Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1456: : I suspect someone is attacking Momo

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

He Yunting sighed deeply.

"This Rosewing can protect them. It seems that Momo and Yunxuan will be fine."

Momo once told him the wonderful use of Rosewing!

Ye Qinghan thought so too, but he couldn't rest assured, that **** old witch, he really wanted to kill her, but now he didn't have that ability.

Looking down, looking at Su Qu and Su Qi. "Qier, Lier, the two of you brothers will go down and rest first! The war tribe today will certainly be very hurt, and they will not move for the time being."

Su Qi looked up at Ye Qinghan and shook her head resolutely.

"No, I have to accompany my mother. If my mother wakes up and sees me and my brother, I will be worried."

Su Qu did not speak, the same thought.

He Yunting looked like the two of them, with a distressed expression on his face.

In the past, Momo kept sick Xiner all night, but now it's the other way around.

"Let's go! Let's go out first."

He knew Su Li and Su Qi's stubbornness. Momo was the heaven of their brothers. The two brothers will now stay here until Momo and Yunxuan wake up.

Ye Qinghan and Nian Feiyu followed He Yunting out.

It was completely dark, and it was dull and breathless.

When he arrived at the courtyard, He Yunting looked at Ye Qinghan and asked, "What's going on? With such a loud noise, why didn't the senior who trained as a high-strength come out to help?"

Ye Qinghan's eyes flashed a little suspiciously quickly.

"After the accident, I also asked Liu Yue to send someone to see it, and said that I was out, not in the village."

Ye Qinghan was very surprised, and suddenly thought of those withered wings.

"By the way, I was very close to the Rosewing Wreath at that time. At that time, I noticed that several Rosewings were cut off by black mystery, and the fracture was black. I remember the mystery at that time was golden It should be the twelve bronze men of Geng Leyu. I suspect that someone attacked Momo, and Momo fell before He Lanjun. "

Ye Qinghan expressed his doubts.

Nian Fei heard it and walked in front of them.

"The wound on Momo was stabbed with a mysterious gas from behind. The other person seemed to put her to death. Maybe the height of the two of them was different, or the wings of the rose were blocking the view. The mysterious energy passed through her shoulders, so she did not hurt the fatal place and escaped. "

"It seems that when Momo wakes up, you must look up this matter."

He Yunting sighed. "By the way, how are the two of the Yueyue clan?"

"What else? Coma doesn't wake up." Ye Qinghan replied weakly.

"I'm really afraid that the two of them would wake up and suddenly draw the horns like today?"

Ye Qinghan shook his head, "I'll see if Shao Feng has woke up, Yun Ting, you're busy!"

Ye Qinghan strode away.

Nian Fei raised his eyes, pursed his lips, and said, "Mo Mo has the treatment of Rosemary Wing, and nothing will happen. You don't have to worry too much."

He Yunting looked at her and suddenly smiled softly.

"I know that she has always been lucky. I just feel bad for her. He is like my own sister in my heart. Seeing her hurt, I feel very sad. I often make fun of her. When I go back to Beijing, I come to find the crime Yes, but looking back, everything that should happen will happen, and she can't avoid it. "

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