Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 990: Depressed to vomit blood [2]

The people behind him were already stunned by this scene. They stared in surprise and opened their mouths, for fear that they would be dazzled!

by! Is this too scary?

Nalan Xueling actually blasted Patriarch Li with a palm?

I heard that Patriarch Li is a Tier 3 martial artist! !

And Nalan Xueling looked like he was only ten years old, how could he have a higher strength than Patriarch Li!

However, the facts are in front of them, and they can't help but believe them!

"Nine-nine, are you okay?" Nalan Xueling asked, looking at the little man next to her.

"It's okay." Jiujiu's face was a bit ugly, and there was an unpleasant color in her purple eyes, as if she was very dissatisfied with her strength at the moment, too weak! Very unhappy!

"Boom!" There was a muffled noise from the front, and a figure rushed out of the tent. I saw Patriarch Li's hair scattered and his clothes covered with dust, making him look very embarrassed.

He raised his eyes and looked at Nalan Xueling coldly, with anger and killing intent in his eyes, this nasty little girl actually punched him away! I must have been careless just now, that's why I let her fly! He must have underestimated the enemy!

After thinking about this, the ruthlessness on his face became stronger, and his figure moved violently at Nalan Xueling again, this time his palm showed the power of nine layers!

It's a pity that he was still knocked into the air by Nalan Xueling easily and hit the ground fiercely. This scene shocked him extremely, unexpectedly!

His face was full of horror, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, he roared, "How is it possible? You, what is your strength?"

Nalan Xueling snorted coldly, and the corner of her mouth raised a slight curve of contempt, "In short, it's more than enough to deal with you!"

Stepped forward and stepped on his chest, "You don't say why you poisoned, I also know the reason! You are here to avenge your evil son!"

"Huh! That's right! You killed my son, I'm here to avenge you!" Seeing that the plot was seen through, Patriarch Li no longer concealed it, but sneered loudly.

As he spoke, the hand hidden in the sleeve quietly crushed a piece of jade pendant, "Haha, nearly 80% of the people in Jingyue City in the past three days have bought my medicine! After seven days, they We all died, one can crack this kind of poison, this is the poison from the Profound Sky Realm! You just wait for it to become a dead city! Hahaha..."

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and their faces were full of fear, screams, fears, roars, and yells, intertwined and noisy.

"Grass! This **** neuropathy!"

"Damn, I want to kill him! I dare to poison us!"

"Is he sick? *** Ah..."

"Damn lunatic! Your son's death is our shit!"

At this moment, they finally believed Nalan Xueling's words, but it was too late. Some people at the scene made a second purchase. The medicinal materials bought yesterday have been eaten, but a very small number of people were secretly relieved. , Hurried to the side, rejoicing in my heart, but luckily they just came to line up!

Otherwise, I don’t know how to die!

Jiujiu raised the corners of her lips in disdain, now that she is afraid? When my sister explained to them just now, they had a cocky look on their faces. I don't know how proud they were, and they laughed at my sister. Now they deserve to be scared!

Seeing the crowd panicked, Nalan Xueling turned her head, her eyes fell coldly on the people, and they swept over them one by one, with a penetrating power and astonishing shock in her immature voice.

"Now I know I am confused? Now I know I am afraid? When I spoke before, who believed?"

The crowd suddenly calmed down, with shame on their faces.

"Huh! Do you know the words cheap but not good? Thousand-year medicinal materials are only half a million gold coins. Do you think this is the world's pie? Thousand-year medicinal materials are very popular no matter where they are placed. The prices are terribly high, so cheap is definitely not at ease, so you foolishly believe it!"

Everyone was silent again, a sigh of mourning, no one dared to refute her for a while.

"Well, you don't have to worry. This bit of poison won't hurt me. I will find a way to detoxify you. I can develop an antidote in three days at most. Anyway, you will not get the poison until three days later."

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, and their desperate and sad faces showed excitement, "Miss Nalan, thank you so much!"

"Yeah, yeah, Miss Nalan is so kind, and our antidote depends on you!"

"Okay! Don't bully me. My antidote is not free, but cost. This can be regarded as a lesson for you to spend money to buy! In the future, don't buy or eat anything you don't know. "Nalan Xueling said lightly.

"Yes, yes, you must remember." Everyone nodded and bowed, obediently speaking, and then stepped aside one by one.

"Hehe, it seems that we are worried. I didn't expect Miss Xueling to handle things simply and ably, very similar to the style of the master." Pan San smiled.

"Yeah! Miss Xue Ling had such a method at a young age, and she can do it when she grows up!" Hei Xie grinned.

Mu Qianyue pursed her lips and evoked a faint smile. Just now she was not in a hurry to rush forward, just want to exercise her little spirit, it seems that she is doing well!

Nalan Xueling turned his head to look at Family Master Li, her eyes were filled with anger, and she said coldly, "Your son was doing evil in Jinzhou City. He wanted to get rid of my aunt. We just started. He has let his life go, and he doesn't cherish it. He has joined forces with Jin Mengni to poison us, and even want to confuse him. His deeds are damning, and he will die!"

"Huh! No matter what, that's my son too, so I can't help you teach it!" Patriarch Li was furious, and his body was struggling constantly, but he was stepped on by Nalan Xueling, and he couldn't escape!

Nalan Xueling's slender body, it seems that it can be blown away by a gust of wind, but it is full of terrifying power!

"Do you know? You are the direct murderer of your son! It's because of your limitless indulgence that you forced him to death!" Nalan Xueling's pink face showed a cold and contemptuous expression .

"You nonsense!" Patriarch Li roared with red eyes.

"Don’t admit it? Every time he makes a mistake, have you taught him well? Have you taught him what is good and what is evil? It is your so-called petting that makes him more unscrupulous, bullying and bullying. When you encounter something stronger, it is retribution! Karma cycle, retribution is unhappy!" Nalan Xueling snorted coldly.

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