Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 998: Reunion of the old man [2]

Hearing this, Jiujiu’s face showed a sneer, this bead between his neck, but the gift his mother gave him, called the earth spirit pearl, can automatically absorb the vitality in the air, and then remove the impurities in the vitality. , Leaving pure vitality for him to absorb.

Although these energy is far from enough for him to absorb, it can also save him a lot of time.

This guy who knows nothing about life and death, dare to hit the spirit bead!

"You want my beads? You are not qualified." With his hands around his chest, he lifted his head slightly, and a sneer appeared in the purple eyes of the giant man.

"Isn't it? Huh, it's okay if I don't give it. Then I have to follow the rules. Which of your arm hits me, I will remove your arm! You are so rampant at a young age, I won't give you anything Lessons won’t work!” The giant big man sneered, flexing his hands, showing a cold look on his face full of flesh.

After that, he raised his hand to grab Jiujiu's small arm.

Just now, he naturally saw at a glance that the bead in Jiujiu's neck was Earth Spirit Orb!

Such a good thing should be worn on the neck of a one-year-old baby, isn't this a violent thing?

If you give it to yourself, his cultivation speed will be more than doubled, and the Earth Spirit Orb is a good thing! I didn't expect to be hit by him today!

He saw that Jiujiu came out alone and wandered in the street, so he was thinking about it.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't bear to exclaim. This little meat bun is so cute that it will be taken off by the tigers. It's so cruel! How could he bear such a small body!

If an arm is removed, he will definitely die!

At this moment, the little meat buns in front of everyone are full of distress, but they dare not go up and help, and the end of the fight against the Tigers is very miserable! From being abolished, from being abolished, and from incriminating friends and relatives!

One person once offended the Tigers, but the whole family was killed by the Tigers, and the body was thrown into the Dead Sea. It was extremely cruel, so everyone could only shake their heads regretfully and didn't dare to intervene!

Just when everyone thought that Xiaoroubao's arm was about to be torn off, suddenly a plain white slender palm came up, a palm hit the back of the giant man's hand, and then he tightened the Xiaoroubaozi. Hugging tightly in his arms.

"People of the Tigers, you are really shameless! To bully a one-year-old baby in this way is shameless and get home!" She said, looking at the little man in her arms, and softly comforted. "Little guy, don't be afraid. With me here, I won't be bullying you by this bad guy. But if you run around by yourself, are you not afraid of meeting bad guys? Where's your parents?"

When her gaze fell on Jiujiu's delicate and flawless face, she was suddenly shocked, especially those purple eyes that looked so familiar!

correct! Nalan King! Doesn't Nalanjing just have purple eyes? Also, this little bun looks like a light moon!

I didn’t have time to rejoice, I only heard the angry voice of the giant man from the other side, "Smelly woman! Do you dare to care about my Tigers?"

The sudden palm shadow rushed in and caught him off guard. The back of his hand was severely beaten and immediately swollen to the ground.

"It doesn't matter what your Tigers are doing! Don't you think it's too much to deal with a one-year-old child with such abusive methods?" Anger was surging in the woman's beautiful eyes.

"Huh! It looks like you are looking for death!" The giant man's eyes flashed with anger, he clenched his fist and attacked the woman again, only to see the woman holding the little bun in one hand, and the other hand of the natal soldiers condensed, a beautiful sword flower Pull out, the silver sword light lingers, the sword aura is flying, spread out like silver training.

He immediately forced the giant man back three meters away, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The giant man’s face turned gloomy in an instant, and he threatened in a cold voice, “Xu Yurong, don’t think that your Tianyu regiment has developed very fast in the past few years, and that you can be an enemy of my tiger regiment! If you are acquainted, keep this little milk baby Next, otherwise, tomorrow will be the time when your Tianyu Group is destroyed!"

When the words fell, he waved his palm and saw five big men rush out of the Tigers. One of them asked, "What happened?"

"This woman dares to **** someone from our Tigers, let's go together and kill her!" said the giant man with a cold expression.

"She seems to be the deputy head of the Tianyu Group." The person continued.

"It's just a deputy commander. Even if their commander comes, they are still not our opponents of the Tigers, a seventh-order divine warrior. Don't forget that our chief is a third-order emperor warrior!" The giant man snorted coldly. , "The little milk baby's neck is an Earth Spirit Orb. The people in the Tianyu Group clearly noticed that they want to grab something with our Tiger Group!"

"Looking for death! Dare to grab something with our Tigers!"

"Xu Yurong, obediently hand over the earth spirit beads from the little milk baby's neck, and we will let you go!"

"Huh! You elders rob a child's things one by one, this kind of shameless thing is only your Tigers can do!" Xu Yurong's pretty face was filled with contempt.

"In that case, don't blame us for being impolite!" one of them sneered.

Upon seeing this, a faint glow rushed through the nine-nine purple eyes, looking at Xu Yurong, her tender voice was soft and waxy, "Auntie, you put me down."

Xu Yurong shook her head firmly, "Since I ran into him today, I'll take care of this!"

"But in this way, your Tianyu Group will be in danger." Jiujiu tilted his head, saying every word with milk and milk.

"Don't worry, it's okay, our Tianyu Tuan is not a vegetarian!" Xu Yurong smiled. When she turned her head to look at the giant man, a coldness flashed quickly in her eyes, and she hugged ninety nines with one hand. One hand clenched the sword in his hand.


The giant big man sneered and shouted angrily. He saw the five members of the Tigers next to him, each holding a broad knife or a long sword, and their eyes were cold and disdainful, full of hideous and murderous, and they attacked Xu Yurong as soon as they moved. come.

Xu Yurong's face sank, she still didn't let go of Jiujiu, but held him tightly in her arms, and swung a fierce sword light with the long sword in her hand, but with her own power, she was not the opposite of the six. Opponent.

"Zheng!" With a muffled sound, the natal soldier in her hand broke.

Xu Yurong's face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. She raised her head and saw that the sword lights on the opposite side blasted over like a broken bamboo. Her expression changed, she hugged Jiujiu tightly, turned her body, and used her. The slender and not generous back carried all the wind and rain for him.

The faces of all the onlookers changed, this Xu Yurong is really stupid!

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