Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 994: Borrowing Star Seal【3】

"I don't know what's the matter with the Master Mu's coming to my Ling's house?" Family Master Ling asked with a respectful face, his eyes swept over Mu Qianyue and others, but there seemed to be a shocking wave in her heart. She brought so many people here. Isn't it because you want to trouble his Ling family?

However, it seems that his Ling family did not do anything to be sorry for Jingyue Pavilion!

The fame of Jingyue Pavilion has been shocked recently, but it has shocked the entire Huanzhou!

"Patriarch Ling, you don't need to be nervous, this time, I want to borrow something from you, the star seal." Mu Qianyue said straightforwardly.

"This..." Patriarch Ling was taken aback when he heard the words, his face showed a hint of embarrassment, and he thought about it, "The return of the Star Seal is all your credit to Mu Sect Master. You used to find out the death of my sister. The truth is, I returned the star seal. After all, our Ling family owes you a kindness! Come in with me, because to get the star seal, you still need the elders in the door to work together to fight the treasure pavilion."

"En." Mu Qianyue nodded, and followed the Ling Patriarch with Mo Shang Fengling and others, and entered Ling Mansion.

Mu Qianyue was quite satisfied with the choice and reaction of the Ling Patriarch. Four years later, he kept this matter in mind. He was willing to take out such an important thing as the ancient artifact, which shows that he is a man. A person of great affection.

"Sit here and have a sip of tea first, and I will take someone to fetch it now." The Ling family said, after all, something as important as the star seal will naturally not be carried with you.

The maid served hot tea, and Mu Qianyue and the others sat patiently in the position and waited.

After about half a cup of tea, I saw Patriarch Ling holding a red sandalwood box and walking over, "Master Mu, this is the star seal, you take it, just remember to return it..."

"Okay, thanks." Just as Mu Qianyue was about to reach out and take it, a palm suddenly stretched out from the side and snatched the star seal.

"This is an ancient artifact passed down from generation to generation by our ancestors of the Ling family. How can we lend it to others casually?" A grunt of dissatisfaction sounded nearby.

Mu Qianyue frowned slightly, turned her head and looked around, she saw an old man holding a red sandalwood box in his hands, his old face was full of disdain and arrogance, and he stood there with domineering and arrogant expression.

She didn't expect that anyone would dare to grab the star seal here, so she let that person take advantage of it.

"Elder, what are you doing?" Patriarch Ling frowned dissatisfied.

"What are you doing? Of course you took back the star seal!" Patriarch Ling snorted angrily, raised his eyes and glanced at Mu Qianyue next to him coldly, then looked at Patriarch Ling, and sneered, "You are the Patriarch Ling, not only Obey the rules of the Ling family, and still want to privately lend the star seal to outsiders?"

"Elder, do you also know that I am the Patriarch of the Ling Family? How dare you defy my orders!" Patriarch Ling suddenly sank, and said angrily, "Get the star seal!"

Elder Ling Da snorted coldly, and said yin and yang weirdly, "Why? Humph! Back then, your sister ran out with the star seal, and lost it for more than a hundred years. Now she dare to lend the star seal, this time Don’t you want it to disappear for a thousand years again?"

"Can you take it over?" Patriarch Ling said in a deep voice.

"Don't think that you are the head of the Ling family and you can threaten me unscrupulously! I am the elder of the Ling family, and I have the right to decide on some matters of the Ling family!" Elder Ling yelled, "Everyone sees it. As the Patriarch of the Ling Family, Patriarch Ling not only considers the Ling Family, but also privately lends the Star Seal to outsiders..."

His voice immediately caught the other elders and disciples of the Ling family, and he glanced over at once, with different expressions and discussions.

Upon seeing this, Elder Ling had a disdainful sneer in his eyes.

"Xiao Yue'er is kind to your Ling family, what's the matter with borrowing the star seal?" Tian Shuo's faint blue eyes were filled with anger, and he raised his hand and slapped it directly, and directly slapped Elder Ling Da Fei. After going out, the red sandalwood box in his hand suddenly took off and flew.

She lifted her hand lightly, and the next moment, the red sandalwood box fell into Mu Qianyue's hand steadily.

Elder Ling Da fell into the yard and smashed his body heavily on the ground. He immediately smashed the hard marble into a huge hole, raising dust in the sky, and he also turned pale, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

After a long pause, Elder Ling Dao reacted, an old face turned blue with anger and trembling. Shaking his fingers at Tian Shuo, he said angrily, "You wild boy, dare to do something to me?"

He never expected that these people would be so rampant, and he would dare to do something to himself in Ling's family!

"What's the matter with your hands? Don't you chirp, believe it or not, I will polish your teeth?" Tian Shuo frowned in dissatisfaction.

Do you think he can't tell? This old guy just wanted to make trouble by using the matter of Patriarch Ling to lend the master star seal. You don't have to be polite to deal with this kind of person, just hit it directly, hit hard, he will naturally behave.

"You, you..." Elder Ling was shaking with anger. "Your people in Jingyue Pavilion are really too arrogant, too arrogant, and too lawless! Don't think that your reputation recently caused the Mu family to give in. , I think the world is invincible, our Ling family is not like the Mu family's cartilage..."

"Really? Not a cartilage head?" Mu Qianyue's long and deep phoenix eyes narrowed lightly, a wisp of cold light flashed in his eyes, his chin lightly raised, and her cold eyes fell on Elder Ling's face like a knife, "Even if you It's hard bones, and I can also break you into broken bones!"

The woman's light voice was full of murderous intent, and she clearly said it was light and windy, but it seemed to be full of bloodthirsty arrogance, falling like thunder, making Elder Ling Da tremble for no reason.

In the next moment, an astonishing and majestic aura erupted from the woman's slender body, and it swept in like a violent storm, extremely shocking!

Elder Ling Da's voice paused, his complexion instantly turned pale, his body trembled, and he slumped directly on the ground. Looking at Mu Qianyue, his eyes were full of fear, his forehead was sweating like rain, and he was panting...

Not only him, but everyone in the entire lobby courtyard felt a great pressure, as if a hundred thousand mountains were pressed against their chests, making them extremely uncomfortable and almost suffocating.

Patriarch Ling took a few breaths, concealed the horror in his eyes, looked up at Mu Qianyue and asked, "Master Mu, what kind of strength you are now, you have such a terrifying aura!"

"Nineth-order emperor martial artist." Mu Qianyue's voice fell faintly, like a thunder that exploded in everyone's hearts.

what? !

Nine-tier Emperor Warrior? !

Hearing this, the eyes of Patriarch Ling and the others changed in shock and gasped severely. She was only twenty years old! !

It turned out to be in the realm of the 9th-order emperor warrior!

I still remember the sect competition four years ago, she was just an advanced paladin!

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