Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 948: Illusion Test【2】

Everyone couldn't help but twitched their mouths fiercely when they heard the words. Although the queen's words were shocking to them, it was true!

The queen refines a sacred pill, a **** pill, and she doesn't know how much it can sell! !

Hey! !

What's more, the queen also has giants such as the Imperial Banner Gate and the Holy Doctor Gate, with great power, so naturally it will not be in the eyes of the secular country, and there is no desire.

Only these people will indulge and struggle in these mundane lives.

"In fact, you don’t have to sigh. Although everyone lives in different ways and creates different values, as long as you are valuable and meaningful to others, that’s enough. Although you are just a spiritual warrior, or It is a martial artist, a warrior king, but you have protected the people of this side, so that they can live and work in peace and contentment. This is what you mean."

The woman's light and pleasant voice sounded slowly in the hall, and fell into the ears of everyone, but it was like a thunder that made them wake up.

Yes, everyone has their own mission and lifestyle. You don't need to deliberately pursue the footsteps of others, just do yourself well!

"Queen, can I ask you a question?" a minister asked.

"Ask, what question."

"Queen, what level are you now? Have you become a martial artist?"

"En. I am an Emperor Martial Artist now." Mu Qianyue replied.

"Emperor Martial Artist?"

"What is the strength of the Emperor Martial Artist? Why haven't you heard of it before?"

Everyone was talking and curious.

"The Emperor Martial Artist is above the Divine Martial Artist and has its own independent domain space. In this domain space, she is the ruler and the rule. The person who understands the domain space must be able to comprehend a trace of natural law or heaven."

Before Mu Qianyue spoke, Ding Hao on the side could not help but speak, his face was full of pride and pride, as if the person he was talking about was himself.

Everyone's eyes widened unbelievably when they heard this, what? The emperor is better than the divine warrior? !

hiss! !

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning. The martial artist was as unattainable as a **** to them!

They thought that the martial artist was the highest existence on the road of warriors!

Unexpectedly, there are Emperor Martial Artists in the Shenwuzhe! !

If it weren't for the queen to reach the realm of an emperor martial artist, they thought that there was only a martial artist above the martial artist, and it would be over!

It seems that they are all frogs at the bottom of the well!

At this moment, everyone deeply felt that they were very small, like a dust in the desert.

You must know that there have been no martial artists in the Huanzhou continent for thousands of years! !

But this time their queen of Jingyue Kingdom not only reached the realm of Shenwu Realm, but also became an emperor!

There was a sense of incomparable pride in everyone's hearts. They were lucky to be subjects of Jingyue Kingdom, and it was an honor to see an Emperor Martial Artist! !

But when he thought that Mu Qianyue would leave Jingyue Kingdom, and would no longer be the queen of Jingyue Kingdom in the future, everyone felt deeply regretful.

You have to know how much benefit Jingyue country has benefited from a pill master's queen! !

Needless to say, the benefits of this.

"Although my husband is no longer the emperor of Jingyue Country, he will be the Supreme Emperor, and I, the Supreme Queen, will still be from Jingyue Country. After all, this is my home and the place where I grew up. , I have always rewarded and punished Mu Qianyue for doing things, and the pill is not for useless people." Mu Qianyue added.

Everyone's eyes brightened when they heard this, and the regret in their hearts was a little bit less.

At the same time, there was a wave of passion in their hearts, they will definitely work hard to develop Jingyue Kingdom even better! They don't want to be useless people!

"Okay, let me conduct the first test for everyone, which is to test everyone's character and morals." Mu Qianyue said lightly, her eyes fell on everyone, an invisible aura radiated from her, permeating Above the entire hall.

After a while, I saw various expressions on the faces of the officials in the hall, some with greedy eyes, and some with triumphant laughter, seeming to be intoxicated in something, unable to extricate themselves, some On the other hand, he drew his sword and hacked everywhere, shouting in his mouth, "Fight on the battlefield, compete in the world, kill..."

Some have lewd and evil colors on their faces, masquerades...

Even Ding Hao, who was standing next to Mu Qianyue, fell into the illusion. His face showed a look of surprise and surprise, with tears in his mouth, and he muttered, "Master, master, I finally found you... I finally found you..."

Mu Qianyue glanced at Ding Hao, feeling moved in her heart. He didn't expect him to be so loyal to his grandfather. His feelings for decades, his life's youth and happiness have been dedicated to the General House of Zhen Guo!

For Ding Hao, Mu Qianyue had a little more admiration besides family affection!

Suddenly, there was a person in the hall with a face of fear, dashing in the hall, shouting in his mouth, "Don't come, don't come, you are all dead, and you will become ghosts and haunt untouchables, Damn! I killed you, killed you..."

Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes, and a cold stern flashed through her dark pupils. She stared at the man coldly. What she felt was that the man saw several dead people and came to seek revenge from him.

Needless to say, those people must have been killed by him!

Then, after sweeping her eyes from the crowd, she finally fell on a very young man.

He was wearing a dark blue surrender, and his ink hair was tied high with an elegant hosta. At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, his eyebrows furrowed, and the expression on his face looked very tangled. Seems to be struggling with something.

After a long while, he opened his eyes, a touch of clarity appeared in his deep and secluded eyes, and he raised his hand to brush the cold sweat on his face.

Mu Qianyue saw that his face was beautiful, clean and hearty, and he was not confused by the illusion that she had set up. There was a slight surprise in her eyes.

The lavender sleeves flicked, and the illusion that enveloped everyone suddenly disappeared, and everyone seemed to wake up, one after another.

When thinking of their own behavior in the illusion, one by one lowered their heads in shame. Their behavior was unqualified, right?

Looking up to see Mu Qianyue's frowning brows, one by one couldn't wait to dig a hole into it. Oh, why couldn't they hold it back then.

"Come here, drag him down for me and chop him down." Mu Qianyue raised her finger lightly, pointing to one person and said.

The person's face suddenly changed, and he forced his composure, but he said, "Queen, what is wrong with the minister? I don't know why the queen wants to kill me? Even if you are the queen of Jingyue Kingdom, you can't kill at will!"

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