Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 975: Grandpa【3】

"When you arrive, this is my father's yard." Jin Yicheng said.

Looking at this simple courtyard, Mu Qianyue felt more sour and cold in her heart.

"It's me useless. As the head of the Mu family, he can't put his father in a comfortable yard, he can only live here." Jin Yiran sighed, with a strong self-blame in his tone.

"Brother, you are not to blame." Thinking of those people, Jin Yicheng's eyes couldn't help but become cold.

"Patriarch, the sixth elder? Why are you here?" A middle-aged man walked out of the house, walked in front of Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng, and said with his hands.

"How is father, how is it?" Jin Yiran asked.

"Still the same." The middle-aged man sighed slightly.

Jin Yicheng saw that Mu Qianyue looked at the middle-aged man with doubts, and couldn't help but explain, "After his father was paralyzed, he had inconvenient legs and feet. This is the elder brother's cron, Xu Lun. He has been taking care of his father these years."

The man glanced at Mu Qianyue suspiciously, with a strange look in his eyes. He didn't seem to understand how Jin Yicheng explained like a young woman. It seemed that this woman was not low in the hearts of Jin Yicheng.

Mu Qianyue nodded, understanding Jin Yiran's intention.

Stepped into the yard, climbed up the steps, and walked into the house.

Although the yard is simple, the lighting is excellent, the room is bright and the air is fresh.

I saw an old man lying on the soft couch by the window, half leaning and half lying on the bed. His slightly muddy eyes looked at the green bamboo by the window and heard the slight footsteps coming from the house, not as heavy as Ping Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng , Not as cheerful as Xiaoying, but with a sense of calmness.

Can't help but say, "Xu Lun, who is here?"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked, and when he saw the girl's beautiful and slightly familiar face, his body trembled fiercely.

A pair of eyes immediately turned red, sour, misty, excited and joyful, with a bit of eagerness, sadness, etc...It seemed that all the emotions poured into my heart for a moment, with mixed flavors.

"Lan'er... Lan'er? Is that you? Are you back?"

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to her. If it wasn't for being paralyzed and unable to move, he would stand up and rush forward.

Now he could only quietly wait for the girl to approach, quietly looking at her beautiful and familiar face.

In an instant, tears flowed from the wrinkled and wrinkled face, blurring his vision, but he did not dare to blink his eyes, let alone raise his hand to wipe...

He was afraid that Lan'er disappeared in the blink of an eye...

Has his Lan'er finally returned?

The girl's face is fair and delicate, her eyebrows are picturesque, her jade nose is tall, her pink lips are like the peach blossoms flying in March, she is charming but not gorgeous.

A lavender dress came slowly, and the fine golden light from the sky shone behind her, looking like a fairy descending from the earth, without a trace of worldliness.


Mu Qianyue shouted, hurried forward, walked to the side of the bed, sat down, and reached out to hold his outstretched hand.

Jin Long's body trembled, his eyes widened, his eyes filled with incredible expressions, "What are you calling me?"


Mu Qianyue continued to shout, her voice softened.

"You, you are not Lan'er?" Jin Long looked surprised, "Why do you not Lan'er look so similar to Lan'er? And why did you call my grandfather, I don't recognize..." He said, his words suddenly stopped. , His eyes opened incredibly big again, "Are you Xiaoyue?"

"Grandpa, do you know me?" Mu Qianyue asked in surprise.

"Are you really Xiaoyue? Are you really Xiaoyue? Are you really Xiaoyue?" Jin Long asked three times with excitement.

"Yes, I am Xiaoyue, and Jin Yilan is my mother." Mu Qianyue's voice is no longer as flat as before, but with a hint of excitement, emotion and apology.

Because of my mother, my grandfather was paralyzed and lost his strength. He became a useless person. He lay on the bed for 19 years!

In the past nineteen years, who knows the pain, sorrow, sadness, and sadness in his heart?

He just stayed in this small house day after day, year after year lonely and suffering, but his Lan'er didn't come back one step...

"You really are Xiaoyue! Xiaoyue, you've grown up so big, you've grown up so big...You really look the same as your mother..." Jin Long's voice choked with his old face Because of excitement and tears, I look older and more distressing.

Back then, he had only seen Xiaoyue from a distance. At that time Xiaoyue fell asleep after drinking milk, and looked very cute.

From then on, he never had a chance to meet again. He was thinking about the day~day in his heart. Now in the blink of an eye, Xiaoyue is so big! !

Although Xiaoyue and Lan'er look very similar, there are still some differences between them.

He was so excited just now that he recognized Xiaoyue as Lan'er.

"En, grandpa, I've grown up..." Mu Qianyue's voice was also choked.

"Well, well, grown up, grown up..." Jin Long was sobbed, almost speechless.

Mu Qianyue stretched out her hand and gently wiped the tears off his face, not at all dismissing him for being old and ugly.

Jin Long was a little embarrassed. He wiped the tears from his face with his sleeves and smiled, "You see, Grandpa is a lot of age and still crying, it's really a joke."

"Grandpa, don't worry, we won't laugh at you." A soft voice sounded, very cute.

Jin Long only noticed that there was a little girl about ten years old standing beside the bed. Her white face was like a ceramic doll, and her slick eyes were even more dazzling than the stars in the sky.

"You call me grandpa?"

"Well, she is my mother, so you are my grandpa." Nalan Xueling smiled.

The astonishment on Jin Long's face was deeper, turning his head to look at Mu Qianyue, "Xiaoyue, you should be only nineteen years old this year? She, she, she seems to be ten years old, could it be that you were nine..."

"Grandpa, no, things are not what you think. Xiaoling is indeed my biological daughter, but I did not give birth to children when I was ten years old. In short, things are a bit complicated, maybe she is too well-nourished, right? In fact, she is also four years old ."

Counting from the time when Nalan Xueling Nirvana was reborn, she was indeed four years old. Four years have passed in a blink of an eye.

"Oh..." Jin Long nodded suddenly, but the eyes of Mu Qianyue were still full of distressed self-blame. Four years ago, she was only fifteen years old, and she gave birth at fifteen. It's not too early, but it's still a bit early...

Without the love of parents, Xiaoyue must have suffered a lot these years.

The faces of Jin Yiran and Jin Yicheng who stood by were also shocked. They were both greatly taken aback when they heard that Mu Qianyue had such a big daughter.

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