Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 964: The angry ancestor Mu [4]

I have to sigh that the yard of the old ancestor Mu is very large, and at the same time it accommodates so many people, it doesn't seem crowded at all.

"Father, what happened?" Family Master Mu walked over with a group of people.

All the disciples, elders, and even the elders of the Mu family came, and looked at Patriarch Mu with doubts, "Patriarch, what happened?"

"Mu Qianyue deceived and committed the crime, and even poisoned me. Someone came and arrested her, as well as the few people who accompanied her. They all arrested!" Mu Qianyue said furiously, his expression gloomy.


Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, thinking that Old Ancestor Mu was talking and laughing, and suddenly one after another eyes fell on Old Ancestor Mu's palm, and saw a pitch black in the palm of his left hand, which had doubled the size from the small black spot just now!


The eyes fell on Mu Qianyue's body for a long time, with an angry expression on his face, "Mu Qianyue, hand over the antidote!"

"Our ancestors kindly left you in the Mu's family, and promised you that you will be the second young lady of the Mu's family, and give you the supreme glory, and you will avenge your revenge!"

"The most poisonous woman's heart is really terrible! Hand over the antidote, give birth! Don't pay, die!"

"It seems that she is reluctant to hand over the antidote, and she is still talking nonsense with her, so she will be arrested directly and her strength will be abolished, and she will not be able to pay it at that time!"

A group of figures suddenly pushed towards Mu Qianyue and Moshang Fengling.

Under the cold moonlight, Mu Qianyue lightly lifted her face, still a calm and fearless look in her eyes, "If you want to waste my strength, you still don't have that ability!"

"Mu Yifeng!"

The girl's faint voice fell, only to hear a respectful voice from the crowd, "Master, old slave is here."

Standing behind Mu Qianyue, Mu Yifeng stepped forward respectfully. As early as the beginning, he brought people with him and walked quietly to the back of Mu Qianyue, protecting her from behind. Sneak attack.

"Mu Yifeng, you call her master? Your brain hasn't burnt out, right?" Elder Mu San suddenly shouted angrily after hearing this.

Mu Yifeng raised his head and glanced at him coldly, with a look of contempt and disdain, he raised his head and said in a arrogant tone, "It is a great honor for me in this life to be her subordinate! You are the brain burnt out! Hurry up! Surrender, otherwise, you will anger the master and make you look good!"

The elders of Zhongmu's parents and hearing this are all in a cold sweat, is this nine elder stupid?

"Good means! When did you subdue Mu Yifeng, even I didn't even notice it!" Mu Old Ancestor narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

"As early as in Tianwu Continent, he was my person." Mu Qianyue said lightly.

Ancestor Mu was shocked, it turned out that from that time, Mu Yifeng was subdued by her! It's just that he gets up very well, how did she subdue Mu Yifeng and make him so surrender, and there is no trace of it...

What benefits did she promise Mu Yifeng so that Mu Yifeng would not hesitate to betray the whole Mu's family?

It's just that if he wants to break his head, he won't understand, Mu Yifeng's consciousness has been brainwashed, and he planted a puppet that would only obey Mu Qianyue's orders unconditionally.

"Mu Yifeng, you traitor, you betrayed the ancestor!" Elder Mu San said angrily.

"Huh! Follow the master, this is what God does! I am obeying the God!" Mu Yifeng said proudly. After having tolerated for so long before, now he can finally raise his eyebrows and express his loyalty in front of them!

Seeing Mu Yifeng's appearance, Rao Mu Qianyue couldn't help but pull the corner of her mouth.

Mo Shang Fengling covered his mouth and chuckled, "Little girl, your minion is pretty good, very loyal! Haha, this time I really slapped Mu's family in the face, it feels so cool!"

"Ancestor, ancestor, it's not good!" Suddenly an old man staggered and ran over from the courtyard.

Patriarch Mu frowned unhappy, raised his head and looked at him, "Fourth, why are you so flustered?"

"Young Master, Young Master he saved Mu Hong..." The Fourth Elder took a breath, his face pale.

Hearing this, the ancestor Mu suddenly narrowed his eyes and said furiously, "You are a third-order emperor martial artist anyway, how can he easily rescue Mu Hong from your hand!"

"Ancestor, the young master put some ecstasy incense that can temporarily lose my true energy..." The fourth elder Tai Shang raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his head. Such a big garden , After hearing Patriarch Mu's call, he rushed over without stopping.

Without true vitality, he could only run over, almost killing his life, and now he knows how terrible it is to be without strength!

Upon hearing the words of the four elders, the ancestor Mu almost lost his anger. His eyes were filled with cold colors. He looked up at Mu Qianyue, almost gritted his teeth, "Mu Qianyue, I really underestimated him. You, I never thought that even my most beloved grandson would betray me and come to help you!"

"Father, what the **** is going on here?" Patriarch Mu looked very suspicious, and didn't know what happened.

Except for a few well-informed elders, everyone else had the same look in the mist.

"Grandpa, you stop!" Mu Rutian led a group of people into the courtyard. His slender and tall figure was bathed in the moonlight, a bit alienated in coldness.

"Animal! Do you dare to come? For the waste of me loving you so much, you actually helped this woman and dealt with me?" Old Ancestor Mu shouted uncontrollably, and even his body couldn't help shaking.

He was about to get that ancient artifact, he could break through to the realm of the **** king, and even go further in the future! But in this festival, my favorite grandson has betrayed me!

This made him very angry!

"Father, how can you scold Tian'er like this!" Patriarch Mu said displeased, anyhow Tian'er is his son! Scolding Tian'er beast, isn't he scolding him?

"What's the matter, I still feel distressed when I scold you? He betrayed me and betrayed the Mu family, shouldn't he scold him?" Angrily said.

"Grandpa Grandpa, if it wasn't for your own selfish desires that persecuted Qian Yue's parents twenty years ago, and now you arrested her grandfather again, would I do that? Our Mu family has always been upright and upright in the Huanzhou Continent. Grandpa, what you did has disappointed me too much!" Mu Rutian said.

"Presumptuous! How dare you talk to me in such a tone!" Mu's ancestor trembled, and he didn't know whether it was anger or blood-eating poison. "Now I'll give you a chance to break your merits! You immediately Take Mu Hong back to me, and then personally abolish this woman, you will spare you! Otherwise, today you will no longer be the young master of the Mu family, but a traitor of the Mu family!"

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