Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"I asked Jinlong to buy everything you like."

Mu Yunxuan picked up chopsticks and gave her a lot of dishes.

"My bowl is almost piled up into a hill, you are going to eat it." Su Zimo looked at her bowl full of vegetables, and she could not eat rice anymore.

Mu Yunxuan smiled warmly, and then she ate gracefully. The movement of the party was extremely elegant!

"But nothing likes you."

Su Zimo gave him a grateful glance. His petting of himself surpassed her imagination, and also made her as a woman, her vanity was greatly satisfied.

"I like it as long as you like it." Mu Yunxuan's eyes were full of petting, he just wanted to give her the best.

Su Zimo's heart was warm, and his eyes gently looked at him: "You're called Aiwu and Wu, thank you, Yunxuan, love me so much!"

When Mu Yunxuan heard it, she smiled brightly, "Thank you, Mo Er, for loving me so much."

These words, if before, he would certainly not be able to say, but in the face of her beloved, he did not seem so difficult!

A rich breakfast became Su Zimo's hearty and spicy chicken heart package, all the unhappy moments of Su Zimo were swept away.

Mu Yunxuan took a look and later found a way to make her happy.

After half an hour, the two appeared in the psychedelic forest.

"Yunxuan, it's the fourth day after today. I don't know what else we will meet? If we can find two treasures for Lier and Xiner, the three of them will be very happy."

"There are five days left, and these five days will be found."

Mu Yunxuan took her hand and smiled softly, which was exactly what he meant.

"Help! Help!" Not far away, there was a voice calling for help.

Su Zimo looked forward. Not far away, a woman flew over to them.

From time to time, he looked back in horror.

Behind her, towering ancient trees are falling down to both sides at high speed.

Suddenly, Su Zimo could clearly see the appearance of Warcraft. It was a huge colorful nose with a long nose like Warcraft, and it was a super-beastly evil Warcraft.

Su Zimo looked at it with a disgust, and he could encounter evil Warcraft wherever he went.

"Yunxuan, do you still need to practice?"

The woman was getting closer and Su Zimo suddenly realized that she was the green noble man and the cloud around Jun Lintian.

"Mo Er, I spent a lot of energy for my husband last night, and now I don't have the energy, it is better to let Mo Er practice his hands."

Mu Yunxuan looked at her with an ambiguous smile, knowing that she hated Warcraft and said so intentionally.

"Go! My mother never practiced evil with Warcraft."

How much she hates Warcraft, only she knows better.

Lvyun seemed to know that Su Zimo would save her beforehand, flickering in the air and flying towards Su Zimo.

Mu Yunxuan looked up, suddenly raised his hand, and slammed out with a single palm. The target was in the center of Lu Yun's chest, Lu Yun flew to the other side quickly.

If it wasn't for the mercy of his men and the momentum of the woman's rushing forward, if this palm hits, the opponent will be injured if he dies.

But apparently, Mu Yunxuan just let her body stop in the air. With the lesson from the previous car, he would not let people with unknown origins approach Moer.

"Bang!" Lu Yun's figure fell to the ground not far away.

She grimaced with pain, she always knew that Mu Yunxuan was ruthless, never expecting it would be so ruthless!

Suddenly, a more terrifying momentum suddenly rolled around the world.

Suddenly, Lu Yun only felt scalp numbness, and she was at the foot of Evil Warcraft.

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