I was thinking about going to Tuzhou City these days and walking to your Tujia. After all, Tu Weiming and Tu Fei belong to your Tu family."

The second elder of Tu Fei was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "Tu Wei Ming has done a lot of evil and died more than guilty. It is an honor for him to die in your hands! As for Tu Fei, he has come to seek revenge regardless of things. Idiot, deserve it."

A flash of horror flashed in Moshang Wind Chime's eyes, and a huge black thread slid down his head. The little girl is really awesome! It is really amazing that the second elder of the Tujia can speak like this!

In fact, the real deterrent is her, the strength of the seventh-order emperor martial artist, no matter where it is placed, is it not a fearful existence?

Mu Qianyue was also secretly funny in her heart. If Tu Weiming and Tu Fei heard it underground, they would have crawled out of the soil with anger.

The black scorpion and the green scorpion puckered their mouths quite speechlessly when they heard the words. This old guy can really talk. With that said, they are embarrassed to find trouble with his Tujia.

"Since your Tujia don't plan to pursue this matter, let this matter pass." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

The second elder of the soil only breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and couldn't help but complain in his heart, but they didn't have the guts to pursue it! Seventh-order emperor martial artist, a sneeze can kill them...

"It's so good, so it's good. Mumen Master, this is the intention of my Tujia family, but I still want to accept it. This has caused a lot of trouble to Jingyue Pavilion, but I don't want to be offended." He said, his palm flicked, holding Take out a small space to receive the ring and hand it forward.

There are a lot of gold coins, medicines, weapons, etc. inside.

The second elder Tu was smiling on his face, but blood was dripping in his heart. The money that the Tujia finally accumulated was scattered a lot for no reason. They blamed the **** Tu Weiming and Tu Fei. They were all dead. To hurt Tujia.

"The second elder of Tu is really polite, so I will accept it, so as not to panic in your hearts." Mu Qianyue reached out and took it.

Although those gold coins, medicinal materials, weapons, etc. are not rare, she has to accept them if they are delivered.

Although she is not rare, it can be reserved for Jingyue Pavilion's development.

Who would think he has too much money?

Seeing that Mu Qianyue had accepted the ring, the second elder Tu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief secretly when the huge boulder in his heart finally sank.

Subsequently, Mu Qianyue ordered someone to invite the second elder of Tu into the house, so that he could entertain him.

Some people didn't understand Mu Qianyue's decision at first, but afterwards they all understood Mu Qianyue's painstaking efforts. Although Jingyue Pavilion now has the ability to fight against the Tujia, it can even destroy the entire Tujia.

But the Tujia family is a big family that has survived for thousands of years in the Huanzhou Continent, with certain connections and friends, and there are also contacts among the eight major physical families.

If Jingyue Pavilion really annihilated the Tujia, it might attract the common anger and hatred of the eight major physique families. If these families are connected together, even if Jingyue Pavilion is strong, it will be invincible.

So Mu Qianyue had to consider these factors.

Moreover, the Tujia master sent someone to surrender and expressed his attitude, and the matter was deemed to have been exposed.

This is the meaning of the so-called not hitting smiley people with one's hand.

After the second elder Tuan led the people to repair the collapsed courtyard wall, he immediately went back. It only took a day to restore it.

This matter spread like a hurricane across the entire continent of Magic State.

When everyone knew that even the Tujia was afraid of Jingyue Pavilion three points, one by one was shocked and shocked, with incredible expressions on their faces.

The little school that used to have only a dozen people has now developed into a big school!

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