Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Okay!" Liu Yue quickly turned around and ordered people to do things.

Qinger, they also came to help.

Qing'er and Beibing Yaqi wanted to send Mu Yunxuan and Su Zimo back separately, but found that Mu Yunxuan's hand tightly held Su Zimo's hand, how could they be separated.

"Ye son, the Lord and Momo hold their hands together, and they cannot be separated."

Qing Er turned to look at Ye Qinghan.

"How come, I'm not aware."

Ye Qinghan walked over and crouched down, holding Yun Muxuan's hand, how could he not open.

Murong Shao Feng has been backed by Zhu Yan.

Ye Qinghan was helpless, so he could only find a few more people and carried them back to Mingyue Xuan.

After grooming quickly, Nian Feiyan bandaged the wounds on them.

However, their hands were still tightly held together.

Nian Feiyan looked at the wound on Su Zimo and shook her head.

Looking down, they looked at the sad Su Qu brothers.

"Qi'er, the wound on your mother's own body is very deep, almost pierced from the back to the chest, but Qier's spring water really works, and the wound has healed quickly. . "

"Thank you! Aunt Fei! Qi Er won't panic all the time, except when he encounters his mother-in-law." Su Qi also sobbed, her little nose red.

Nian Feiyu squatted and touched Qier's head. Their mother and son were affectionate. Anyone who lost sight of Su Zimo's shocking scene.

It's just that ... Nian Feiyan looked back at the two men lying on the bed, both of them were seriously injured. Whether they can wake up depends on their own good fortune.

However, to the surprise of Nian Feiyan, from the feet of Su Zimo, the purple rosette wings extended rapidly.

"Lier, Qier, your mother kissed her ..."

Nian Feiyan was extremely surprised!

Looking at Su Li and Su Qi, the brothers were also very surprised!

The purple rosemary wings instantly covered the two on the bed.

Like a quilt covering two people.

"Brother, look, how did your mother's rosemary wings grow up?"

"I don't know, but the rosemary wings must be good for my mother and father."

Su Qu's painful eyes gradually saw a hint of hope.

"Why did such a big thing happen when I was not at home? No wonder my eyelids jumped when I went out in the morning."

Outside the door, He Yunting's voice came.

"Don't talk about that, Momo and Yunxuan are seriously injured, we have to find a way to wake them up."

Ye Qinghan's voice was anxious.

When they entered the house, they saw the wings of rosemary on the bed, and they were shocked.

"Fei, Qier, Lier, what's going on?"

Ye Qinghan asked in surprise.

Before he left, there was nothing on the bed, and there was an extra bed of quilts when he came back.

"Yeongzi, I don't know. These rosette wings suddenly grew."

Nian Feiyu looked back at them.

"It's amazing. I have never seen my own sperm grow up."

Ye Qinghan shook his head in surprise.

He Yunting slowly walked to the bedside.

Nian Feiyan's tender eyes kept looking at the worried expression on his face.

"When you look at you, you always take care of yourself like this and always hurt yourself. You have always been a person who doesn't want to worry about people who care about you. You know, this look at the moment makes you worry about you. Inch off the liver and intestines. "

He Yunting had a heartache in his face. Since returning to Haoyue Guojing City, he has rarely seen her happy smile, and how many times she has been injured.

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