Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 945: Mu Hong was arrested [1]

It took only four years to build a city with a unique style and a self-contained system!

After Jingyue Pavilion's affairs were settled, Mu Rutian decided to return to Mu's house. After all, he had not returned to Qingzhou's Mu's house after returning from the wild ancient world. On the other hand, he just wanted to investigate the matter of Mu Linggang's line, and he dared to attack himself and his sister boldly in the wild ancient world.

How can we not report such a grievance?

Had it not been for the master to save himself, he would have died long ago.

Although Mu Ling had just died, the people in his line, his sons, grandsons, and disciples, must have held a conspiracy against the Mu family.

These people are like malignant tumors hidden in the dark, they must be removed, and they may not know what they will do in the future!

The most important point is what happened in the wild ancient world. He obviously asked Mu Lingheng to pass the book back, but Qingzhou City has always been quiet, and there was no sound of wind and nothing happened.

So this made Mu Rutian very puzzled and puzzled.

According to his father's personality, if he receives the news at the first time, he will be furious and will reorganize the entire Mu family on a large scale, instead of assuming that nothing has happened.

Therefore, he guessed that the letter sent by Mu Lingheng was intercepted!

The person who can intercept this letter must have a high status in the Mu family, and even the power is not less than that of his father!

In this way, it can be concluded that that person is at least the super elder in the Mu family.

Another point is that the reason for Mu Linggang's attack on the master seems to be to get something from the master, which is related to the life of the master, so he will never allow those people to make the master's idea.

Now that Nalanjing is no longer there, it is up to him to protect the master. With him, those people will never want to grab the master's things.

"After you go back, if you have something you don't understand, you can also go to Mu Yifeng," Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Mu Rutian frowned slightly, "Mu Yifeng?"

He seems to be from Mu Linggang's line.

"Mu Yifeng is my person, absolutely loyal, you can rest assured of this." As if seeing Mu Rutian's mind, the corner of Mu Qianyue's lips was slightly curved.

Mu Rutian's eyes quickly flashed with no surprise. It seemed that he didn't expect Mu Yifeng to be the master's. When did the master subdue Mu Yifeng? The problem is that the master has never been to Mu's house! No, I have been there once, when I participated in a sectarian contest.

But at that time the master didn't do anything special, and there was nothing unusual about it.

His eyes were full of doubts, and he couldn't figure out how the master subdued Mu Yifeng.

Forget it, I don't want to, since the master said it, there is nothing wrong.

"Okay, master, I understand, then I'll go, take care of yourself. After I have handled those things, I will rush back right away." Mu Rutian arched his hands, turned and left, and walked a few steps. Stopped again.

He turned to Mu Qianyue and looked at Mu Qianyue, his narrow and deep phoenix eyes showed a firm expression, "Master, wait for me to come back! Whether it's Daoshanhuohai or Nine Netherworld Prison, I will be with you!"

When the words fell, he stopped staying and quickly turned and left.

Mu Qianyue's heart moved when she heard the words, her eyes filled with a strange look, how could she not understand his words? He is going to accompany himself to the Dead Sea, to the Nether Prison!

It was her business to save Nalanjing, how could she let Mu Rutian accompany herself in the danger?

There has been nothing recently, Mu Qianyue has been staying in Jingyue City, raising her fetus with peace of mind. When Xue Ling was born, she went to the Dead Sea and went to the Nether Prison. If she had not become pregnant at this time, she really wanted to rush to the Dead Sea .

During this period, Mu Qianyue decided to take Xiao Ling back to the Tianwu Continent. After all, there was still an imperial flag gate and grandpa there.

I haven't been back for almost four years. Thinking about this, Mu Qianyue couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt.

I don't know if Grandpa will be angry when he sees her after returning home?

Early the next morning, Mu Qianyue took Nalan Xueling and rushed to the Tianwu Continent, accompanied by Moshang Fengling, Xiao Xuan'er, and Bing Yan.

It may be because of the feeling of being close to the hometown. As soon as he arrived in Tianwu Continent, Mu Qianyue felt a different feeling in her heart. She hadn't come back for four years.

No matter how well developed in Huanzhou Continent, no matter how strong aura there is, Mu Qianyue always has a different feeling for Tianwu Continent. After all, this is the place where she grew up and her homeland.

"Huh? There is also a Jingyue City here?" Looking at the three dragons flying and phoenix dancing on the city wall, Bing Yan's blue eyes flashed with surprise.

Mo Shang Fengling rolled his eyes helplessly, raised his eyes to Mu Qianyue and said, "Little girl, I know you and Nalanjing have a good relationship, but your affection is too arrogant!"

Jingyuecheng, of course, was taken from the two of them.

There is also Jingyue Pavilion.

"Wind chime, I think you are jealous, hehe, jealous that my master and master love each other." Xiao Xuan'er grinned.

"Haha, really, I'm really a bit jealous." A smile appeared on Mo Shang Fengling's face.

"That is, my father and mother, they are the best couple in the world." Nalan Xue Lingfen's carved face was also full of laughter and happiness, and her dark eyes rolled and turned. "You will see Grandpa soon, I don't know how grandpa is doing now."

With that, Nalan Xueling moved and flew directly towards the imperial city in the center of the city.

Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a slight smile and followed behind.

The palace was as quiet as usual, and the guards guarded the patrol, nothing unusual.

But Mu Qianyue's brows frowned slightly.

"Master, what's the matter? I'm not happy when I came back? Why are you frowning?" Xiao Xuan'er asked curiously.

"I don't know, it's a very strange feeling." That strange feeling still permeated my heart.

Xiao Xuan'er chuckled, "Master, it's been a long time since you have come back, so it's a bit strange."

"Probably so." Mu Qianyue sighed softly, took out the token, and smoothly entered the palace where his grandfather usually handled government affairs and lived, but did not see him.

Nalan Xueling searched everywhere, but still didn't find it.

I found a guard to ask, but the guard said with a face full of doubts, "It seems that the grandfather of the country had been in retreat six months ago, and he has not left the customs until now."

The Guogong in his mouth refers to Mu Qianyue's grandfather, Mu Hong.

"En? Retreat?" Mu Qianyue felt a trace of doubt in her heart.

"Mother, grandpa is closed, what should I do? Should I pull grandpa out of the secret room?" Nalan Xueling asked.

At this moment, a shocked and excited voice suddenly rang behind him.

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