Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1364: : Maybe you think too much

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

As soon as he returned to Yunxiao Temple, Mu Yunxuan ushered in Jincheng.

Jin Cheng's light blue robe, watching more Yushu Linfeng, came in and looked at Mu Yunxuan with a meditation.

He frowned, and asked, "Yunxuan, you called me here in the middle of the night, but what happened?"

Mu Yunxuan looked at him fiercely.

"Jin Cheng, Feng Jue Yin, I doubt what Murong Shao Feng did to Momo today? This one is really uneasy."

Jin Cheng looked at him with some surprises.

"According to ancient books, if you want to use Feng Jue Yin to continue the marriage of the next life, you must first get the blood of the other party, and then bear the pain of the heart, and make a blood oath with the blood of your heart. The sky and the next life lead the way, but tonight, there are no unusual phenomena. Yunxuan, you may think more. "

Jin Cheng looked at him, and since he knew the usefulness of Feng Jueyin, he became very disturbed.

"But since I left Mo Er from Murong Shao Feng's other hospital, I was very upset."

Mu Yunxuan was covering her chest, and her eyes were worried!

Jincheng looked out the window, "Yunxuan, you must bear the pain of heartache when making a blood oath. If Murong Shaofeng really does, then he can't get out of bed for three days."

"He didn't return to Mingyue Villa, but he lived on the top of Linghu Mountain, where he set up a separate house, and at dawn, he would go and see for himself."

Mu Yunxuan said, striding out.

Jin Cheng shook his head. If Murong Shao Feng did, they would probably find nothing.

Murong Shao Feng is now the peak of the Xuan Soul Stage and the alchemist. He is under the cover of Zhu Yan, as Yun Xuan thinks, but he will not show any flaws.

Jincheng smiled painfully: "Yunxuan, some things, if it is God's will, others can't control it."

Breathing deeply, Jin Cheng turned and left.

In Mingyue Villa, Su Zimo originally slept.

Suddenly, the back of the neck felt hot, and the hot breath immediately lingered around the sensitive earlobe.

Su Zimo awakened suddenly, turned around and squinted at Mu Yunxuan, she moved her body.

"Yunxuan, stop it, I'm sleepy."

Mu Yunxuan didn't let go of her and hugged him tightly.

She stared with wide eyes, looking into his twinkling eyes, which seemed to be very painful.

She awakened violently, and the clear phoenix suddenly felt anxious.

"What happened to you? Why are you still so upset?"

She tenderly touched his painful eyes.

And he stared deeply at her Qingbo Liupan, the water's moving eyes.

"Mo Er, I don't know what's going on tonight. I've never been more upset than tonight."

Su Zimo frowned and approached him, his whole body pressed tightly against his chest.

"Yunxuan, it may be that you have been too busy lately and haven't had a good rest."

When Mu Yunxuan heard it, his thick sword eyebrows were light. He wouldn't be upset like this even if he didn't sleep for three days and three nights.

"No, Mo Er, with you by my side, I wake up with a smile every day, no."

Mu Yunxuan shook his head. It was not that kind of feeling. This kind of feeling lost the precious things first. His slender big hand touched her skin-cheeking cheek.

The whole person seemed to be suffering tremendous pain, and Su Zimo was worried about his body trembling.

Su Zimo got up, "Yunxuan, let me see if you are sick."

Su Zimo pulled Mu Yunxuan's hand and took his pulse.

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