Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 993: Borrowing Star Seal【2】

Hidden in the center of the red fine spar, Mu Qianyue also accidentally discovered that Hong Jing's heart is full of strong and incomparable power, and that pure power is almost fifty times that of the red fine spar!

You know that the power of the red crystal stone is already very rich and pure, let alone the red crystal heart?

Mu Qianyue originally wanted to keep the remaining two pieces of golden lotus for later alchemy, but for the sake of her strength, she sacrificed it and swallowed it directly. Although it was wasted, it also improved her several levels. strength.

"Pan San, Black Scorpion, these are twenty golden lotus rejuvenation pills. You can take them. You can take out two of them for auction, and save the rest. You can use them according to your own arrangements. These are red crystal stones. The pure energy in it can be used directly for cultivation, or according to the distance, exchanged with contribution value." Mu Qianyue took out some things stored in the Tongtian Tower space and began to arrange it.

"Xiaoyue'er, the two of us will also accompany you. We will accompany you through the world of swords, mountains and fires, ghosts and ghosts!" Tian Shuo squeezed Meng Ximo's hand and looked at Mu Qianyue with a serious and serious expression Said.

"Okay!" Mu Qianyue nodded, she looked up at Tian Shuo, Bing Yan and Xiao Xuan'er and said, "You three stand up."

Tian Shuo, Bing Yan, and Xiao Xuan'er heard the words with a puzzled expression on their faces, but they did not hesitate to walk out of the crowd and walk to Mu Qianyue.


"Xiao Yue'er, what's the matter?"

The corners of Mu Qianyue's lips were raised slightly, her fingers pinched, and she saw a light overflowing from between her fingers, and then enveloped Tian Shuo, Bing Yan and Xiao Xuan'er.


Three violent and powerful auras suddenly surged from the three of them, and in the blink of an eye, all three of them became the ninth-order emperor martial artist!

Everyone present was shocked, staring at them in horror.

Especially the three of Tian Shuo, Bing Yan, and Xiao Xuan'er were shocked for a long time.

"This, this... Xiaoyue'er, what did you do to us?" Tian Shuo asked in surprise.

"Master, what's going on?" Bing Yanbing's blue eyes flashed with doubts.

Xiao Xuan'er's beautiful face was also full of doubts, "Master, are you doing magic?"

"You two are my contract beasts, and Tian Shuo is my tool spirit, so you three and I can be regarded as a whole. This is an ancient secret method that allows the contract beast and the tool spirit to match the master’s strength Consistent. Every time I get promoted to one level in the future, you will also be promoted to one level." Mu Qianyue explained lightly.

She was also very surprised, why this ancient secret method suddenly appeared in her mind.

Although she has restored the memories of her previous life, there are no such ancient secrets in those memories of the previous life!

This point also caused Mu Qianyue to struggle for a long time, and since she couldn't figure it out, she didn't want to.

all will be good!

"Haha, I didn't expect Yue'er to have such a secret method. It's really amazing! Now we have four 9th-order emperor martial artists. In this way, the journey to the underworld will have a great chance of winning. Now!" Jin Long smiled happily.

Moshang Fengling also chose to retreat this year. Her current strength is an eighth-order emperor martial artist. For this reason, she has been depressed for a long time. The abnormal talent of the little girl has risen to the eighth step in a year. And her talent is also pretty good. From the sixth-order emperor martial artist to the eighth-order, I thought this speed was very fast, after all, every time the first-order emperor martial artist, the real vitality required is more than ten times the usual!

But now compared with the little girl, it's a far cry!

What a shock!

"Yue'er, grandpa accompany you to save my grandson!" Jin Long stood up, with a firm expression on his face, "I am also a sixth-order emperor martial artist, so I should be able to help. "

During this year, he was also promoted from the sixth-order emperor martial artist to the first-order, although only the first-order, this has made him very satisfied and very happy.

Mu Qianyue frowned and looked up at Jin Longdao, "Grandpa, you should stay at home, because Tianshuo will go with me. If everyone is gone, there will be no Emperor Martial Artist in Jingyue Pavilion. So here needs an emperor to sit in town."


"Grandpa, you still stay. We know you want to save Dad, but Jingyue Pavilion was founded by Niangqin and Dad. If we are all gone, what if someone comes to make trouble? We believe in your seventh-order emperor martial artist No one would dare to make trouble!" Nalan Xueling dragged Jin Long's hand and said coquettishly.

"Hey, okay, okay." Jin Long said helplessly.

"Little girl, when shall we leave?" Mo Shang Fengling asked.

"I'll leave tomorrow, and everyone will prepare for the evening. But before I leave, I'm going to Ling's house!" Mu Qianyue thought for a while and said.

"Ling Family?" Mu Rutian frowned suspiciously.

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded, her dark pupils gleaming with light, "I'm going to borrow the star seal of the Ling family."

She has seen the power of the star seal, she is now the strength of a ninth-order emperor martial artist, if she has the star seal, she might be comparable to the **** king, and can increase her chances by half.

Early the next morning, Mu Qianyue's group set off in a mighty manner.

In addition to Nalan Xueling and Jiujiu, Xiao Xuan'er, Bing Yan, Mu Rutian, Mo Shang Feng Chime, Tian Shuo and Meng Xi Mo, plus Mu Qianyue, a total of nine people, such a strong lineup , Six emperor martial artists, except for ninety-nine, the others are all divine martial artists.

Mu Qianyue took Jiujiu, Moshang Fengling and the others were very puzzled.

After all, Jiujiu is too young, only one year old! And he is just an imperial warrior, shouldn't he stay at home and be safer?

They don't think Jiu Jiu can help much, even if Jiu Jiu's talent is great, no matter how abnormal, he will always be just a child!

For the curiosity in everyone's hearts, Mu Qianyue just explained a little, "Jiu Jiu knows the way to go to the netherworld."

Otherwise, she would not take Jiujiu to take risks.

Hearing Mu Qianyue's words, Moshang Fengling and others showed shocked expressions on their faces. Jiujiu knows the way to the Nether Prison? Asakusa didn't say anything wrong, right?

How old is he, he is just a newborn baby, he knows things that they don't even know?

This is incredible!

In this regard, Jiujiu didn't know that he would know the way to go to the netherworld, but his instinct told him that he would!

This left everyone speechless.

After spending most of the day, Mu Qianyue and her party came to Ling's house.

When Patriarch Ling saw Mu Qianyue's party suddenly come to his home, he was shocked. There were four ninth-order emperor martial artists, one eighth-order emperor martial artists, and one seventh-order emperor martial artist. The rest were all gods. For such a huge lineup, even the Mu family doesn't have it!

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