Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 965: Amazing strength! 【1】

Everyone was surprised when they heard the words, some were happy, some were surprised, some were worried...

For a moment, everyone was pregnant with ghosts.

It is naturally the other veins of the Mu family who are happy. If Mu Rutian is no longer the young master of the Mu family, but a traitor, then they will have the opportunity to fight for the position of the young master!

"Isn't it just a young master? I have never been rare!" Mu Rutian snorted coldly.

"Tian'er!" Patriarch Mu came over and roared, and then hurriedly looked at Old Ancestor Mu, "Father, what Tian'er said just now was all angry. Don't take it to your heart! Tian'er is the only person in our Mu family with a perfect bloodline! The other disciples only have a bloodline of the seventh and eighth ranks, so they are not worthy of this young master's position at all!"

"Patriarch Mu, what do you mean? Our bloodline is not as high as Mu, but we won't be like him!"

"Yes! We are dedicated to Mu's family, swearing allegiance to Mu's family and grandfather grandfather!"

"Huh! Grandpa Grandpa loved him in every possible way, and he even betrayed Grandpa Grandpa, even if his bloodline reached the perfect level? It's just a traitor!" Several young masters of the Mu family shouted.

Although these people are not in the same line as Mu Rutian, they are all cousins.

These years have been suppressed by Mu Rutian's aura, living under his light makes them very distressed, and they can only cater to Mu Rutian, and now see that Mu Rutian is about to fall, it is naturally an instant. Unite together to deal with Mu Rutian.

They now want to label Mu Rutian as a traitor immediately.

Patriarch Mu was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he had nothing to refute. He had to sink his face and said fiercely to Mu Rutian, "Hurry up and apologize to your grandpa?"

This sentence undoubtedly shows his position. He is on the side of Mu Patriarch, the first Mu Patriarch is his father, and the second he is the Patriarch of Mu Patriarch. Of course, he can only choose this way. Although Mu Qianyue had a good talent and was a pill pharmacist, he was admired, but at this moment he had to give up Mu Qianyue.

It was only now that he realized that the people in black that Mu Qianyue said before were sent by his father!

No wonder he didn't notice at all. The power of Old Ancestor Mu was above him, and he couldn't deal with many things.

I can only blame Mu Qianyue for her bad luck!

"I will never apologize! With me here, you guys would never want to hurt her!" While speaking, Mu Rutian walked to Mu Qianyue's side, shielded her behind him, raised his head, cold and deep eyes Coldly swept the people in front of them.

"Then take him down with me! Don't worry about his life and death!" Ancestor Mu said angrily, what about the perfect bloodline? If it can't be used by him, then die together! What about his grandson? There are dozens of his grandsons, not so bad!

The other descendants of the Mu family were overjoyed when they heard the words, and sneered towards Mu Rutian.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoci rushed over from the crowd, did not hesitate to stand in front of Mu Rutian, looked at Old Ancestor Mu and others, "What the **** is going on? Grandpa Grandpa, Brother Tian, ​​what happened? What happened? Grandpa Grandpa wanted to hurt you and Aunt Yue?"

Mu Xiaoci Qingjun's face was full of doubts. He only arrived later, so he didn't know what had happened. Wasn't everything fine before?

"Xiao Ci, you don't need to take care of these things, nor are you able to take care of them. You can step back." Mu Rutian said.

"Xiao Ci, come back!" Old Ancestor Mu also let out a cold voice.

"I don't! Grandpa Grandpa, Aunt Yue is very good, why are you hurting her?" Mu Xiaoci said anxiously.

"Hmph, kids, don't be nosy, come back to me!" Mu Xiaoci's father, the fourth elder of the Mu family, walked over and dragged Mu Xiaoci back.

Without Mu Xiaoci's obstruction, the dozen young masters directly used their true energy and charged towards Mu Rutian.

A dozen people swarmed up immediately, and various spiritual power sword lights roared out.

Although the dozens of young masters of the Mu family's direct line are not as strong as Mu Rutian, they also have the strength of a martial artist or a saint martial artist, and there are too many people left.

But Mu Rutian did not lose the slightest under the attack of these dozens of people, on the contrary, he became more and more courageous!

"Domain space!" As soon as the domain space that enhanced the attack power unfolded, it immediately enveloped the dozens of people, and an infinite pressure rushed like a majestic sea, and hit them fiercely.

"Puff puff……"

There was a sound of vomiting blood all around, and a dozen people were seen flying upside down like a flat boat, and there was a mist of blood in the air.

"Domain space?" The ancestor Mu and the other elders all looked surprised.

"How is it possible? Isn't he an eighth-order divine warrior? How can it be possible to comprehend the domain space?" Taiwu elder looked horrified, knowing that he has been a first-order emperor martial artist for six years. Comprehend the domain space!

But Mu Rutian, an eighth-order divine warrior, realized it in advance! Isn't this an obvious blow to people?

"Lao Liu, you go and catch that beast back to me, remember, you can't kill him." Old Ancestor Mu sullenly, such a peerless genius is a disciple of his Mu family, of course he cannot be killed.

"Youngest, youngest, go and deal with that Moshang Wind Chime." After a pause, he continued.

"Yes, ancestors." The third and fifth elders immediately forced the wind chimes at Moshang. Because of the temporary loss of strength, the fourth elders could only roll into the corner silently to avoid being affected.

Others looked at Mu Qianyue coldly.

The ancestor hates this woman the most. If she is caught up, maybe it will please the ancestors!

And Mu Qianyue was pregnant with Liujia, so naturally it was the best deal.

"Swish swish..." At this moment, a group of figures suddenly rushed out in the dark night, and saw Tian Shuo, Meng Ximo, Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan, Nalan Xueling and Jingyue Pavilion disciples directly charging. Came in.

Suddenly a melee kicked off.

It is enough for Mu Qianyue to stand behind and display the realm of life and death.

The realm of life quickly healed the injuries of Mu Rutian, Xiao Xuan'er and others, and the realm of death naturally dealt with the disciples of the Mu family.

Those who were below the sacred warrior or the sacred warrior, under Mu Qianyue's death domain, showed horror on their faces, and killed each other inside.

The blood ran into a river for a while, and the blood stained the moonlight in the sky.

With the participation of Tian Shuo, Xiao Xuan'er and others, Moshang Fengling directly slammed the old ancestor Mu, with a fierce and deadly move.

The ancestor Mu was already hit by the blood-eating poison, and at this moment, he could only show less than 40% of his strength. Under the fierce attack of the wind chimes on the Moshang, he was defeated and restrained everywhere, especially the heart-eating pain from time to time in his chest , Making him pain unbearable.

After a while, it fell into the wind, and it was dangerous!

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