Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 949: Go to Qingzhou again [1]

The corner of Mu Qianyue’s lips evoked a cold arc, "You are robbing and robbing, and doing nothing, it is even more deadly! There are other evils, I will not explain them one by one! You know all of these, and you still ask me Why kill you? Huh! Drag him down and chop him down!"

Hearing that, the man's legs softened, he knelt down, his face was instantly pale, and the imposing manner that he had just pretended was lost, and he kept begging for mercy, "Queen for your life, Queen for your life..."

But no one would pay attention to him, and the two guards walked into the hall and dragged him out without hesitation.

Upon seeing this, the ministers in the palace immediately became guilty and sweated all over their heads. It seemed that they had done some bad things just now. Shouldn't the queen also cut their heads?

When everyone was terrified, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the hall. Everyone looked up and saw Mu Qianyue stand up, walked slowly down from above, walked in front of one person, stood up, and asked, "You call what name?"

"Weichen's name is Zuo Tiancheng." The man was taken aback for a while, his delicate face showed a shocked expression, his eyes were full of worship and awe.

Mu Qianyue nodded.

"Second Miss, Zuo Tiancheng is the prime minister of Jingyue Kingdom. He was 16-year-old high school champion. At the age of 17, he sat down in Shangshufu. At the age of 19, the master sealed all of these. Zuo Tiancheng was born as a civil servant and grew up. He was from a poor family, but he was very hardworking and hardworking, and he was an official..."

Ding Hao also walked down from Dan Ma, chatting beside him.

From Ding Hao's words, Mu Qianyue understands that Zuo Tiancheng is now the prime minister of Jingyue Kingdom. He is twenty years old, a young talent, and comes from the people. He is patriotic, has a clean government and is clear, and loves the people.

Along the way, he relied on his own strength, never bribed, and did not rely on others. In Jingyue Kingdom, he was loved by the people in the city, and his reputation in Jingyue Kingdom was very good.

Among the officials, Zuo Tiancheng was indeed the only one who was not confused by his own illusion.

In that illusion, facing the piles of gold and silver treasures, facing the throne, facing countless beauties, he was indifferent, which shows his mind.

And his current strength is a ninth-order noble martial artist, and he can reach such a realm without any guidance and rich resources, which is already considered very good.

"Let me see your martial soul." Mu Qianyue flicked her palm, and a soul measuring stone appeared in her palm, looking towards Zuo Tian Chengdao, "Just put your palm on the soul measuring stone."

A flash of surprise flashed in Zuo Tiancheng's eyes, and he recovered, lightly raised his palm and gently placed it on the soul measuring stone, and suddenly a blue light radiated from the soul measuring stone, very dazzling.

Mu Qianyue was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect that he was actually a Blue Soul.

Wuhun's ranks are from low to high, red orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Blue Soul is already pretty good, even if he is going to Qingfeng Academy, he can be admitted.

"Why are you staying here? If you go to Qingfeng Academy, your path will go further." Mu Qianyue lifted her eyes, and there was a glow in her dark eyes, which seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

Zuo Tiancheng’s delicate face was filled with determination, "Although many people in Jingyue Kingdom have a good life, there are still some people who live in poverty. I was born as a poor person. I understand that The days when you don’t wrap your stomach! Most of the money allocated by the Korean Central Government every year is greedy by some people. If I were an official, I could let those who tried to swallow the people’s life-saving money to spit out all the money. come out!"

"I want to strive for more people to live a life with clothes and food!"

His voice was sonorous and powerful, loud and loud.

"Second young lady, he is telling the truth. When the master found him on the street, he almost starved to death, because the master gave him a meal back then, and he remembers it until now. When the master was there, I also admire him a lot." Ding Hao whispered beside him.

Mu Qianyue nodded. She would not doubt Zuo Tiancheng's character, because the person who can resist the temptation and deceit of her illusion must not be a person who is greedy for wealth and evil.

"Here is a practice, you can use it to practice, I hope you can become stronger, kill the courtiers, so that the people in this world can live and work in peace!"

The palm of his hand shook, and he took out a practice book and handed it to his hand.

Zuo Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, and it seemed that Mu Qianyue would give herself a local-level advanced technique!

"Queen, thank you for believing in me! I will definitely not let you down!" His eyes were filled with emotion and mist, and he couldn't help but clenched the technique in his hand.

In fact, he worked so hard not only to benefit the people of the world, but also to follow in her footsteps!

When I heard the name Mu Qianyue back then, it was a deep shock to him, and it caused him a great impact, which made him decide to change himself and become stronger!

Her story made him understand that every effort is rewarded! It also made him understand that only with constant efforts can he protect the people he wants to protect!

So in the past few years, he has worked hard, and whenever he can't persist, he will think in his heart that even a woman can overcome all kinds of difficulties and become a strong person. As a man, why can't he?

The goddess worshipped in his heart today stood in front of him calmly and gave him a high-level exercise. He was a little unbelievable and almost thought it was a dream!

"I believe you will certainly not let me down."

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips and chuckles.

Therefore, Mu Qianyue chose Zuo Tiancheng to inherit the throne of Jingyue Kingdom, while Nalanjing became the Supreme Emperor. If one day he becomes mediocre, Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue will be abandoned at any time. He has the power to establish a new monarch.

But Mu Qianyue believed in her own vision, and facts proved that it was true.

Under his leadership, Jing Yueguo developed better and better and became more prosperous. Of course, it can’t be said that Mu Hong’s management is not good, but Mu Hong is getting older and thinking differently from young people.

This new monarch is very active in thinking, always daring to innovate, encourages the people to innovate, and leads Jingyue Pavilion to a new height.

Of course, these are all things to do.

No one dared to oppose Mu Qianyue's decision. They were ashamed and did not dare to oppose.

So Zuo Tiancheng successfully ascended the throne as emperor without changing the title of the country or the first year.

After handling Jingyue Kingdom's affairs, Mu Qianyue took Moshang Fengchi and Nalan Xueling and his group to leave Jingyue Kingdom. Among them, I went to Huangqimen and returned to the Huanzhou Continent.

Huangqimen and Shengyimen are all well, and there is no change.


Qingzhou City

People come and go on the bustling streets, neat and clean streets, just as they were before.

This is Mu Qianyue's second visit to Qingzhou City. She has never been able to like this place...

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