Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 983: The miserable end [2]

You know, she was once a direct disciple whom the Jin family envied!

Not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has an enviable talent, family status, status...

However, now that all this is gone, she is like falling from the sky into the abyss, and she is dead!

Why is this happening?

Why does this happen? !

It seems that all of this started when I met Mu Qianyue, and then slowly changed...

If she had never met Mu Qianyue, would it be another situation? Father becomes the lord of the Jin family, grandpa becomes the owner of the Jin family, and she will be the most favored and proud little princess of the Jin family!

If she had never poisoned Mu Qianyue and the others, if she had not poisoned them and designed them, maybe she would not have fallen to this point...

However, she is not reconciled! It's all Mu Qianyue!

Mu Qianyue killed her!

"Ahhhhh! Mu Qianyue, you bitch, I hate you! I would never let you off if I was a ghost!!"

Jin Mengni yelled out the last sentence with all her strength, and then completely lost her breath. Even if she died, her eyes were still unwilling to open her boss, she couldn't die!

Even if she died, she still didn't wake up, and pushed all the sins to Mu Qianyue's body.

If she has never harmed people, Mu Qianyue and the others will not retaliate, they can only say that all this is her own death!

Heaven's work of evil can be violated, and you cannot live by committing evil!

After Jin Mengni's death, Jin Yiran found her corpse. Seeing her so miserable appearance, she couldn't help but sighed, stretched out her hand to take off her robe, covered her body, and said to a Jin family disciple behind him, " She will take it home and be buried well!"

In any case, he is also from the Jin family.

Before she died, she also suffered a great deal...

When people die, all grievances disappear, and it's over.


After the Jin family's affairs were over, Mu Qianyue decided to return to Jingyue City. On the one hand, Grandpa was still there, and another reason was that he was going to give birth in more than a month. It was time to go back and prepare.

In addition to Jin Xiaoying who accompanied Mu Qianyue this time, there was also grandpa Jinlong.

Hearing that Grandpa was in Jingyue City, Grandpa looked very excited and couldn't help but red eyes. He looked like he wanted to fly to Jingyue City immediately.

Although Jingyue Pavilion is quite far away from Jinzhou City, under Bingyan's super fast flying speed, it took less than a day for everyone to reach Jingyue City and returned to Jingyue Pavilion.

"Grandpa, come out quickly and see who is here!" Nalan Xueling's cheerful voice quickly spread out as soon as he entered the mansion.

Hearing the words, Mu Hong ran out of the house, and saw Mu Qianyue coming back with a smile on his face, and hurriedly greeted him, "Yue'er, you are finally back, I still think you are going to take your grandfather Throw it here alone."

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I went in a hurry a while ago, and I didn't have time to spend time with you." Mu Qianyue had a hint of apology in her eyes. After she rescued grandpa from Mu's house last time, she didn't have time to say a few words. Immediately rushed to Jinzhou City.

She hasn't been with her grandfather in these years, and she always leaves her loneliness to this lonely family!

But fortunately, Ding Hao has been with Mu Hong in the past few days, and the two of them have a companion. Ding Hao always talks about Mu Qianyue’s deeds over and over again, and Mu Hong is always quiet. Sitting aside, listening tirelessly, over and over again...

After one said and the other listened, the eyes of the two could not help showing emotion.

That little girl back then has now become a strong man whom everyone admires and admires! The two of them ate and drank in Jingyue Pavilion day by day, and if they were boring, they would stroll in Jingyue City. Although this kind of life was comfortable, it was also very boring.

In the future in Tianwu Continent, he was afraid that he could not help but miss Yue'er and Feng'er. He would always deal with government affairs day and night, so that he would not have so much time to think about them, and he would not feel sad or lonely. .

But in the ten days here, every day I was idle, with nothing to do, the uncontrollable craziness in my heart spread.

"Grandpa doesn't blame you. Our family Yue'er is the master of the house. There are many things to deal with. Grandpa can wait for you." Mu Hong's eyes showed kindness, and he reached out and gently stroked Mu Qianyue's hair, his face full of Love and pity.

"In-law?" Suddenly there was a voice of excitement and excitement beside him.

Mu Hong turned his head and looked around. When he saw Jinlong, he was taken aback, and the gate of memory opened, "It's you, are you Lan'er's father?"

"It's me, it's me! I didn't expect that after such a long time, you still remember me..." Jin Long's voice was a little choked.

Perhaps it is because these two elderly people who are over half a hundred years old have the same pain of losing their sons and daughters. They cannot help but sympathize with each other, and their eyes are red.

"When we said goodbye, we should have seen more than a dozen of them?" At this moment, Mu Hong couldn't help but shed tears.

"Yeah! The first time we met was when Lan'er gave birth to Feng'er, and the second meeting was when Lan'er gave birth to Yue'er. After that, we never saw each other again..." Nine years, but Golden Dragon is still fresh in his memory, as if everything just happened yesterday.

He raised his hand and slowly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah! We haven't seen each other in 19 years!" Mu Hong said with emotion.

The couple met again after nineteen years!

And those lost times will never come back...

So the two old men pulled each other's hands, found a place, served two pots of spirits, a few dishes, and began to relive the old days.

Mu Qianyue didn't bother them. The time at this moment belonged to the two of them. They must have a lot to say in their hearts and wanted to talk to each other...

Jin Long and Jin Xiaoying also lived in Jingyue Pavilion, and Jin Long and Mu Hong played each other every day, drinking happily, with smiles on their faces.

Jin Xiaoying was practicing here, and joined Jingyue Pavilion's devil-like training method. Occasionally, Bing Yan would teach her martial arts and practice.

Time passed without delay, harmonious and beautiful.


In the past few days, everyone in Jingyue Pavilion was immersed in joy and joy, with extremely excited and nervous expressions on their faces, not because something good was about to come.

But because their master is about to give birth!

There was still more than a month left before giving birth, and now this more than one month is approaching, and Mu Qianyue's belly is getting bigger day by day.

Jinlong was clamoring to meet his grandson every day, and now he lives in Jingyue Pavilion, waiting for the birth of his grandson.

Mu Hong also laughed from ear to ear every day, Ding Hao saw the master so happy, and he felt happy for the master...

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