Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Chapter 1590: : I know what I'm doing

Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

Ningxiang immediately felt terrible and extremely frustrated. As a peak repair of the Xuan Soul Stage, she couldn't help but have some breathing difficulties, as if pressed by a huge boulder, and her movements were a bit slow.

"So powerful repair!"

Ningxiang's face changed suddenly, and she slowly wanted to take back her cultivation.

I saw Mu Yunxuan smiled coldly, and her cold eyes were full of coldness, and it was filled with words that I didn't want to let her go so easily.

Ningxiang felt the danger, and the sense of crisis made her want to move away from the danger.

Suddenly, with a bang, Ning Xiang's body flew out like a kite with a broken line.

"Uh-huh!" After the painful voice of Ningxiang, a gush of blood spewed out, and her white dress became instantly gorgeous and flowery.

Mo Bai's body flashed quickly, lifting Ningxiang.

Mo Bai looked at Mu Yunxuan, a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Mu Yunxuan's goal wasn't him. Naturally, he wouldn't make a shot. Only then did she fight with Ningxiang and hurt her, just to let her know what it means to be uncontrollable.

"Master, I bought breakfast." Jinlong immediately fell beside Mu Yunxuan.

"Huh!" Mu Yunxuan nodded, not even looking at Ningxiang, and turned into the ring of space.

When Ningxiang looked, her face was overshadowed, and two lines of tears shed silently.

"Ningxiang, what's going on with you? You know that Mu Yunxuan only has Su Zimo in his eyes, why do you do this?"

Mo Bai looked at her with an expression of hatred.

"You walk away, you are not me, how can you understand my mood, how can you know how I feel in the world, in the Xanadu Garden, there has never been a charming man like Mu Yunxuan."

Ningxiang quickly wiped the tears on her face. This is not her. She is not such a useless person who can only wipe her tears.

"Ningxiang, when will you be so obsessed with it?"

Mo Bai shook her body vigorously, and looked at her with painful eyes. Ningxiang was a spoiled child from an early age. If she couldn't get anything, she would definitely try to get it.

"Huh!" Ning Xiang quickly pushed him away, stood up and looked at Mo Bai coldly, stepped back, and said coldly: "I have no obsession, I know what I am doing?"

After speaking, Ningxiang left quickly, Mo Bai was not at ease, followed quickly.

Mu Yunxuan's space ring.

"Mo, get up for breakfast."

Mu Yunxuan placed the dishes in his hands one by one on the table.

The bursts of meat scent made Su Zimo slam up.

But her body was sore that she wanted to cry, and she had to say that Yun Xuan was really able to toss.

Mu Yunxuan walked over, hugged her, and walked to the hot spring behind.

"Mo Er, take a hot spring and you will feel better."

Su Zimo's eyebrows were silky, and he gave him an angry look.

"Mo Er, you're seducing me again." There was a weird smile at the corner of his mouth.

Su Zimo was so speechless. Did she write seduce on her face?

He smiled wickedly and dazzled, why should she seduce him?

After bathing, Su Zimo returned to the table.

Seeing a table full of delicious food, she loved Mu Yunxuan at this moment.

"Why did you get so much delicious in such a short time?"

Su Zimo ate a few slices of her favorite beef cold slices.

"Huh, huh!" Su Zimo nodded constantly, "It's really delicious!"

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