Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 991: Depressed to vomit blood [3]

Patriarch Li was taken aback, and then he remembered that he had been busy with business over the years, and he had no flaws to care about him. He spent his money and let him go out to play. Over time, he got those bad habits, but he still didn’t have time to control him. He, so much that he got worse and worse, until today's end...

But how could Patriarch Li admit that he roared, "Dead girl, this Patriarch has no turn to teach you! Soon, you will all die here, die here!!"

As his words fell, a figure rushed from the sky like a stream of light, and in the blink of an eye, it came to Patriarch Li's side. When Patriarch Li saw the figure, an expression of excitement appeared on his face, "Senior Xia, I Here, save, save me!"

The visitor was a middle-aged man about forty, with a handsome and gentle face, and looked a little gentle, but there was a hint of discomfort between his brows.

"Patriarch Li, this is the last time." The middle-aged man looked at Patriarch Li coldly, snorted coldly, raised his hand and struck out with a force, and rescued Patriarch Li from Nalan Xueling's feet. The speed was so fast that it was surprisingly fast. Tongue.

"Senior Xia, you must avenge me! They killed my son!" Patriarch Li quickly cried to the middle-aged man, cold and murderous intent surging in his slightly drooping eyes.

"You have saved me once, and I have already repaid your kindness. I can't kill for you, but I can save you." The middle-aged man frowned dissatisfied and said lightly, then looked up at Nalan Xueling's back. A hint of arrogance flashed in his eyes, and he hummed softly, "Little girl, I saved this person, you can go."

Patriarch Li immediately showed a displeased look on his face when he heard this, and his expression was quite dissatisfied, but when he thought of Senior Xia's strength, he could only give up. It would be good to be able to save himself. It's a big deal to think of a chance to avenge Xiaoer in the future!

It's just that he didn't expect that he has no future, and will never have a chance again!

"It's a big breath! You saved it when you said it?" Nalan Xueling frowned, a trace of unpleasantness in her eyes, turned to look at him.

When the middle-aged man saw Nalan Xueling, his eyes showed deep shock and horror, his eyes widened incredibly, "It's you, you are Nalan Xueling?"

"Haha, Dean Xia, it's been a long time since I saw you, don't be unharmed! It's a little frightening to carry such a big shelf!" Nalan Xueling's lips curled up with a sneer.

The visitor is not someone else, but an old friend, Xia Yibo, once the dean of the Tianwu Continental Qingfeng Academy!

Xia Yibo had seen Nalan Xueling several times and was naturally impressed. Even if she hadn't seen her in a few years, she had grown a lot, he still recognized it at a glance, but he didn't recognize it when she looked at her back just now. I just feel familiar, what a mistake! !


An embarrassment appeared on Xia Yibo's face, and he couldn't help but squeeze out a smile, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! I didn't know it was you at all! Where is your mother?"

"Hey, looking at you there." Nalan Xueling looked at the crowd next to her.

Xia Yibo turned his head to look, and he saw the graceful figure, even standing in the crowd, still so eye-catching.

He quickly walked up, brushed the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, and smiled awkwardly, "Well, Moon girl, I'm so sorry about what happened just now. I didn't figure it out. Don't hold your hate. In my heart..."

"I'm sorry, I've written it down, you bullied my daughter, do you think I will hold a grudge?" Mu Qianyue's lips curled up with a smile that was not a smile, a mysterious smile, which made Xia Yibo completely unpredictable. His mind suddenly became anxious.

"Isn't it so stingy? Anyhow, we are friends, or a teacher-student relationship! Hey..." Xia Yibo laughed.

"Well, then forgive you once, and the next time, I don't allow it!" Mu Qianyue said.

In fact, what I said just now was joking with him. On the one hand, he was unintentional. On the other hand, he was also her dean anyway. He helped her a lot when he was at Qingfeng Academy.

She has not forgotten these kindnesses.

"Haha, Yue girl, you still haven't changed at all! You are so cunning, almost fooled by you." Xia Yibo smiled depressedly.

"Senior Xia, you..."

When Patriarch Li saw Xia Yibo, instead of doing anything, he talked and laughed with Mu Qianyue. His face was filled with horror and disbelief. How could this happen?

Isn't Senior Xia here to avenge himself? Why did he change as soon as he saw Mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling, and they still looked so pleased, could it be that they knew each other? It seems that Senior Xia is still very afraid of Mu Qianyue!

At this moment, Patriarch Li's desire to die is all there!

I finally found a helper, who turned out to be Mu Qianyue's old friend!

"It's all you **** fellow! You almost killed me, do you know?" Xia Yibo said displeased, raising his eyes to stare at him. Then she turned her head to look at Mu Qianyue and asked, "What happened?"

Nalan Xueling briefly explained the matter.

Hearing this, Xia Yibo's face suddenly became difficult to look at. This Patriarch Li is purely looking for death! His own son dared to beat Mu Qianyue and Xiaoling's idea. Isn't that a death? And he still wanted to kill Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu!

It's really self-inflicted and cannot live!

"I told you that it's fine to do business honestly, don't cause trouble! I can't help you this time!" Xia Yibo sighed and looked at him.

Patriarch Li's face instantly turned pale, full of despair.

"Girl Yue, he once saved my life, so in order to repay my gratitude, I gave him some of the medicinal materials of Qingfeng Academy for sale, but I didn't expect that he was actually against you. His life-saving grace, I It's almost too late. The rest is your grievances, so I won't interfere." Xia Yibo said to Mu Qianyue.

After all, he was a former life-saver, and he had some friendship. If he was allowed to start, he would not be able to go. It would inevitably mean that he would avenge revenge, so he decided not to intervene.

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded lightly, so good.

Patriarch Li was furious and yelled, "Xia Yibo, you villain, if I hadn't saved you, you would have died! You would take revenge for your kindness!"

Xia Yibo was furious when he heard the words, and two groups of anger surged in his eyes, "I didn't know how many times you paid for your life-saving grace! In these years, how many times did you Li family medicinal materials have not been provided to you at a low price? In just three years, your Li family has gone from a small family of unknown origin to a big family of Golden State. Without my help, do you think you can?"

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