Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 984: Have a freak? 【1】

Because Mu Rutian and Mu Xiaoxiao are still in the wild ancient world, they still don't know what Mu Qianyue is about to give birth to.

But with so many people around him, Mu Qianyue didn't feel lonely, not only Moshang Fengling, Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan, but also the three brothers of Black Scorpion, as well as Pan San and Chu Xiaoxue.

Nalan Xueling's face was full of excitement, "Great! Little brother is about to come out finally!"

"Yes, in this case, we will have company." Chu Xiaoxue also smiled excitedly.

Nalan Xueling and Chu Xiaoxue were about the same age and height, so they became good sisters. They went shopping together, practiced together, and bought new clothes together.

Everyone is afraid that Mu Qianyue will give birth at any time, so the whole Jingyue Pavilion is arranged up and down, and everything is ready to welcome this new little life!

Everyone is full of expectations for this new life. Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue's talents are both so strong and terrifying. I wonder what will happen to their children's talents?

Nalan Xueling, this little pervert, has completely inherited the excellence of Nalanjing and Mu Qianyue, and it goes without saying.

So their eyes fell on the unborn little life in Mu Qianyue's belly.

Mu Qianyue originally wanted to take a walk in the garden, but now seeing everyone in this posture, a wry smile evoked at the corner of her mouth. It seemed that these people were more anxious than her...


"Rutian? Why are you here?" Mu Qianyue's eyes stared, and there was a trace of doubt in her eyes.

"The Mu family has nothing to do with me, so I came. Master, is the little master coming out soon?" Mu Rutian grinned, a bright smile appeared on his handsome face, but Mu Qianyue still noticed him. A flash of loneliness in his eyes.

Is it because of the Mu family?

Mu Qianyue sighed lightly in her heart. When she raised her head to look at Mu Rutian, the sigh in her eyes narrowed, and the corners of her lips curled up with a charming smile, "Yes..."

As soon as the words fell, I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach, and couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Little girl, you've always seen something wrong these past few days, are you going to give birth?" Nalan Fengling asked.

"It should be." Mu Qianyue said.

"Then you go back to the house, if you are going to give birth on the road, it will be bad, don't run away." Mo Shang Fengling said.

Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan and others also nodded in agreement.

"It's okay, don't be so nervous, I only start to react now, it's probably going to be a long time!" Mu Qianyue stretched her abdomen, a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"It's okay! Go back to the house! This is my baby grandson, so I can't bump into it, or I'll be anxious with you!" Jin Long stared.

"Yes, my in-laws are right! Yue'er, you should go back to your house. If you give birth here, it will not be good. You can make preparations in advance when you return to your house!" Mu Hong and Jin Long did not hesitate this time. Stand on the same front.

Hearing this, Mu Qianyue twitched the corners of her mouth fiercely. During the day, the two of them were quarreling because of a chess move. Now they are on the same line again. This change is really fast!

"Well, I'll go back, I'll go back, can't it?"

So many eyes were staring, as if she was pregnant with the Jade Emperor.

With the help of wind chimes on Moshang, Mu Qianyue slowly walked towards Wangyue Pavilion.

"Little girl, I told you that when this little Xiaojing is born, I will be his mother." Moshang Fengling laughed while supporting her, his eyes falling on her belly.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue smiled. Suddenly, her brow furrowed, her face instantly paled, and a tearing pain came from below, making her shocked.

Is he coming out early? Isn't it just beginning to suffer? Isn't it at least several hours left?

Why is this totally unreasonable? !

"Quick! The master has given birth, so quickly get the midwife! Forget it, I will go by myself!"

"Hurry up to boil hot water..."

"Also, the child's clothes are ready..."

"Hurry up and send the host back to the house!"

"Hurry up……"

When everyone saw this, they shouted, their expressions nervous and extremely excited.

Even when they went to battle to kill the enemy, they had never been so flustered and nervous!

As a result, the entire Jingyue Pavilion was messed up and down into a pot of porridge.

Just as everyone was waiting for it, a blood-red light radiated from Mu Qianyue's body, forming a huge blood spirit flower, wrapping Mu Qianyue in it, completely isolating it from everyone.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is going on?

The black scorpion just rushed out and carried the midwife over like a chick. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was also dumbfounded.

"This is how to do?"

"What the **** is this? It looks like we can't get in!"

The midwife looked confused and shouted, "Where is the mother? Where is the mother?"

"In, there..." A Jingyue Pavilion disciple pointed to the red blood spirit flower in front of him with a dull gaze...

"Ah?!" This time he was dumbfounded when he connected to the birth mother.

Mu Hong and Jinlong were already in a hurry and wanted to rush forward, but they were blocked by the aura from the blood spirit flower, and they couldn't get close at all!

Not even close to ten meters away!

Upon seeing this, Mo Shang Fengling squinted his eyes and looked up at everyone, "Don't be nervous, the little girl should be fine. Let's wait patiently outside for a while."

I've heard Mu Qianyue talk about blood spirit flowers before, so Mo Shang Fengling thought for a moment, and then immediately calmed down.

All this must have been made by the blood spirit flower in Mu Qianyue's belly! That is, the child in Mu Qianyue's belly!

It's just that this child has not yet been born, so he is so against the sky, not only knows the netherworld, but also has consciousness, and can speak and communicate... Now it is even more mysterious that Mu Qianyue is enveloped in it...

What is the origin of this child? It's really curious!

It’s so awesome before I was born, it’s really hard to imagine what it will be like in the future!

Jinlong looked at Mu Hong displeasedly and stared at Mu Hong, "It's all to blame! Crow's mouth, it would be bad if it was born here. Look at you, good or bad, bad spirit!"

"How do I know? I didn't see how effective I was before! Damn, it's a hell!" Mu Hong felt very wronged.

Yue'er is also his granddaughter! Still his only granddaughter! But no one is more worried than him!

"Grandpa, don't get excited, Sister Yue will be fine. She is a pill master herself, and she still has the Jinlian Rejuvenation Pill in her hand, so it's absolutely fine." Jin Xiaoying quickly comforted when she saw Jinlong's violent appearance.

The anxiety on Jinlong's face was only a bit less.

"Grandpa Mu, don't be nervous, sister Yue is fine." Jin Xiaoying looked at Mu Hong again and comforted.

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