Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 974: Grandpa【2】

Immediately, his gaze fell on the wind chime on Moshang next to Mu Qianyue, and the horror in his eyes was even greater.

Just now he was still complacent about his advancement emperor martial artist, but now there is a 19-year-old first-order emperor martial artist and a sixth-order emperor martial artist in his thirties.

In contrast, I am over eighty years old, and have just arrived at the first-order emperor...

A deep blow and frustration shook his soul...

"Oh? Your Jin family handles housework? I'm sorry, they are my uncles. I'm still in charge of this matter." Mu Qianyue raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, the four of them had already come and stayed on the roof to watch the scene for a long time, but they only came out now.

So what they had said before, they had already heard every word clearly.

"You, don't deceive people too much! You are not our Jin family, so why take care of my Jin family's affairs!" Jin Mengni was stunned for a long time before she recovered from Bing Yan's appearance and looked at Mu with dissatisfaction. Qianyue yelled.

"Heh, I like to deceive people too much, how do you treat me?" Mu Qianyue's eyes raised lightly, and she glanced at Jin Mengni coldly, "The last time you were in Mu's residence, you wanted to stir up trouble. I haven't settled the matter with you yet. Well. How about today?"

"You, do you dare?!" Jin Mengni's voice was obviously lowered, without any confidence.

"Dare you say I dare?"

A touch of coldness surged in Mu Qianyue's deep phoenix eyes, as terrifying as a knife. She was so scared that she hid behind King Kong and Jin Yimo, not even daring to lift her head.

"Mu Qianyue, don't bully people, do you Jingyue Pavilion want to bully people?" King Kong's complexion at this moment became very unsightly, and he was completely different from the arrogant and proud appearance before.

"Yes, it feels pretty good to bully others." Mu Qianyue said coldly.

"Do you still want the position of my uncle's Patriarch?" Nalan Xueling grinned, showing white and neat little teeth, and a lovely smile on her pinkish jade face, but it felt oozing.

Looks like a complete little devil!

Moshang Wind Chime stood aside from beginning to end, without saying a word, the aura exuding from his body was shocking, the coercion of the sixth-order emperor martial artist was powerful and terrifying, like a hundred thousand mountains.

The complexions of King Kong, Jin Yimo and others changed drastically. It was hard to see the extreme, and their complexions changed constantly.

Before they used their strength to oppress Jin Yiran and the others, but now they are oppressed in reverse. The feeling of being oppressed is really uncomfortable! But they couldn't even say a word of rebuttal!

Who dares to say no?

The sixth-order emperor martial artist can easily slap them to death by clapping their hands!

Especially the few Jin elders who supported Jin Yimo before, regretted that they were so scared to die, for fear that Mu Qianyue would be upset that Mo Shang Fengling would kill them all.

Who would have thought that things would turn around so big!

The faces of Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng were full of joy. Yue'er's momentum is really similar to that of Lan'er back then! It's almost like the more you look!

"Haha, it was just a joke just now. Although the Jin family is a bit declining now, it is not all the Patriarch’s fault. It is also that we did not cooperate with the Patriarch to take care of the Jin Family..." Jin Yi thought indifferently and immediately said with a smile. Obviously He knew that he had lost power today, and he would not be able to seize the position of home master from Jin Yiran's hands, and he might even die.

So he immediately surrendered to please, only in this way can he survive!

Can live, who wants to die?

Together, these people will not be Moshang Fengling's opponent!

"Is it a joke?" Jin Yiran squinted and asked coldly.

"Yeah! Of course it's a joke, haha..." Jin Yimo showed a smile that was uglier than crying. Several other Jin parents also agreed, expressing their allegiance, indicating that what they said was a joke.

Obviously I want to take refuge here.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qianyue turned out to be the niece of Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng, she is a famous medicine master in Magic State!

The pills made by her hands are all extraordinary grades, and can cause a lot of looting!

I don’t know how many people want to deal with Jingyue Pavilion, and they keep flattering, giving gifts and so on, just for the hard-to-find pill!

Jin Yiran disdainfully snorted, "If that's the case, I won't pursue the matter for today. But if you are punished, your cultivation resources will be halved in the future. There is no objection to this, right?"

"No, no..." All of them shook their heads like wavy.

Who dares to object? Isn't that looking for death? Even King Kong has to bow his head! They are even less rivals!

Jin Mengni stomped her feet unwillingly, she could only swallow the dissatisfaction and anger in her heart.

"Well, since everyone is joking, I'll continue to retreat." After saying this, King Kong hurried away.

A joke, if there is a fight, even ten is not enough to die.

Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng did not stop them either. Although Yue'er's oppression made Jin Yimo and others surrender, it would be a fierce battle if they were pressed urgently.

Moreover, in the battle between Jingyue Pavilion and the Mu family a few days ago, although Mu family bowed their heads to admit their mistakes, Jingyue Pavilion must have hurt the vitality.

In addition, Yue'er was pregnant now, and ran all the way to worry about their Jin family. The two of them were already very guilty, so let them take care of the rest.

Therefore, the two of them did not stop King Kong from leaving, nor did they choose to continue to pursue the matter.

Jin Yimo and others also found a reason to leave.

At this moment, only Jin Yiran, Mu Qianyue and others remained in the courtyard.

"Uncle, I want to see Grandpa." Mu Qianyue said.

Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng glanced at each other, a look of sadness flashed in their eyes, and nodded, "Yue girl, I will take you. Father will be very happy to see you."

As he said, Jin Yicheng's eyes turned red.

Mu Qianyue nodded and followed behind him. Nalan Xueling also silently followed, while Bing Yan and Moshang Fengchi quietly followed behind.

"Sister Yue, the one that Grandpa remembers most these years is Aunt Lan. He always blames himself, saying that he didn't protect Aunt Lan and Aunt Lan's two children, causing them to suffer..." Jin Xiaoying walked in Muqian. By the side of Yue, she said softly, the expression on her face was lonely and sad when she said these words.

Mu Qianyue's heart tightened, she could even imagine grandpa's sadness and pain, her eyes were slightly red.

She also misunderstood her grandfather back then, and hated them for so long in her heart...

If it were not for Mu Yifeng to find out the truth of the matter and tell her, I am afraid she would still be buried in the dark...

While talking, the group quickly went to a quiet small courtyard in the backyard of the Jin Mansion. It was very deserted and there were no people. The courtyard was small and simple.

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