Ghost King’s Medical Consort

Chapter 999: Reunion of the old man [3]

For the sake of an unrelated child who didn't know him, he didn't even want his life!

Shaking their heads and sighing one by one, these sword lights fell on her, and they could definitely hurt her seriously, and turn her into waste!

Xu Yurong lightly closed her eyes, and the pain did not come as expected. The sharp sword light behind her suddenly disappeared like water, and all the terrifying auras disappeared in an instant, and the five tiger groups behind her The members, including the giant man, all fell to the ground.

"Puff puff……"

The giant man and the others spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was instantly pale and scary, and he was seriously injured in a blink of an eye, and he was lying on the ground and unable to get up for a long time!

This scene shocked everyone onlookers severely.

Especially Xu Yurong, with surprised eyes on her face. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the familiar purple figure in the crowd coming in the morning breeze.

Three thousand green silks danced with the wind, and the golden light of the sky shone all over her, setting off her picturesque and delicate face beautifully.

Xu Yurong's pupils suddenly shrank, and there was a surprise and excitement in her eyes, and she couldn't help but cried out, "Shallow Moon?"

"Xu Yurong?" Mu Qianyue narrowed her eyes. Just now, her attention was all on Jiujiu. Now when she heard her shout, she noticed that the woman holding Jiujiu in front of her turned out to be Xu who had not seen him for a long time. Yurong!

"Mother..." Seeing Mu Qianyue, Jiujiu showed a happy smile on the fleshy little face, and broke free from Xu Yurong's arms, and ran towards Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue was slender and half-bended, and she hugged him, "So naughty, what should I do if I run away alone?"

"Mother, don't worry, I won't run away, even if you go to the end of the world, I can find you." Jiujiu grinned.

"Qianyue... is this your son? You and Nalanjing's son?" Xu Yurong stared in surprise. It's no wonder that she looked familiar with this little guy just now, as well as those purple eyes. The son of Qianyue and Nalanjing!

Gosh! Haven't seen each other in years, they both have sons!

"En." Mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly.

"Who are you? Dare to intervene in our Tigers' affairs?" At this moment, the giant man got up from the ground, his eyes widened, and he looked at Mu Qianyue with an angry expression, his eyes filled with viciousness. Cold mang.

The other five people also got up from the ground, the expressions on their faces stern and alert.

"Did you bully my brother just now?" Nalan Xueling's eyes filled with coldness, and a terrifying chill broke out in her small body. She turned her head to look at Jiujiu and asked, "Jiujiu, just now Where are they bullying you!"

"They want to grab my Earth Spirit Orb, and they said they want to remove my arm." Jiujiu's purple eyes narrowed lightly, and then he leaned comfortably in Mu Qianyue's arms with his mother hugging him. , There is a sister pampered, this feeling is really cool and happy!

When you find daddy, there will be daddy pampering, well, it will definitely be happier!

Hearing this, Nalan Xueling turned his head to look at the tigers on the opposite side. Unexplained killing intent surged in his deep eyes. He held the natal soldier in his hand, and saw a silver light flashing in the air. As fast as lightning, a large bunch of blood blossoms were instantly brought up, and the warm blood sprayed the face of the giant man.

A huge arm flew up with the blood flower and fell into the crowd, causing a huge sensation.

The giant man seemed to be stupid. He was stunned on the spot, and he didn't even realize what was going on. It wasn't until the heart-piercing pain came from his broken arm that he was shocked to realize that there was a little bit in front of his arm. The little girl was cut off!

"Ahhhhh..." the giant man yelled in pain, his remaining hand covered the broken arm, trying to stop the blood that gushed out, and soon his palms were stained red by the blood.


The crowd onlookers couldn't help but take a breath. This little girl seemed to be only a few years old, so why did she start so cruel! Looks like she hasn't even reached ten years old!

That giant man was also a martial artist anyway, he didn't even have time to react, so he lost an arm! Tsk tut, the strength of this little girl is not shallow! It is definitely a person from a big family, otherwise it is impossible to have such a strong strength!

It seems that this time the Tigers have provoked people who should not be provoked!

There was a little bit of excitement and misfortune in everyone's eyes, but they didn't have a good impression of the Tigers.

The other members of the Tigers also reacted for a long time, and looked at Nalan Xueling with a vigilance. It seemed that they didn't expect Nalan Xueling to be so strong!

The giant man raised his head and stared at Nalan Xueling with anger and hatred, and cursed, "Little bitch, I want to kill you! Ah!"

With that said, his remaining hand, holding the long sword on the ground, rushed towards Nalan Xueling.

Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed, and she didn't wait for her to make a move. With a soft sound, Mu Rutian raised the long sword in his hand, the silver light flashed, and the sword fell in his hand, only to see that the other arm of the giant man was also caught. It was cut down, and it was cut by Qigen, clean and neat, without even a trace of blood!

"Kang Dang..." There was a crisp sound.

The arm holding the long sword fell to the ground and found a crisp sound. The giant man was taken aback and looked down and found that his other arm had also fallen down, with an expression of infinite horror on his face.

He slowly turned his head and looked at his other arm, only to see that it had been cut off! Exposed red muscles!

After a long while, the blood spurted out like a fountain!

The people around were so scared that they quickly retreated and showed horror.

Only then did the giant man react, his body weakened, he fell asleep on the ground, howled in pain, and kept rolling on the ground. Wherever he rolled, the blood would flow there...

Shocking and terrifying.

Only then did the people of the Tigers reacted, all of them showed fear, and never dared to rush forward. Now they can see that the strength of this pedestrian is extraordinary! In short, definitely higher than them!

"This, this has nothing to do with us, he thinks this little baby is so bullying, and wants to **** his Earth Spirit Orb, we only came out later..."

After that, he pulled up the giant man on the ground and quickly returned to the house.

Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, and faintly retracted his eyes, and did not intend to continue to pursue it. Since he had already taught the big man a profound lesson, it was enough.

"Qianyue, why are you here?" Xu Yurong wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and smiled excitedly. Her smile was as bright as fire, but it made the paleness on her face faded.

Mu Qianyue knew that she was injured, and directly opened the realm of life to cover her body, but in a blink of an eye, her injuries healed instantly...

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