Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"I came to save him."

Mo Yuntian said, injecting a white light into the wound on Murong Shao Feng's chest.

After the time of a column of incense, Murong Shao Feng on the ice couch gradually woke up, and Mo Yuntian only withdrew the white light.

"Emperor, you are awake."

Zhu Yan walked excitedly.

"Give him the painkillers in your hand, the pain will be much reduced."

Murong Shao Feng heard a strange voice.

He struggled to sit up.

Mo Yuntian stopped and said, "You're better lying down."

"Senior ...?"

Murong Shao Feng said weakly.

"Very **** yourself, you know, being hurt by Feng Juyin, pain can hurt you."

Murong Shao Feng's pale face was extremely surprised.

"How did the seniors know about Feng Jue Yin?"

He was instantly alert.

Mo Yuntian didn't answer his question, but said sternly: "You know, if today's stranger knows about the future, there is no possibility of meeting between you."

"Momo ..."

Murong Shaofeng's voice choked and his face was hurt.

"I have no choice."

Murong Shao Feng bit his trembling lips tightly.

In this life, he did not want to be extravagant. In the next life, he wanted to be with her. This strong desire has been devouring his heart.


Mo Yuntian sighed deeply.

"You know, in the next life, although you can find Moer by the introduction of Feng Jue Yin, but if you can love each other, then it is not necessarily. Why do you have to bear this painful heart?"

Mo Yuntian looked at him deeply.

"As long as there is a little chance, I won't give up."

Murong Shao Feng still insisted.

"Hope your dedication is right, my daughter, I just want her to be happy, no matter who she marries?"

"Are you senior Mo?"

Murong Shao Feng immediately guessed Mo Yuntian's identity.

"Well! Your attachment reminds me of my pain when I was young, so I came here to help you once."

Mo Yuntian walked into him. In fact, she was afraid that Mo Er would know that she would be angry and hate. His daughter, he couldn't see her being hurt.

"I know that you are doing this to bring Mu Langyu out quickly. Since you know it is him, why bother taking risks? You are not Mu Langyu's opponents, but you are waiting!"

"But the news has been released."

Murong Shao Feng knew that he was not his opponent, but he was the murderer of the master. Sooner or later, this account had to be calculated.

"Then give it to him! But don't hit him against it. The time is not up, don't take it lightly."

After that, Mo Yuntian's figure turned into a white light and disappeared in place.


Murong Shao Feng looked around, and Mo Yuntian was gone.

"His cultivation is by no means ordinary, at least a thousand miles away."

Murong Shao Feng always had a glimmer of surprise in his calm eyes!

"The emperor, let's rest first! The timing that senior Mo said is not yet here, it is better that we wait for a while!"

"Well! After taking the elixir, and with the treatment of Senior Mo just now, my health is already good, so I don't have to sleep on this ice couch."

Murong Shaofeng struggled to get up.

"Great, emperor, Zhu Yan will help the emperor go out."

Zhu Yan was excited.

"Today's matter, don't tell Momo, it will rot in the stomach."

Murong Shao Feng explained.

"The emperor rest assured that Zhu Yan will rot it into his belly."

Zhu Yan helped Murong Shao Feng to walk outside.

In Mingyue Mountain Villa, Mu Yunxuan returned to Yuncheng immediately after watching Su Zimo fall asleep.

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