Biquge, the latest update of the underworld marriage, the abandoned wife's mother's family has the latest chapter of the three treasures!

"Help, save me!" Lvyun looked at Su Zimo begging.

She didn't want to die. She managed to get to this point today, and she must not die in this forest of Warcraft.

Su Zimo shook his head, Yunxuan really had no pity for Xiangxiyu.

She quickly shot and saved Lu Yun from the evil WoW's feet. This woman looks like her. Although I don't know if it was deliberately designed, she still has to have her heart.

She did not put her beside her, but in a safe place.

Suddenly raised his eyes, Su Zimo's eyes flashed doubt.

On their heads, two blood bats, Evil Warcraft, were chasing Jun Lintian and Tao Zixu.

"No, aren't they? The couple and the three are so lucky! They both started working with the demon **. Why are they running from us?"

Su Zimo's brows frowned tightly. If she was a beast, she would have already started.

Watching the evil Warcraft getting closer to them, Mu Yunxuan quickly shot.

The supernatural beast period of evil Warcraft and the mysterious soul peak pinnacle generated by the mysterious energy flashed between the surrounding tens of miles, everything within a radius of ten feet was affected.


As if the earth had cracked.

Invisible flashes of black light flashed around.

The three evil heads of Warcraft were the first to be hit by the horror.


The colorful proboscis Elephant Warcraft was smashed out by Mu Yunxuan's terrible momentum, and flung to the big tree behind.

Mu Yunxuan's footwork, strange body, instantly moved to the face of evil Warcraft.

Su Zimo's eyes widened when she looked at them.

"Roar!" The multi-colored long nose, like the evil nose of Warcraft, rolled up a tree next to Mu Yunxuan.

I saw a black afterglow in the air, flashing in the air, flying in the wind!

"Bang!" The big tree smashed in front of Su Zimo.

Mu Yunxuan saw, the cold light flashed in his eyes, and he saw the direction of an evil Warcraft attack. The ghost sword in his hand suddenly appeared, and his shape rushed toward the evil Warcraft like lightning in the air.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared on the head of the multi-colored long-nosed elephant, with his sword in his hand and falling, stabbed firmly at the key point of the ghost sword.

The head is generally a dead point of evil Warcraft, and it will die immediately.

The so-called dead acupuncture point, which is two-thirds of the place under the head and neck, is where the dead acupuncture point of Warcraft is located, and its only key point.

"His ........."

Mu Yunxuan cut open the head of the evil Warcraft, and a dark green spar appeared in his hand.

"Bang!" The huge body fell to the ground, shaking the mountain instantly.

At the same time, the dark green brain was mixed with the red blood and spurted out.

The colorful long nose was like Evil Warcraft and he unexpectedly stripped his head.

And it was a hit. Mu Yunxuan's figure flickered, returned to Su Zimo's side, and saw the big tree almost hit her, he instantly became cold and looked at her nervously.

"Not hurt?"

Su Zimo looked at him cheerfully, "Do you treat me as a porcelain doll?"

At this moment, Tao Zixuan's painful cry came from her head. Obviously, her cultivation was unable to deal with the super-beastly evil Warcraft.

Immediately afterwards, Jun Lintian killed the blood bat Warcraft in front of him, and the body of the blood bat evil Warcraft suddenly fell to the ground, splashing with grass dust.

Jun Lintian saw Su Zimo looking at her with joy.

"Mo, it's great that you're fine."

Mu Yunxuan frowned and looked at him, "There is nothing wrong with this seat beside Mo Er."

"Ah ...!" A painful scream accompanied the struggle!

The rain-like blood rain accompanied the fragments of clothes flying slowly in the air, and Tao Zixu was blurred by a piece of flesh.

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